The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 290 The Magical Uses of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

Chapter 290 The Magical Uses of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

Seeing Uncle Zhongqin and General Gao were alarmed!
Qin Ke quickly helped translate, and cleverly asked his brothers to run to the Shangguan Imperial Physician.

"Carry them in, carry them in, it's so cold on the ground. Give these babies to Shangguan Imperial Physician and the others." Hei Wa immediately made arrangements. With the Imperial Physician here, he can't just ignore death.

Qin Ke quickly called the natives up and kept comforting them, "Leave it to our imperial doctor, he is very powerful!"

The powerful Shangguan imperial physician was forced to go to business as soon as he got up.

He carefully checked the conditions of the three boys, especially their bulging bellies, and frowned when his pulse was checked.

The number continued for a quarter of an hour, still deep in thought alone.

"Mr. Shangguan, what's wrong with these children?" Qin Ke was the one who couldn't keep his temper. Besides, the natives were looking at him eagerly, so he had to help build the bridge.

"Well, the "Huangdi Neijing" "Lingshu·Jue Disease" chapter says: "There are insect pits and glue walls in the intestines,... heart and intestine pain, pain in the abdomen, swelling and accumulation, going up and down, pain that stops, abdominal heat and thirst. The saliva coming out is the dragon wall. "

"Ah, are there worms in their stomachs?" Qin Ke felt his skin crawling when he heard this.

It’s unimaginable that these children’s bulging bellies are filled with worms!

He felt like he shouldn't have to eat his breakfast, it was too disgusting.

"Shangguan Imperial Physician, how do you cure this bug?" Qin Ke felt that the imperial physician from the palace would not be unable to cure this disease, so he asked without any psychological burden.

"Simple, take half a tael of Sichuan peppercorns, grind the Sichuan peppercorns into fine powder and set aside. Take rice and cook porridge. When the porridge is cooked, add Sichuan peppercorn powder and boil it for one or two times. Take 1-2 doses a day. Children generally take medicine. The abdominal pain stopped after a quarter of an hour, and then I had a bowel movement and passed out the worms.”

Doctor Shangguan responded very carefully and asked people to quickly get peppercorns. Uncle Zhongqin who came from Shu brought a lot of this seasoning.

It took only two quarters of an hour for the three screaming aboriginal children to drink pepper rice porridge.

Just as the Shangguan imperial doctor said, within half an hour of drinking, the naked guys stopped howling.

He even told his family with a smile that the soup was delicious.

The eyes of the natives were full of gratitude. They were indeed messengers sent by the gods. After taking a bowl of medicine, their stomach pain disappeared and they knelt down to the Shangguan imperial doctor again.

Wait until the three little guys pulled out a bunch of roundworms.

But no one who saw it could eat breakfast.

Not only was Qin Ke unable to eat, he also vomited so much that bile came out.

"Hahahahahaha. Fourth brother, just help with the translation. Who asked you to see shit? You are doing it yourself, hahaha."

Yuan Wenwu laughed so much that he hiccupped. Looking at the weak Qin Ke, he burst into laughter again.

The legend of the divine elixir spread by the messenger of the gods immediately spread throughout the island, and eight out of ten of their children had roundworms in their bellies.

Especially the fathers of the three children told everyone how long the worms their sons pulled out were, how long they were still alive, and how they were.

The Shangguan Imperial Physician was pushed by the natives to the same position as Zhongqinbo, the chief messenger of the gods.

The chief asked his 100-person bird-catching team to catch more than 1,000 birds in three days. He sewed a bird feather cloak overnight and presented it to the Shangguan imperial physician.

A big pot of pepper rice porridge is cooked every day in the camp, so all the kids who often have stomachaches can drink it!

Not to mention, the effect is not average!
Gao Huaiyu took advantage of the fact that their group's reputation on the island was at its peak, and turned this group of islands upside down.

There really is no gold mine!
Other tribes are poorer than this island, and the only harvest is emeralds.

The market price cannot yet be determined, and everyone has no idea.

However, during the logging process, the craftsmen discovered that there was a lot of sandalwood growing on another large island.

The smallest ones are as big as bowls and lush.

"Uncle, we can't take away these sandalwood trees whole, right? It would be easier to make them into spices, but we don't know how to do it!"

Gao Huaiyu felt that being unable to take away the treasure was the biggest punishment for them. Hei Wa didn't know how to make sandalwood. They called the big shipbuilder and asked him if he had any suggestions. The big shipbuilder scratched his head:

"This wood is the best for making furniture. It smells good and is ant-proof. But we don't know how to make fine furniture, so we might as well make it into a big box. We can also take out the wood from the box and make furniture when we go back."

The Big Three felt that this was the only way to go, and planned to build hundreds of large boxes, and put all the treasures they exchanged in the future into these large boxes.

Using the same technique, the felled sandalwood was peeled, smoked and dried into wood, which was then made into a large box of crude benzene.

The box is so big that it requires two people to lift it, and an adult can squat inside it.

The craftsmen felt heartbroken when they saw these precious woods being treated so simply and roughly.

But they were too pressed for time and couldn't wait for the wood to dry naturally.

Because making the box was delayed for another month, if they didn't leave, the natives would probably cry.

The taro crops are almost hollowed out by them, and they have to go further for fishing.

"Finally left!"

"Ah, Dad, I can't bear to part with you. These natives are actually quite honest and honest. It's a good idea to lie to them!"

"That is to say, if they meet us Daxia people, if they meet other careerists, they will be in trouble!"

"Go back, go back!"

The chief wore his most gorgeous feather cloak and kept waving to everyone.

The messenger of God is about to return to God!
They are really good people!

God bless us!

The sailors who got on the boat shouted loudly, and the people on the shore responded.

Turning around, I felt the joy of a new journey again.

A total of more than three months were spent on this island.

If it weren't for this tornado, they might all be able to return.

Don't worry about the brothers laughing if you say it. They haven't reached the destination of their trip yet.

Set sail again.

Smooth sailing!

However, after only twenty days of sailing, the first observation ship sent good news.

"Uncle, Lord Shangshu, there is land ahead, and it is very big. Have we arrived?"

Yuan Wenjie, Yuan Wenwu and others exclaimed: "Ah, ah, we are here! We are here!"

Hei Wa was also very excited, and her heart was racing: South America! Hei is here!

Dali Village is a prosperous scene.

"The broad beans and peppers are growing well this year, and so is the wheat!"

Cuihua took a break from her busy schedule and came to Dali Village to see her parents and crops.

Without the scourge of locusts, they can make more doubanjiang this year.

Butler Li smiled broadly: "This is a good harvest year!"

Zhang spent the first half of the year hatching chickens and ducks, but stopped when the weather got hotter.

(End of this chapter)

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