The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 325 The output is amazing

Chapter 325 The output is amazing
Hei Wa almost died laughing, he was surprised at how ignorant they were.

After enduring it for a long time, he said:

"This deer only has one horn on its head. This one has three, right? It looks like a kind of deer, a long-necked deer. From now on, we will call it a giraffe. Have you forgotten? There is a one-horned one, and there are rhinos in the lake. Woolen cloth!"

Master Yan was embarrassed. Although he wanted to forcefully pull out the auspiciousness, Uncle Zhongqin refused to cooperate, so he had to give up.

"Hey, that's right. The prey here look really weird. The horses all have white stripes on their bodies, the sheep have long and sharp horns, and the ostrich is really amazing."

Speaking of ostriches, Hei Wa wanted to laugh again.

Huang Shangshu was led astray by him. In addition to checking the account books every day, whenever he found something good, he wanted to lure him back to Daxia.

After the large ostrich returned from the gathering was slaughtered, everyone unanimously recognized the deliciousness of its meat.

He had to watch the dozen or so little ostriches that survived several times a day.

The little guys grew up so fast that the bird pen they built could no longer accommodate more than ten birds.

Ostrich is an omnivorous bird and eats anything. When it comes to their place, it grows several times in one month.

Well, it takes two to three years for them to grow from fledglings to adults.

Huang Shangshu, who has always been obsessed with ostrich meat, is still thinking: It would be great if this could be raised in large quantities like chickens and ducks!
The egg liquid of one ostrich egg can fry a large pot of vegetables. The meat of an adult ostrich weighs about 200 kilograms, which can carry several sheep. It is a good deal!
In addition to the delicious eggs and meat, ostrich skin is also very good. The leather is soft, strong, breathable, and has a wide range of uses.

The patterns carved on the shells of ostrich eggs by the indigenous people are very unique and look great as decorations.

The more I think about it, the better it gets. This ostrich is full of treasures!
"Uncle, let's find a way to transport these wild animals back to Daxia. It's hard to bring big ones, but we can bring some small ones, especially ostriches. The more the merrier!"

Well, nothing can stop Huang Shangshu’s determination to bring goods.

After taking in the giraffes, the base camp received many ostrich eggs one after another, including baby ostriches, baby bison, baby antelopes, baby zebras, and even rabbits.

Anyway, these people, as long as they are alive, they basically want it. The cub is easy to catch!
The alpacas welcomed new brothers and sisters. The soldiers built a long feeding pen with animal troughs and a straw shed on top. They shoveled feces and cleaned them every day.

Qin Ke's little leopard is really like a big cat, and now Qin Ke has no temper at all.

He took his pet with him, looked at the increasing number of animals in the camp, and made suggestions to Heiwa with a smile:
"Uncle, we are used to seeing these and don't think so. If we can take them back and find a yard to raise them, if we want to go in and see them, we can collect money for viewing them. Tsk tsk, business must be very good!"

"Qin Ke, uncle discovered that you are not only very cute, but also very smart!"

"Hehe, just so-so!"

Fortunately, this kid can think of it, can tropical animals be brought to the snowy capital?

Whether they can survive until Daxia is still a question mark.

As long as Heiwa has time, he will give the little guys a large bucket of space water to drink every day, hoping to give them a strong foundation.

Since Gao Huaiyu asked Zhao Tingting to go on duty at the gold mine instead of him, he didn't care.

In the peanut field, these weeds grow much more than the peanuts. Farmers are not that easy to do.

Those old sweet potato vines are really getting older and stronger.

After being re-inserted, it regained new life and continued to grow well in the new wasteland.

Corn grows well in mature fields that have been fertilized.

This time, he secretly smuggled more high-yielding corn seeds into the space.

I just want to give Huang Shangshu a big surprise when the time comes.

"My lord, the third sea-going ship has been completed. Please come on board with me for acceptance!"

Master Cui, the shipwright's master, reported his work to Gao Huaiyu with his head held high.

Not only did they complete the orders from the shipbuilders, they also built three large-scale ships for the imperial navy. If there is enough time, they will have no problem building another one.

With one more ship, they can carry one more shipload of treasures. Now they are worried that there will be too many treasures to transport, and that would be troublesome.

"Master Cui, we trust your craftsmanship. Next, I'm afraid I have to trouble you to continue making it. We'll wait two more months for this batch of grain to be harvested before we can set sail."

"No problem. Although I don't have enough time, I can still meet the deadline!"

Gao Huaiyu thanked him again: "Master Cui, don't worry, we will not treat the masters badly. You captains have worked hard and made great achievements. When you return to China, I will also ask for credit for you in front of His Majesty."

"Hehehe, Commander-in-Chief, you are too polite. This is what we should do. It should be done."

The cave at the bottom of the cliff can hardly hold the gold.

Gao Huaiyu simply arranged for the soldiers to transport it back.

The ship merchants' eyes widened: It turns out that Uncle Uncle and the others can be even less humane! What about shared prosperity?

Even the clan couldn’t help but come and complain:
"I said uncle, you guys are really unreasonable. You have been digging gold mines for so long and you still don't let us have a sip of soup."

Hei Wa's face was serious:

"Whether it's meat or soup, it all belongs to the treasury. We have no right to make decisions for His Majesty and share the meat and soup for everyone. If you have any objections, talk to Your Majesty in person when you return to Daxia!"

Some people become so angry that they say something indiscriminately:

"Huh, don't say it so grandly. I don't believe it. You have nothing to hide!"

"I, my loyal and Qin Bo, dare to swear to God that if I want to lose even half a tael of these golds, the sky will strike like lightning!"

"You" the ancients took their oaths very seriously. To be able to make such a strong oath at this meeting, the clan could not even keep half a sentence.

He didn't believe it, Qing Yi, Qing Er, Gao Huaiyu and Huang Shang wrote letters.

Regarding gold, Huang Shangshu is the accounting clerk at the base camp, and Gao Huaiyu and his navy are guarding the gold mine.

When Uncle Zhongqin goes out, he is followed by the Ouchi guards.

How could he seize those gold and precious stones under the eyes of so many people?

Most importantly, both the discovery of gold and later these diamonds.

They exchanged salt, ironware, and grain with the natives.

Which one was not made by Uncle Zhongqin?

After the ship merchants and the clan recognized the reality, they have already laid down and do whatever they want.

The average temperature here in autumn is about 20 degrees.

Grain grows more than half a month later than in summer.

But, what does this matter?

Their output is still scary enough.

The yield of corn grown in wasteland is 1,500 kilograms per mu;

The potato, which is delicious as both a staple food and a vegetable, can produce more than 2,000 kilograms per acre;
The most exaggerated one is the sweet potato, with a yield of nearly 4,000 kilograms per mu.

Peanuts: The yield per mu is more than 400 kilograms.

(End of this chapter)

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