Chapter 322: Weak-armed
Every tribe that had exchanged salt and sweet potatoes boasted of this group of people.

Looking for yellow bumps and small shiny stones is almost a family affair.

If you replace it with salt, it won't go bad no matter how long you leave it.

The chiefs and elders of the tribe had eaten the roots and stems of those rare plants, and they all nodded in agreement to exchange them in large quantities.

It would be even better if you could learn the art of growing these plant rhizomes!

The son of the chief of the jungle tribe said that his tribe has already planted them.

As long as they dig up enough yellow bumps and find enough stones, foreign guests may not be unwilling to teach them how to plant.

At the same time, Heiwa and the others had recognized all the Khoisan tribes in this land.

The names of these tribes are strange and weird, and most of them are named after the unique animals or plants on their territory.

Tribes with large numbers and strong strength basically occupy good geographical locations.

Hunting grounds were a major source of competition among their tribes.

A rough estimate is that there should be at least 200,000 to 300,000 Khoisan people in South Africa today.

Their largest tribe only has more than 10,000 people, and the smallest tribe has only a few hundred people, but no one tribe has the ability to rule everyone.

That’s why it was so brutal a hundred years later. Not only were they driven out and massacred by the Bantu natives who came from the north to occupy the land, they were also trafficked by European colonists.

Hunting and gathering have been their way of life for thousands of years.

Tribes closer to the sea can only use bark to make boats and fish offshore.

The objects in their hands were either stone or wooden, and there was no trace of bronze.

Hei Wa's thoughts were racing: It's no wonder that the colonists from the West were so unscrupulous after arriving on this continent.

The Khoisan people are really defenseless!

No, he couldn't bear the thought of this.


There is no shortage of iron ore here!
"What? Uncle, aren't we here to dig for gold? Why do we need to dig for iron?" Huang Shangshu was confused. There is no shortage of iron in Daxia.

"Huang Shangshu, we may come to this place again in the future. These indigenous people are not strong enough. What if people from other countries come to rob them?

Have you forgotten the evil deeds of the Japanese people? We can't watch them being captured without any help. Daxia is their good friend, so we can't watch our friends suffer, right? "

It was well-founded and reasonable, and Huang Shangshu could not refuse.

When he thought about it, he decided to do it. Uncle Zhongqin, who had just finished the big gathering, led people into the mountain again.

I have to say, South Africa is really a treasure.

After only a few days of surveying, Heiwa and the others found iron ore and coal mines.

The iron ore here is mostly hematite, with high quality, few impurities, good reducing properties and average thermal strength.

Ironmaking also requires a high-temperature furnace. The principle is to use a furnace temperature of 1100 to 1200 degrees to melt the iron ore, and then repeatedly forge it to remove impurities such as carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus.

Building high-temperature furnaces is Heiwa's specialty. Coal is more resistant to burning than wood and has a higher temperature, making it the best fuel for ironmaking.

The most gratifying thing is that the coal seams here are shallow, thick and stable.

Among tens of thousands of people, it is not difficult at all to pick out a few hundred soldiers with some experience in blacksmithing.

The right time, right location, and the right people are all the same!
Uncle Zhongqin asked the sailors to temper the javelins first that can be used for hunting.

This kind of weapon thrown from a distance is similar to the red tassel gun used by his wife.

The dart head is made of iron, and Heiwa chose a tapered head, which is set on the gun shaft, which is usually made of hardwood.

The overall length is about 1.2-1.5 meters, thick in the middle and thin at both ends. It weighs 4-5 kilograms and has a range of 20 to 60 meters. As long as you practice your aim well, you can kill ordinary prey, even humans, with one hit as long as you throw it with sufficient force and accuracy.

In addition to javelins, knives are also indispensable.

The long machete can be used to chop down trees and firewood, the ax can easily break the hardest bones of prey, and the kitchen knife can be used to cut meat and various roots very smoothly.

When there is no fighting, the knives are used as tools. Once they are attacked by foreign tribes, these can be used as murder weapons.

From gathering to farming, hoes, shovels, and sickles are definitely indispensable.

Of course, with these tools, the natives could dig out more gold nuggets.

Zhongqinbo’s principle is: win-win is win-win!

Iron also has a very important use, casting large iron pots.

A large iron pot that can cook dozens of people's meat at a time is worth owning.

In addition to boiling salt, the camp began to make clanging noises, and the high-temperature calcining furnace never rested.

As a transit station for them to exchange salt, the jungle tribes were eligible to be the first users of these iron tools.

Chief Amu received Heiwa's invitation.

He has now also been influenced by Amanlin and has become a die-hard fan of Daxia.

The products produced by Daxia are all high-quality products.

The sailors are practicing throwing javelins, which is new and practical for them. Each man has one gun, and the more the better.

In order to let Chief Amu understand the dominance of Javelin more closely, Heiwa also organized a hunt.

The target was herds of bison and antelope. The navy threw hundreds of javelins in batches one after another, and a large number of prey fell to the ground.

Chief Amu: Who am I? Where am I?
What kind of evil is this? It turns out that our friends can be even more powerful!
Hei Wa asked Qin Ke to translate it well: "Hunting requires such a weapon. Your tribe has very powerful caterpillar venom. If it is applied to the head of this gun, it can kill many large prey."

Amanlin is calmer than Chief Amu. In Amanlin's eyes, the kind of guy who can make smoke and blow off a head with one shot is the most powerful.

Now these javelins are just right for them to use for hunting.

"What can we use in exchange for this weapon?" Chief Amu was most concerned about this.

It is impossible for the great chief of a tribe of ten thousand people to have no ambition. He has countless thoughts in his mind.

"I can give you some hoe and iron pot first."

The picture album I drew in advance was handed to Amanlin.
Mid-spring is the spring sowing season, and the village of Yuan Mansion in Dali Village is busy.

Now, including the land that has been gradually reclaimed from the mountains and forests and subsequently purchased, the Yuan Mansion has more than 5,000 acres of land.

It sounds like a lot, but compared with other noble families, it's not even close.

Wheat, peppers, broad beans, and konjac are still Zhuangzi’s flagship products.

Today's doubanjiang workshop is bigger than the noodle shop.

Qian Alan is now the manager of Doubanjiang Factory, with more than a hundred wives in charge.

Cuihua took her children to participate in spring plowing in Dali Village.

I also made some adjustments to the tasks of the two workshops this year, and I was very busy.

In addition to the Women's Culinary Institute, this month is also the second enrollment, and Cuihua, the mountain leader, is personally involved.

The female students continued to be selected from other shantangs in the capital, and this time two hundred were recruited.

(End of this chapter)

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