Chapter 344 Paella

"Chi Liu" Qin Ke sucked his saliva and became greedy when he talked about eating.

"On New Year's Eve, let's destroy the last of uncle's ham, right? It's really troublesome to carry it all the way!"

"I think it's feasible! Seafood is a must too!"

Isn’t it okay to eat early or late? They want to keep it open.

During this period of the Great Food Empire, the cooks of the uncle's house used local materials and basically ate beef and sheep as their main meat every day.

I ate seafood that tasted boring before, but now I can eat it again.

There are no conditions to create conditions!
On New Year's Eve, the Daxia dragon flag was hoisted on all the navy ships.

And all the lights that could be lit in the cabin were lit after dark.

It only took the sea fishing team two hours to harvest a lot.

The head of the palm-sized shrimp was violently decapitated and its threads were pulled out.

From scallops as big as a child's face, meat as big as pigeon eggs is taken out after getting on the boat;

Remove the internal organs and cartilage from the squid, tear off the red skin and cut into thick strips or small pieces;
For sea crabs, only the most meaty parts are taken out.

The ham that Uncle Zhongqin saved to this day was also donated and cut into finger-sized pieces for later use.

Conditions were limited, so I had to use all the condiments available.

Add the olive oil bought at Dashi to the pan, add the onions, garlic, peppers, and ham diced to the pan and stir-fry.

Add the washed rice, season with pepper, salt, and tomato sauce, and finally add water.

Turn the heat to low and then spread all the seafood evenly on the rice when almost no water is visible.

And gently press it down until it is half buried in the rice, squeeze in lemon juice, and simmer for a third and a quarter of an hour.

The simple version of rough and crazy, the paella is out!
To relieve fatigue, serve with: cold spicy bean sprouts, cold hot and sour potato slices, and pickled olives.

The sweetness of the seafood and the saltiness of the ham are two completely opposite combinations, making the rice soaked in these two flavors so delicious that it will make you lose your eyebrows.

The crispy rice at the bottom of the pot has become an after-dinner snack, and everyone chews it with a delicious crunch.

“Seafood in the past was not as fragrant as tonight’s. It turns out that seafood goes so well with rice!”

Gao Huaiyu finished three large bowls of rice and burped with satisfaction.

Beijing, Daxia Women's Culinary Institute.

From the 25th to the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, the college's exams were held one after another.

All the students worked hard and showed off the various cooking skills they have learned over the year.

The reason why the exam is held at this time is because at this time of year, the Queen will reward many ingredients.

These ingredients are very convenient for students, and they can be used for exams, various kinds of frying and stewing.

A student screamed: "Ah, ah, ah! Who made my shredded radish cold?"

He developed his knife skills after cutting tens of thousands of radishes.

She was the one who got the highest score today, and she hadn’t even tasted the spoils of war yet.

"Sister, I've finished my knife lesson. Hey, I didn't get the flavor right for the last cold dish, so I used your shredded radish to help."

The senior sister's radish was cut as thin as hair, and the cold dish quickly absorbed the flavor. She had been craving for it for a long time.

Another person was shocked: "It's over, it's over! The medicinal diet exam is the first round today. Who stole my red dates? Give it back to me quickly!"

I'm so careless, I just steal food and don't pay it back.

What she is making today is a medicinal diet to treat loss of appetite, diarrhea and other symptoms of spleen and stomach yang deficiency combined with cold and dampness - Yipi Cake.

I finally saved a pound of dates, but my roommates touched them all.

"Wow, my pigeons, the pigeons I have raised for so long, are going to be turned into a dish today!"

"Tutu, you are so good, why are you willing to eat Tutu?"

The rabbits given by the Queen this year were white, and the little girls kept them as pets for a few days. Before the white rabbit was killed, they all wanted to cry. Why were there no gray and black rabbits?

The gray rabbit and the black rabbit would not feel sad if they ate them.

The Women's Culinary Institute has two exams a year, one at the end of the year and one in the middle of the year.

Exam results will be graded on the spot by the principal and department chair.

The top five students in each department can also receive scholarships ranging from 10 to 60 taels.

If you do well in the exam, you can go up in level when you return to your home.

Even if you work as a cook in a restaurant, your monthly salary will be more.

Who wouldn't pay attention?
People passing by the college street can smell the aroma of meat wafting from the college.

Someone said: "Based on my 30 years of experience in restaurants, I should be making braised chicken right now. I don't know what medicinal materials are used. How can it be so fragrant?"

I can't walk without smelling the smell of meat. Why don't you feel full if you can't eat it?

Some people simply sat under the wall and refused to move:

"It's not even lunch time yet. The academy has been cooking big meals for three days in a row."

And the proud one:

"You ask me, I know! Hehe, there is an exam in the academy. Tsk tsk, the scholar in the academy is taking the essay test, and the cook will naturally have to take the craft test! Not to mention, just by smelling the smell, you can tell that he is good at it!"

“Not only is it not bad, it tastes better than many restaurants.”

A group of people with nothing to do were squatting in the corner outside the college and chatting.

Smelling the aroma, my mouth watered.

The most sinful thing is that in the neighbors who live on the left and right sides of the college, the smaller children at home are often made to cry.

On New Year's Eve, all the teachers in the college left the house together.

It is no exaggeration to say that teachers and students can eat famous dishes from all over the Xia Dynasty on New Year's Eve.

More than 90% of the masters came to the capital from other places.

They have celebrated the New Year in the capital for two consecutive years.

Twenty students graduated this year, and all of them returned to their original homes.

The worst ones can be promoted to second-class maids, and most of them are transferred to make small dishes for the mistress or ladies.

Most of the students selected from Shantang are in the three-year system, and they have one year left to graduate.

Then you can work as a cook in a hot pot restaurant opened by the Empress, or in a restaurant.

The mountain manager said that as long as those with excellent academic performance, she will help recommend employment.

There are so many restaurants in Daxia, so they don’t have to worry about running out of work!

A dozen of the older boys in the shantang learned some snack-making skills from their sisters.

Some of them even set up small noodle stalls on the roadside in Zhongqin Town.

Even though the noodle stall is not big, it is perfectly fine to earn three to five taels of silver a month.

Relying on my own craftsmanship to feed and clothe myself, I felt extremely at ease.

On New Year's Eve, the boys also closed their stalls early.

They want to go back to Shantang to celebrate the New Year with their brothers and sisters.

I can use the money I earn to buy new cloth for my brothers and sisters, and make new clothes for each of them.

It seemed like there was endless energy all over my body.

On New Year's Day, they were all happy to continue setting up stalls.

(End of this chapter)

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