The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 305 The big iron pot is a generous gift

Chapter 305 The big iron pot is a generous gift
Once the new world is opened, children are like wild horses that have escaped the reins.

I spent seven whole days eating and drinking with them.

It wasn't until Chief Amu sent someone to find him that Amanlin reluctantly left.

The teenagers who had regarded Amanlin as his follower brought out the iron pot that had been prepared for Amanlin for a long time when he returned home.

Knowing that he cared about their salt, he used a big jar to fill Amanlin with twenty kilograms of salt.

It was specially modified for Amanlin, and the clothes, pants and shoes were all ready.

The child finally put on the first clothes, the first pair of pants, and the first pair of shoes in his life.

I cherish it so much that I am afraid of stepping in the mud.

Hei Wa also gave him a bow and arrows and a hundred arrow feathers, but the bow and arrows were a little shorter than his stature, and he couldn't draw them at all.

Qin Ke demonstrated it to him, and Amanlin decided to take it back and let the tallest and strongest hunter in the tribe use it.

Amanlin returned home and was surrounded by his family.

Everyone touched his clothes and pulled his pants, making him angry and making constant warning sounds.

"What kind of leather is this made of?"

"Brother, brother, what are you wearing on these feet? Can you put them on for me?"

"No, no, my friends gave this to me! Your feet are bigger than mine, so you can't wear them!"

"We can wear this leather skirt!"

"Ah! Ah! I won't wear it for you, this is mine, this is mine!"


The brothers spared no effort in teasing their younger brother, which made Aman jump in anger.

The big iron pot and salt were immediately taken over by the eldest lady. This was the first time they had seen such a big pot.

Amanlin quickly explained to his mother:
"This is for cooking broth. It's much easier to use than our stone pot. Just two pieces of firewood can boil the soup! Mom, this salt is also good, it's not bitter at all!"

"My son is so capable. These guests like you and give you such expensive gifts!" The eldest lady praised Amanlin again and again, making her brothers jealous.

Besides prey, isn't the most precious thing in the tribe the salt? !

But who can be as smart and lovable as his younger brother?
Chief Amu looked carefully at the bow his son had brought back. After Amanlin indicated the distance of the shot, he fell into deep thought.

They also have bows and arrows, and they use wooden arrowheads.

He touched his son's arrowheads again and again. They were very hard, probably harder than the teeth of beasts.

If these are used for hunting, where can the prey escape?
But what if it was used to shoot someone?
No one can stop these weapons!

Including the knife that the leader gave him last time, he has been using it to cut the skin and flesh of prey these days, it is so sharp that it can cut through the bones!

Chief Amu's heart was already in his throat as he thought about the destructive power of these outsiders.
"Father, my friends are all good people!" Amanlin could see his father's worry.
But he had an extraordinary intuition that this group of people would not harm him or his tribe.

Chief Amu didn't know how to express his concerns to his son. The child thought too little.

“Father, the boats our friends are traveling on are as high as the cliffs, and there are more than the beasts in the jungle!
Their food is more delicious than any of our food, and it comes in very, very beautiful jars.

In addition to these, they had bows and knives that we had never seen before, and they killed many crocodiles in the lake!
This is a great group of friends, there are more of them than our entire tribe.

If he wanted to harm our people, we would have been killed just like those crocodiles."

Chief Amu listened to his son's detailed account. He felt confused about what he had seen and heard these days and what he had neither heard nor seen.

Yuan Wenjie and the others brought over a hundred pictures that day. He was left in the jungle tribe.

Not only was Chief Amu surprised when he saw such a picture, but the elders also found it very magical after reading it.

You can see it from the characters and scenery in the painting.

This is a tribe that is very far away from them and should be very wealthy.

The food, clothing, housing and transportation of these people are hundreds of times better than theirs.

A native of the jungle tribe, even the forty-eight-year-old clan elder has never seen such a scene in his life.

Since his son was so sure that his friends would not harm the tribe, Chief Amu felt relieved for the time being.

That night, more than ten pheasants were cooked in the big iron pot.

The chicken was stewed with less than half the firewood and half the time than before.

The eldest lady dug a large spoonful of salt from the jar herself.

His family couldn't keep the salt to themselves, they had to share some of it with other families in the tribe.

"Suck, suck." Chief Amu was the first to eat meat and drink soup.

There were no chopsticks or bowls. They used some shells and conchs picked up from the beach to serve the soup.

"This pot is so easy to use!" All the family members exclaimed.

With a big pot of soup, most of their family can share a bite!
Amanlin, who was given a large chicken drumstick, discussed with Chief Amu while chewing the drumstick:
"Father, our friends will stay with us for a while, and they want to go there. Can I go with them?"

"What do we want you to do together?"

"They don't know people from other tribes. I can help them spread the word. Now I can understand all the paintings my friends draw. My friends all praise me for my awesomeness!"

Amanlin, you really didn't spend these seven days and nights in vain.

Not only can he understand the expressions in Yuan Wenjie's pictures, but he can also distinguish simple Daxia dialect, but he can't speak it at all.

"Son, you can go if you want." Chief Amu's mind was not complicated.

When the men in the tribe grow up, they all go out hunting and look for new hunting grounds.

His brightest son seemed to have found a better way.

He was also curious as to what the purpose of this group of people who were obviously wealthier than them was staying here.
In the base camp, Huang Shangshu became the official in charge.

The sailors are still setting up tents, and at least two-thirds of the people need to live in tents by the lake.

Two pairs of alpacas also lived in the sheepfold built for them. The poor alpacas had never traveled such a long sea route.

If Hei Wa's space water hadn't been hanging on them, he would have died long ago.

After moving to land, their spirits improved a lot.

Dried corn, hay, and peanuts were their staple food on the road. After eating fresh leaves, their appetite improved a lot.

Since he planned to walk around, Gao Huaiyu and his men drove all the horses off the horse boat.

These horses, like the alpacas, soon regained their composure when they arrived in the jungle, and were very energetic eating fresh grass.

However, there are only about a hundred horses left.

(End of this chapter)

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