The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 348 The immortal Zhongqin Bo

Chapter 348 The immortal Zhongqin Bo

Huang Shangshu and Mr. Yan will not mess around outside.

There are so many juniors looking at them. It's disrespectful to the teacher. It's absolutely unacceptable!

Hei Wa can't control whether others sleep with these beauties. The only ones he can control are himself and his sons.

Hei Wa even went to the teenagers' rooms late at night to brainwash them in various ways.

"You guys are still young, so don't think too much. If you start eating meat too early, it will affect your growth!"

Lu Shaoting is tall and tall, about 1.75 meters tall:
"Uncle, who said this nonsense? I just turned fifteen, and our family has already prepared a girl for me to marry!"

Hei Wa almost choked at the boy's words: "If you don't believe me, you can ask the Shangguan Imperial Physician! You could have grown taller!"

He was so angry!
These guys are young and have a lot of tricks up their sleeves.

He would have a good talk with Shangguan's imperial doctor later.

Several teenagers who were two or three years older than Qin Ke and the others all stared.

Who is the child of a military general who doesn’t want to grow up tall?
Is it true that if you start eating too early, you won’t grow?

Yuan Wenjie and Yuan Wenwu were obviously not yet enlightened, so they hurriedly agreed to give their father face.

In the end, he was even happier when he found out that his father had rejected the beauty.

Yuan Wenwu patted his chest and said:
"Dad, how old are we? Didn't you say that we are still young?
You old man are our role model!

When I get back, I will spend three days and three nights saying good things to you in front of my mother!
My dad is not only the best father in the world, but also the best husband! "

Hei Wa was so angry that he wanted to catch him and beat him up!
Yuan Wenwu is no longer the fat kid he used to be. He dodges so nimbly that he is out of breath when he pursues him.

Yuan Wenwu ran halfway, and when he thought of something, he stopped in need of a beating, raised his buttocks and said to his father:
"Dad, why don't you give me a few swats if you want, but don't flash your waist, your breathing is like blowing a bellows."

These words directly hit Hei Wa's lung tube.

He couldn't help but doubt himself!
He is only thirty years old, how come he is so useless?
Are you exhausted after playing with your baby? !

In order to prove that he was still young and strong, Hei Wa, who struggled until midnight, secretly slipped into the space again.

He wants to prove to his wife that he is not old yet.

While taking a bath, she was busy talking, multi-tasking, and even explained today's events to her daughter-in-law:
"Mother-in-law, tell me, does this brat need to be dealt with?"

Cuihua, who had been guarding the vacant room for several months and was intrigued again, couldn't help but cooperate:
"I owe you, I owe you. I'll beat him up for you when you come back. My husband is thirty-one flowers and he's still in his prime!"

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Hei Wa lowered his head and kissed the red lips that he had missed for a long time.
The next day, Gao Huaiyu came out of the bedroom with a dark face and looked at Uncle Zhongqin's proud expression.

I couldn't help but wonder: Could it be that Uncle Zhongqin took advantage of those two beauties?
He is also a man, who can't understand what kind of expression this is?
It shouldn’t be! Is this guy famous for raking his ears?
How did Hei Wa know that Gao Huaiyu's eyes were so sharp? He was so busy after the establishment of diplomatic relations.

Don’t the products waiting on the Seven Islands of Mumbai need to be prepared?
Tianzhu's ox carts and elephant carts have good load-bearing capacity, but their speed is really not as fast as horse-drawn carriages.

I had to use some of the first products I brought as samples.

On the first day of trading, the ship merchants discovered something strange.

Their ever-improving porcelain is actually unsaleable in Tianzhu.

Could it be that their celadon and white porcelain are not as beautiful as blue and white porcelain and pastel porcelain?

After understanding the living habits of Tianzhu people, they didn't know whether to be happy or depressed. It turns out that the Tianzhu people believe that food is given by the gods, and using any utensils to obtain food is disrespectful to the gods.

Only using clean hands to grab food directly is the greatest respect for the gods.

From ordinary people to noble families, clean banana leaves are usually spread on the ground.

Then put the prepared food on the banana leaf and grab the food with your right hand.

No need for a dining table!
Not to mention plates, saucers and bowls?
As for the Tatar nobles, as long as they have a knife in hand, they can show off their cooked meat.

The Tatars have a notorious food.

It is said that their cavalry would put freshly slaughtered mutton under their saddles when they were marching.

When the war horses run, they will sweat a lot, and the Tatars use the horse sweat as a condiment.

Eating meat and drinking milk is their daily eating habit!

The ship merchants had no choice but to take the trouble to demonstrate the wonderful uses of porcelain to the Tatar nobles.

Don’t you feel tired just eating meat?
If you are tired of it, then you have to drink tea!
How can you drink tea without a teapot and teacup?
Look at these bowls and plates again, they come as a set with the teapot!

We can’t sell it alone!

Not to mention, the Tatar nobles quite like drinking tea and feel that tea soup relieves tiredness much better than drinking milk.

Just to use teapots and teacups, noble gentlemen bought a lot of porcelain.

Compared with porcelain and tea, Daxia silk was more popular in Tianzhu.

The supply exceeds the demand, so we can sell as many as we have!
"Huh? The belts worn by the Tatars don't look like the silk from our Daxia Dynasty! Why is the color so golden?" The attentive ship merchant soon discovered a local competitor of silk.

Huang Shangshu, the only one who spoke Tatar, was forced to work as a translator for the ship merchants.

After questioning the Tatar nobles for a long time, Fang told everyone that they were using Muga silk from a kingdom called Ahom in northeastern Tianzhu.

The ship merchants were very attentive to learn about Muga silk, which they had never heard of before.

How could noble gentlemen know such details?
In the end, I troubled Faisal, the big food merchant, and asked him to help find several Tianzhu people who were familiar with the silk, so that they could inquire about the information.

"The silkworm in the Ahom Kingdom is a wild species, and the locals call it the amber silkworm. It feeds on the leaves of the yellow heart tree and false persimmon tree ginger, which have a special aroma."

Faisal, the translator who was proficient in Tianzhu, also listened with great interest and helped translate for everyone while listening.

"Wild silkworm?" Everyone exclaimed.

"Yes, after they are hatched, they will be placed directly on the designated tree. They will eat leaves and grow up. During the process of growing up, they will have to avoid birds, wind and sun until they finally form cocoons.

Women in the Ahom Kingdom would pick unhatched silkworm cocoons from the trees, add banana peels and plant ash, steam them, and spin them into silk.

The silk of this kind of amber silkworm has a golden color, and the goldier the color, the more valuable it is. "

Everyone was filled with envy: "Tsk, tsk, that's for nothing, it's much easier than raising silkworms in Daxia!"

Whoever wants to plant a few mountains of yellow heart trees and false persimmon ginger can make a fortune by raising amber silkworms?

(End of this chapter)

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