Chapter 308 Gold Rush
After seeing the tooth marks he left, he went crazy with joy and pinched his thigh hard.

"Uncle, this, this is not a dream, is it? Gold, gold!" There was a tremor in his voice, obviously he still didn't believe what he saw.

Hei Wa quickly expressed his surprise: "Oh, I never expected it. I just wanted to make a few earthen bowls, but I can still find gold. General, we are rich!"

"Didn't you get rich? Damn it, this is real gold, you got it for free!"

Although Gao Huaiyu is not someone who values ​​money, he knows that Daxia’s treasury is not rich!
How many great things can a shipload of gold bring back the Xia Dynasty?
"General, don't yell. We can only keep silent about this matter and make a fortune. The ship merchants are not stupid!"

Hei Wa heard Gao Huaiyu's voice rising a lot, so he quickly pulled his sleeve and persuaded him to keep a low profile.

"Yes, yes, but we can't leak this news, and we can't let it be snatched away by the gang of ship dealers. Let's look around quietly and carefully. There is such a big piece of river sand, I will go and beat it! "

Every hair on Gao Huaiyu's body was beating with joy.

This was more exciting to him than the thousands of kilograms of gold he could exchange for in the Inca Empire. What a big deal without capital!

After the two were ecstatic, they finally calmed down and went to the beach together.

The soldiers were as excited as chicken blood.

All the sieves have been used, and there are still people who want to cut down the vines to continue weaving sieves.

Gao Huaiyu lectured the soldiers:
"Everyone, please give me a whisper, do you hear me? Don't be greedy for the gold in the sand. This is going nowhere. Maybe there is gold everywhere here. How can I get away from your benefits? Leave it all to me. Be smart!"

"General, don't worry, we all know the rules and we won't hold you back!"

"That's right, that's right, if you let the fool supervise us, we will supervise each other, and we will definitely not act rashly."

Starting from the first piece of gold is like opening the door of luck.

Only one-tenth of the river sand was panned out, and the gold nuggets found weighed dozens of kilograms.

Except for a dozen people who continued to dig mud, the other soldiers ran to fight with the river sand. The dug river sand piled up into a hill.

I dug during the day and couldn't bear to sleep at night, digging out sand with a torch.

But how can this little gold satisfy Uncle Zhongqin?
He and Gao Huaiyu discussed: "General, let's walk upstream along the river and find where the gold comes from!"

"Uncle, I noticed that your mouth looks like it has been opened. We will go wherever you say!"

Gao Huaiyu wished that Hei Wa could be sacrificed. Uncle Zhongqin might not have the Midas touch.

He never imagined that in this backward place where people don't even wear clothes, they could pick up gold casually.

What kind of goods are exchanged for? This is free.

These natives know the magical uses of gold!

What if a bigger gold mine could be found?

Ouch, I dare not think about it!
He asked the fool to return to the military camp quietly, and mobilized two thousand more soldiers in the dark.

Half of them followed them to find gold, and the other half stayed on the river beach to help dig for gold and ensure safety.

Thirty thousand soldiers, without these few people, it is impossible for the ship merchants to find out that they are still obsessed with shipbuilding.

The search for gold did not delay Bo Zhongqin from firing the pottery. The moisture in the embryo was finally dried, and it met the conditions for firing.

Hundreds of embryos were put into the kiln with ease. In order to find dry cow dung, they caused great harm to the bison in the river valley.

The firing only took one day and one night, and then the kiln door was closed to allow the carbon elements to penetrate into the embryo until it cooled.

It takes twenty hours to cool down, and the wait makes A Manlin, a child, scratch his head and ears.

He didn't let go until he saw the pottery taken out from the cooled kiln, holding a large earthen bowl he made himself. It’s the pot again! Another big scapegoat!
This pot was made by himself, and he saw it being burned with his own eyes. It was made of the mud at the bottom of the river.

Can he also learn this craft?
Amanlin really wanted to take Tubo back to the tribe immediately.

The little eyes are full of desire, and they even draw pictures to show that they are willing to trade prey.

But they couldn't do without him as a little translator right now, so Hei Wa had no choice but to promise to give him as much pottery as he wanted after he completed the translation work.

The children were so happy, jumping and making noises, wishing they could set off now.

He understood clearly: these people were curious about the yellow bumps found in the river, and he didn't know what the use of those yellow bumps was?
It’s not surprising that Amanlin had such doubts. Who among these yellow pimple tribes has never seen them?
They are not as hard as rocks, they look dingy, and many of them have holes in them, so they are of no use to them at all.

How could Gao Huaiyu explain the confusion to Amanlin, an indigenous child!
After the black pottery came out of the kiln, he immediately set off with the team.

More than a thousand people walked upstream along the river bank. When there was no road, they had to wade through the water.

Fortunately, the river was not deep, and the deepest part only reached their thighs.

Poor Amanlin, he is short!
In the end, I had to let the fool carry it forward until the river water reached Tianming's thighs, but it could reach above his waist.

They walked very slowly, looking at the cliffs and rocks on the river bank as they walked, and from time to time they used shovels to shovel away the sand to see what was going on.

I often stay for only half a day.

This trip lasted ten days.

"General, uncle, look, there seems to be someone living in the tree in front of you!" There were several scouts at the front of the team. They discovered the strange thing and came to report it immediately.

Everyone in the river raised their heads.

I saw large and small houses like bird's nests on the branches of the big trees on the shore.

Some trees have only one house, and the larger trees have several houses.

Yuan Wenjie and the others all turned their questioning eyes to Amanlin and asked the guide if they had anything.

Amanlin thought for a long time and shook his head, indicating that he did not recognize this tribe.

However, Hei Wa and the others are familiar with each other. When they see a strange tribe, they have to go up and say hello.

They climbed up to the shore with difficulty, each pulling one by one, and finally pulled everyone up the mountain.

Wait for everyone to stand under the tree and stare at the hundreds of tree houses in a daze.

Their houses have very high construction points.

According to visual inspection, the shortest one is about ten meters, and the tallest one is about thirty meters. They are all large and small.

Everyone gasped.

We have to climb up and down every day. What about the elderly and children?

There seemed to be not many people left in the tree house. They had been here for a while, and no one came down to negotiate with them.

Yuan Wenwu patted A Manlin on the shoulder, and the child already understood what he meant.

They began to use their unique friction sound again to greet the owner of this tree house.

Finally, there was a reaction. A head poked out of a tree house, and the same friction sound sounded:

"Which tribe are you from? What are you doing in our Big Tree tribe?"

(End of this chapter)

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