Chapter 283 Selection (Part )

There were a lot of dried shrimps and mushrooms in the condiment section, and she planned to make Yong Tau Foo.

Fry the shrimp skin over low heat until crispy, then use a stone pestle to grind into shrimp powder in a stone mortar.

Chop the pork and fish into minced meat, mix in the egg white, add the chopped mushrooms and shrimp powder, and season with salt, oil, and pepper.

Dig out the holes in the tofu, stuff the flavored meat filling inside, and fry over low heat until both sides are golden brown.

Take another casserole, add oil and sauté ginger slices and garlic sprouts until fragrant, add stuffed tofu, add chicken juice and bring to a boil.

After cooking, add gravy (put some soy sauce in the gravy), sprinkle with chopped green onions and simmer for a while.

Even though the Yong Tau Foo has absorbed the chicken broth, the outer skin is still solid and golden in color, and the inside is as tender as gelatin. When you bite it gently, the aroma immediately overflows, and the aroma lingers in your teeth after swallowing.

The fifth prince who ate the Yong Tau Foo narrowed his eyes with joy and pointed at the casserole, indicating that he wanted another piece!
There were more than 50 dishes and 30 pasta dishes. Even if they only had one bite of each dish, the jury would be full.

Princess Jingyao burped delicately: "Mother, this review is very suitable for Yaoyao. It would be better if we do the review once a month!"

The fifth prince nodded repeatedly. His belly was bulging. The food in the palace was not as good as today's.

These words made Empress Gao laugh.

Those who didn’t know, thought they didn’t have enough food to eat at home!
These two children are typical of other people's food and like other people's food.

After the lunch break, there is the final written test.

There are two questions in the written test. One is self-introduction, which requires a detailed description of the dishes you are good at.

Question 2: If you were hired as a tutor at a culinary school, how would you carry out your work?
Everyone didn't expect that there were also written test questions. Since they all require literacy, let's take the on-site test.

Mi's calligraphy is very ordinary, after all, he only started learning it after getting married.

However, she wrote very seriously, stroke by stroke. The stricter the requirements, the harder the job was.

Yao's one-stroke regular script writing is very unique. When Daxia women first learned calligraphy, most of them practiced hairpin small regular script.

Yao's father, who writes regular script, is well-known in the local area.

Her brothers and sisters have always had Lin's father's copybooks since they were little.

Unexpectedly, she would one day be able to stand out from the crowd of competitors with a good calligraphy.

Queen Gao read Yao's answers and praised them repeatedly, "good words!"

As expected, both Mi and Yao made it to the end and were successfully admitted to the Women's Culinary Academy.

The results of the assessment were announced on the same day.

Cuihua also comforted the thirty or so people who were not selected:
"You are all selected by the prefects from all over the country to come to the capital. The two-day assessment also proves your excellence. Unfortunately, our enrollment quota this year is limited. However, I can make a promise here that the college will definitely recruit more students. Prioritize everyone.”

The loser: Let’s go back and practice more, there is still hope!

Having just accepted so many disciples, the design and arrangement of the courses required Cuihua to spend a lot of time and energy in the academy.

A woman who is busy with her career has no time to care about men and children.

Yuan Wenjie frowned when he saw that his father had been writing thick letters to their mother every day for the past few days. He asked in confusion: "Dad, where do you send your letters to your mother every day?"

Hei Wa glared: "I have a special box to put letters to your mother. Speaking of which, do you think dad won't punish you? From today on, you two brothers will have to Write a five-hundred-word letter to your mother or brothers and return it to your father!"

"Ah? How can we have so much to write!" Yuan Wenwu wailed. He didn't know if their mother had forgiven them after receiving the letter of apology. She still had to write letters home every day, crying.

Although Yuan Wenjie felt that his father's punishment was not too severe, their daily experiences on the sea were lackluster, so they couldn't write about fake people and fake things, right? Hei Wa didn't see his wife replying to her in the past few days. He didn't know what she was busy with or encountered any difficulties. He was worried about her, and the brat even bumped into the muzzle of the gun.

After sailing on the sea for a long time, the beautiful sea view will become boring.

In addition to the staple food, everyone is keen on sea fishing.

By now, they are almost vomiting from eating no matter how big the fish or shrimp is.

Steaming, boiling, stewing fish, baking with salt, stir-frying, all the methods that the Huotou Army knew were what Cuihua taught them back then.

The chefs of Zhongqinbo Mansion can only mix and match bacon and seafood at best.

Fortunately, all the cabbage they planted on their ship has grown, and they can thin out the seedlings and eat cabbage soup.

Bean sprouts are more popular than fish and shrimp when eaten cold.

Master Yan works hard and attends classes every day. Qin Ke is his focus.

Lu Shaoting, Han Kuangyuan, Miao Shujian, and Pei Jiesun were reduced to being classmates with three young men who were several years younger than them.

They couldn't even cry. They finally ran out of the Imperial Academy. Aren't they just impatient to go to class?
They were all overseas, but Master Yan still hadn't let them go.

And the most amazing thing is that Master Yan actually has an imperial edict to teach a few of them. Who dares not to listen?
Having the opportunity to interact with his sons' husbands every day, Hei Wa seized every opportunity to communicate with Master Yan and try to understand the progress of his sons' homework.

The Yuan Wenjie brothers, who were used to being fed, felt that this taste was not ordinary sour and refreshing.

After sailing for more than three months, everyone changed into summer clothes.

The weather has also gotten hotter, and there can be heavy rains from time to time.

Hei Wa finally learned from the letter what his wife had done.

I'm amazed, this is really the ancient version of New Oriental!

However, it is really suitable for his wife to do.

On this day, the sky and sea were covered with dark clouds.

Officials from the Qintian Prison signaled on the observation boat that there was a thunderstorm and asked everyone to be careful.

"Put on your life jackets, Master Yan, Lu Shaoting, Han Kuangyuan, Miao Shujian, and Pei Jiesun! Especially those of you who are not good at water, don't be careless!"

Hei Wa called the names one by one. These arrogant guys were actually landlubbers before.

I have only learned how to swim in the past few months. I don’t know where I got the courage to go out to sea even if I don’t know how to swim.

Originally, they all thought that it would be a heavier rainstorm at most.

Unexpectedly, what awaited them was a heavy rainstorm and tornado.

"Ah, uncle, look, what is that?" someone exclaimed.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and after a while, funnel-shaped black clouds appeared on the clouds.

And it connects with the sea surface, forming a huge waterspout.

Four waterspouts sucked up huge water columns that connected with the sky.

The boat was shaking so hard that everyone wore life jackets and hid in the cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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