The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 327 5 heads miss daddy

Chapter 327 Five heads miss their father
For potatoes, all you need to do is wipe off the soil and load them into grain ships.

Eat it as a staple food during the voyage.

In addition to these tasks, they also have to lead the indigenous people from the jungle tribe and the big tree tribe to teach them the crafts of salt and iron several times, and they must teach them thoroughly.

After discussion between Chief Amu and the female chief, they decided that the jungle tribe would focus on learning blacksmithing, while the big tree tribe would focus on learning salt cooking.

Jungle tribes with more men have a strength advantage over tree tribes with more women, whether they are digging coal and iron ore or hammering iron tools.

The female natives are attentive and their skills on the stove are better than those of the men.

Heiwa and the others have no objections. They know how to divide labor and cooperate. The future development and growth of these two tribes is just around the corner.

Everything that needs to be prepared is almost done, and everything that needs to be explained has been explained.

Finally, I looked at the long line of small animals in the camp in a daze, and unknowingly they collected so many.

Two pairs of baby giraffes, more than fifty baby ostriches, eight baby zebras, ten small antelopes, two turtles bigger than pot lids, a pair of lion cubs, and hundreds of hares
Add in the alpacas and their more than 100 horses, and it’s really a head-scratching experience.

Especially giraffes, no matter how small they are, their necks are not short, so they probably have to be kept on the deck!

In the days before parting, Amanlin simply did not return to the tribe.

He sticks to Yuan Wenjie and the others every day.

It was really difficult. It took Amanlin more than half a year to finally learn some simple Daxia Mandarin.

"Thank you, come again!"

"Hey, friend, with you as an old friend here, we will definitely try to come back again in the future!"

In the last ten days, the Jungle Tribe and the Big Tree Tribe used their combined efforts to give them nearly a thousand kilograms of gold.

Amanlin also gave each of his eight friends a palm-sized ostrich skin bag containing diamonds.

For his three favorite friends (Yuan Wenjie, Yuan Wenwu, and Qin Ke), the diamonds are the biggest and most beautiful.

"Uuuuuuuuuu, uncle, I don't want to cry, but my tears don't listen to me!" Qin Ke hugged the pet little leopard and cried like a dog.

"Qin Ke, man, it's not a sin to cry!" Hei Wa originally wanted to make fun of the boy, but as soon as he said these words, he made a group of teenagers cry.

After their ship sailed into the sea, standing on the deck, they could see that the coast was densely populated with natives.

Thousands of people must have come to see them off.

Huang Shangshu was so moved that they left a stone tablet as high as two people in the base camp.

It records their experience of coming here as visitors from the Great Xia Dynasty, as well as the deep friendship they forged with the indigenous people.

The Bactrian Dynasty was the first to discover the South African continent, and brought high-yield crops to the South African continent, as well as friends that allowed them to move from the Stone Age into the Iron Age.

After setting sail again, their fleet was more than a hundred nautical miles away from the coastline and headed northeast.

Capital, Zhongqin Bofu.

"Mom, Mom, I can lift a hundred kilograms of stone. Will dad be back tomorrow?"

"Ah! Xiaowu, are you so powerful? But your father told mother in his dream last night that he might not come back so soon!
Because he has arrived at a good place, there are many treasures there, he has to take the treasures home, dear son, we have to wait. "

Wutou's eyes were hurt, his mother actually didn't mean what she said, wuwu, he was about to cry too:
"Wow wow wow I want my daddy"

People say that when a sensible child is sad, it makes people feel more distressed.

Wutou cried so hard that he closed his eyes, clenched his little fists tightly, and kept stamping his legs on the ground. With this posture, Cuihua was at a loss.

In the end, she had no choice but to pick up Xiao Wu and let his head rest on her neck.

Like holding a little baby, gently pat his back and coax him.

"Mom, Xiaowu really misses his father. Mom knows that you usually give in to your brother. Our Xiaowu doesn't cry easily. This will be really sad.

Mom didn’t expect that our Xiao Wu’s strength would grow so quickly and he would be so capable! Cry, cry, let's have a good cry today, Mom will stay with Xiao Wu. "

After crying for a cup of tea, the little guy still refused to raise his little head.

She sobbed and said, "Mom, dad is still alive, right?"

Cuihua was stunned, "Did Xiaowu listen to someone say something?"

"Yeah, last time I went to grandpa's place, one of my uncles told me that my eldest nephew, that is, my father, had been out at sea for too long, and they wanted to burn incense for their ancestors and ask them to bless their father."

"That's it. It's because my grandpa and his friends are kind-hearted. They are begging our ancestors to bless your father. Your father is very powerful. Uncle Qingyi and Uncle Qinger are so good at martial arts that even your martial arts masters can't beat them. You don't remember. ?”

"Really? Mom, you can't lie to a child."

"No lie, no lie, if you don't believe me, wait until your father comes back and ask him in person."

"Wow! Mom! My brother is already a big baby, and you actually hug him behind my back!"

Liu Tou appeared out of nowhere. As soon as he entered the house, he saw his mother still hugging his brother and coaxing him.

This time it’s crazy!
His brother, who bleeds but does not shed tears, actually competes with him for favor. He is the only one who cries and acts coquettishly in his mother's arms.

Wutou was so embarrassed by his brother's words that he couldn't lift his head and struggled to get off the ground.

Cuihua didn't let him down, she hugged him and sat on the chair.

"Brother misses dad today, Xiaoliu. In the past, when you missed daddy and cried, mother would coax you to do it. Today it's brother's turn."

Liu Tou looked in disbelief and walked around Cuihua until he saw his brother who had not yet raised his head.

Surprised, he asked: "So my brother also cries when he misses his father?"

Cuihua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she hugged him and put him on her other leg:
"My brother usually lets you go, but you are crying. I am too embarrassed to cry with you. I still have to coax you. Today, do you want to help my mother coax my brother?"

Liu Tou was very excited to be entrusted with the important task. He imitated Cuihua's tone: "Xiaowu, Xiaowu, good baby, don't cry, don't cry, mother loves you!"

Cuihua: Where does this treasure come from? This cliff is not caused by me!

Wutou: Why does his brother speak so strangely?

In order to make her son happy, Cuihua took Wutou out alone to relax on their day off.

The mother and son first went to visit her little daughter-in-law, Huniu, who was less than one year old.

This girl was not only fat when she was born.

Now the arms are like lotus joints, one by one, and the face is as round as the full moon.

She is no longer the red baby she was before. Her skin is fair and rosy, and she looks at the green flowers curiously, grinning happily from time to time.

Xiangshi proudly showed off: "My tiger girl has never had a bad time since she was born. She is really easy to raise. I really take advantage of your little boy."

(End of this chapter)

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