Chapter 367 Work Report (Part )

As the representative of the four people, Huang Shangshu first made a summary for His Majesty the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, I set out on the second day of February in the sixth year of Tianshun and returned to Beijing on the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month in the eighth year of Tianshun. It took two years and ten months.

There were a total of 33,500 members when they left, and 30,176 people returned to Beijing.

During this trip, six overseas countries successfully established diplomatic relations with the Great Xia Dynasty, and 83 indigenous tribes had good relations with them.

Thirty-five food merchants brought their fleets to Daxia for trade, and fifty-one doctors came to Daxia to exchange medical skills.

The most noteworthy thing is that our Great Xia Dynasty added two new vassal states, Sri Lanka and Jiaozhi. The eldest son of the King of Jiaozhi came to Beijing with tributes to stay in Beijing.

The total brought back to the court:
Gold: 800,000 taels;
Silver: six hundred thousand taels;
Golden knot: 380,000 catties;
Gemstones of various colors: sixty-five boxes;
Eighty-three thousand catties of spices;
Fifty-two thousand kilograms of rare medicinal materials;

Ivory and rhino horn”

Huang Shangshu said while Xia Hongdi looked through the account books and nodded frequently, his eyes full of joy.

The profits were huge, completely beyond his expectations.

"Your Majesty, look, this is a gold nugget that we dug out from the indigenous people for more than half a year. It is different from ordinary gold ore. The gold content is at least 60 to 70%."

"Hey, isn't this gold nugget? How could you dig up so much?!" Xia Hongdi picked up the gold nugget and looked at it carefully.

I was shocked by the amount of 380,000 kilograms written in the account book. Even if the gold content of these golden lumps was only a small half, it was still a big deal!
One hundred and ninety thousand catties of gold is equivalent to one million nine hundred thousand taels. If converted into silver, it would be nineteen million taels!

This this!
The kind that makes you rich overnight, extremely rich.

Gao Huaiyu smiled happily:

"Hahaha, Your Majesty, we dug most of them from the bottom of a river valley that is estimated to be thousands of years old. The gold and gems there may not be exhausted in a hundred years!"

Xia Hongdi was confused: "With such a high gold output, don't the local indigenous people use gold as currency?"

Heiwa also laughed: "They are still a primitive society of bartering. There is no such thing as gold, silver and jewelry. Salt is more useful than anything else in that land. We dug half of the gold lumps and used the other half to Replaced with salt."

Xia Hongdi was so excited when he heard that one that he wished he could send another hundred thousand troops to dig gold mines. This is a land of magical treasures.

The regret on his face made everyone laugh: "Maybe after we leave, they will know the value of gold nuggets and gems, and the natives will not be stupid for many years."

"Such a transparent and pure gemstone is rare!" Taking the gemstone handed over by his brother-in-law, Xia Hongdi felt the weight of the gemstone, then looked at its purity, and gave it a favorable review.

"Hey, Your Majesty, this gemstone is very special. Please ask someone to bring you a glass object." Gao Huaiyu felt that this transparent gemstone was more useful than others, so he exchanged it for this one in private.

Xia Hongdi had no choice but to give in, and Manager Cheng took out his usual glass cup.

I saw my brother-in-law, took the transparent stone in his hand, and scratched the glass cup a few times.

His valuable glass cup, unexpectedly, had a big gash cut open.

"This! This! What kind of sharp weapon is this?" Xia Hongdi looked at the glass cup again and again, and then put the transparent gemstone that had just opened the glass cup under his eyes and looked at it carefully.

This small transparent stone has no trace at all.

Hei Wa spoke for the diamond: "Your Majesty, the people of Tianzhu call this gemstone diamond to illustrate its extraordinary hardness. Moreover, after being exposed to sunlight during the day, this gemstone will emit sky-blue light at night."

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Xia Hongdi asked Manager Cheng to quickly pick out all the diamonds in the box for him.

Next, where are the various gemstones produced?

Huang Shangshu gave a detailed introduction to the methods they used to obtain it.

The gem with the largest proportion is a trophy obtained in the country of gems. Xia Hongdi first felt sad for the sailors who died in the battle, and then felt happy about such a good harvest.

"Compassion does not govern soldiers, Yunde, you did the right thing! For the soldiers who have become heroic, I will allocate a share of the pension from my private treasury! The cement factory or the queen's oyster sauce factory will also leave a job for their family members, if there is any Feel free to send the orphans to the charity hall in Beijing.”

"The Emperor's kindness is so great that I kowtow to His Majesty on their behalf!" Gao Huaiyu's eyes were slightly red.

Of course he himself would not be stingy in giving subsidies to his brothers, but how could he be more glorious by coming from His Majesty?
It's hard to talk too much about heavy topics, but today is a big day.

"My love, my love, you are so good at playing with mud, but you have been able to get so many gems in exchange for your skills overseas. You are like a wolf with nothing!"

Xia Hongdi lamented the origin of emerald.

Hei Wa is helpless. Although he is uneducated, he also knows that there is an allusion here in Zhou Yu in "Guoyu": Ji Gong remonstrated with King Mu and conquered the dogs and soldiers.

The white wolf in this allusion is auspicious, and it is a metaphor for a wise king and warrior who can trap auspiciousness with his bare hands.

And why does he, a modern man, feel that His Majesty the Emperor is connoting him?

Not wanting to think about something wrong, he quickly changed the topic:
"Your Majesty, the ideas come from my ministers, but all the people who do the practical work are our navy brothers. They are all good. They can kill the enemy in battle, farm the land, and bake bricks and pottery when they are off their horses!"

Gao Huaiyu looked at his future in-laws gratefully.

He was embarrassed to praise his subordinates so much, so it was most appropriate for him to say this from Uncle Zhongqin.

"I remember, I will make a great contribution to our navy in Daxia!" Xia Hongdi was still very talkative.

Where can we find navy troops who can make money and enhance our country's prestige?

Huang Shangshu continued his efforts: "In addition to these gold and silver jewels, we brought back 378 medical books from the Dashi Empire, learned the art of glass, and exchanged them for 200 Dashi adult BMWs."

"What's the difference between glass and colored glaze?" New terms always catch people's attention and catch the emperor's mind immediately.

Huang Shangshu took out a set of glasses from another large box:

"Your Majesty, this is specially made by soldiers in the Navy who learned the art of glass in Dashi, and is dedicated to you! We selected twenty people who have learned the art of glass thoroughly."

A box of nine glasses, each glass is 1.5 inches high, 2 inches in diameter, and 1.2 inches in base diameter.

After being molded, it is finely polished.

Transparent in color, it has a narrow mouth and a curved abdomen, which is drawn in from the waist. It has a small flat bottom and is decorated with three string patterns on the abdomen.

"It's incredible, it's incredible, glass is so much more transparent than colored glaze!"

Xia Hongdi couldn't put it down and played with a glass, put it in the window and looked at it again and again.

"Your Majesty, why do you only look at these things that are of no use? They eat horses and horses!"

Gao Huaiyu endured it for a long time, but couldn't help but remind his brother-in-law, can glass compare to the fragrance of a BMW?
Xia Hongdi put down the beaker reluctantly and turned to his brother-in-law.

Needless to say, the great food horse was precious, and he had only heard of it in legends.

He hurriedly urged Manager Cheng: "Stop picking up these diamonds and show them to me quickly to see if those big food horses have been sent back?"

Poor Manager Cheng ran out again in a hurry.

His master was notoriously impatient.

His Majesty the Emperor looked at his brother-in-law eagerly like a boy who got a toy.

(End of this chapter)

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