The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 339: Vaccine for medical code

Chapter 339: Vaccine for medical code

It is conceivable that the bombshell of small pox vaccinia in Daxia brought great shock to the imperial power and medical community of the Da Shi Empire.

"Dear Caliph, these Eastern Great Xia Dynasty's medical skills are so advanced, we want to go to the Great Xia Dynasty to find out."

Sharif, the forty-year-old court physician, excitedly made a request to the Caliph.

In his eyes, medical skills have no national boundaries, and Eastern medical skills still have many blind spots within their research scope.

How can a person who studies this way tirelessly be willing to do this?
"We must learn how to develop smallpox vaccine!" members of the royal family also spoke out.

In which year did the royal family not have a child die from smallpox?

The ministers said: "The medical classics can be given. It will take decades or hundreds of years for them to study it thoroughly. For now, the most important thing is to prevent smallpox!"

There is no suspense. The incurable diseases that have plagued the Dashi Empire for thousands of years can now be eradicated, and no one will object.

Under the leadership of the imperial doctor Sharif, dozens of outstanding doctors in the empire strongly requested to exchange and learn from the Great Xia Dynasty.

It is different from the master-apprentice teaching system in Daxia.

In a large food empire where doctors are trained through medical schools, hundreds or even thousands of people are qualified as doctors every year.

Caliph Ahma would not refuse to go there for three to five years to exchange and learn the medical skills of the Xia Dynasty.

Your family members are all in Dashi Empire, why are you afraid that they won’t come back?

Hit it off immediately!
This exchange of technology and implantology has also been recorded in the history of the two countries.
Shangguan Imperial Physician and his military medical officers planted more than 30,000 smallpox vaccines on Shield Fish Island.

I never thought that one day I would go abroad to teach this method.

It can be regarded as a highlight moment in the medical field of Daxia.

It doesn't matter if you can't find a cow with pox. When you go to sea, you will take the pox vaccine with you.

They are now grown and made now, and are still used today. The toxicity of these vaccines has become extremely mild.

Hundreds of doctors and pharmacists in the empire studied under Shangguan Imperial Physician.

For twelve hours, I stared at the vaccinated buffalo.
The desert area of ​​the Dashi Empire Peninsula is large, so their agricultural land is mainly concentrated on the southern coast.

Such a small amount of cultivated land forced the cannibals to expand outward.

Hundreds of years ago, they had sold black slaves to grow wheat, rice and other crops for them overseas.

For example, Falklands is one of their more important planting areas.

Zhao Leiting led a dozen navy brothers.

He taught the agricultural officials of the Great Food Empire step by step how to cut potatoes into chunks, wrap them in a layer of plant ash, and bury them in the ground.

As for sweet potatoes, in addition to accelerating germination, they were also taught to cut the growing vines and plant cuttings.

The cultivation of corn is simple and crude.

I only emphasize the two most critical ones: enough base fertilizer and one foot or two between plants.

The Great Xia Dynasty was so generous. Not only did he personally demonstrate all the planting procedures, but he also presented a planting album with pictures and texts.

A big food empire, of course, must reciprocate with courtesy.

By learning the art of glass, you can select talents from the navy.

Now you can go to work in the capital after returning to China. The navy soldiers who signed up should not be too enthusiastic.

The current glass technology in Europe has become increasingly stable, from colored glass to transparent glass.

The porters were big cannibals and quickly learned this technique.

What kind of huge market will there be for transparent glass products in Daxia?
Huang Shangshu has been suffering from insomnia for two nights, smiling obscenely with black eyes.

"Dad, the symbols used by these cannibals to make calculations are also very interesting. Dad, look, this is one, this is two."

Yuan Wenjie looked for his father excitedly.

The eight of them have learned all the food dialects in spoken English.

Now I am coming into contact with Dashi Text. Heiwa: When labor and management use Arabic numerals to learn mathematics, you don’t know where you are. When it comes to Arabic numerals, your father and I can only learn faster than you!
Of course, we still need to encourage children to take the initiative in learning.

When they saw the acne scab being peeled off from the black cow's body, the royal doctor Sharif and his subordinates, more than a hundred doctors from the Great Food Empire, burst into tears.

They looked at Shangguan Imperial Physician with eyes full of admiration.

In the Eastern Great Xia Dynasty, medical skills should not be underestimated!
The team of doctors who want to go to Daxia Dynasty to explore medical skills has increased by many people.

"These vaccines have been used by the Great Xia Dynasty for many years, and their toxicity is very weak. Children aged 3 to 14 years old are vaccinated for the best results."

Pu Tuo swallowed. At such an important moment, he couldn't make a mistake in reading.

"No, no, no, children have the highest mortality rate after being infected with smallpox. We cannot use children for experiments."

Sharif, the royal doctor, shook his head like a rattle.

Although the vaccine was successfully produced, how could they believe it without witnessing the successful planting?

Medicine must speak with facts and strive to be rigorous.

"Only the vaccinator can know better what changes the vaccine has done in the body."

How can a person who explores the structure of the human body let himself go?

Doctors are going to be crazy!
No one was willing to be outdone, and finally after discussion, they unanimously required all doctors to be vaccinated.

Neither death row prisoners nor civilians have any use.

The doctors' pioneering style also convinced Shangguan Imperial Physician and others.

Fortunately, the vaccine remains as stable as ever.

Most doctors only gave me a low-grade fever for one day, and the patients were young and strong, and even had no reaction at all.

It went so smoothly!

After the Shangguan Imperial Physician examined them, he announced that the vaccination was successful.

"Is this a success? We didn't even get acne!"

"Thank God, the area on my arm where I was vaccinated has been red and swollen for several days, and the symptoms of fever and headache have disappeared!"

"It's unbelievable. Who would dare to believe it unless I witnessed it with my own eyes?"

Real gold is not afraid of fire. To verify whether you are truly immune after vaccination, you still need to go through the final hurdle.

Sharif, the royal doctor, took the vaccinated doctors directly to a village in the Dashi Empire where a smallpox outbreak was occurring.

They were to treat smallpox patients in epidemic areas.

Seven days later!
None of the royal physician Sharif or his companions was infected with smallpox.

"Thank God, we really succeeded! Smallpox can really be prevented!"

More than a hundred doctors witnessed the birth of this magical prescription, and you can imagine how excited they were.

News was relayed back to the palace non-stop.

Caliph Ahma and his ministers cheered and paid tribute to this great inventor of medicine.

"The Caliph, the arrogant Europeans, will also ask us to give them the vaccine in the future!"

"No rush, no rush, wait until all people of vaccination age in the empire are vaccinated."

"The expeditionary force should be arranged first!"


Not to mention how excited Caliph Ahma was, the envoys of the Great Xia Dynasty were entertained again.

The standard of this banquet was higher than the banquet they just came to.

(End of this chapter)

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