The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 375 Annual Ceremony of the Marquis Mansion

Chapter 375 Annual Ceremony of the Marquis Mansion
Families who have dealings with Zhongqinhou Mansion all received special New Year gifts from Zhongqinhou Mansion at the end of this year.

Two pounds of black pepper, one box each of sandalwood and agarwood, and a gift box of Zhongqinhou Mansion cured meat.

At Caiji Restaurant, brothers Yuan Wenjie and Yuan Wenwu were the first to give New Year gifts.

Except for the Tiger Balm New Year gift prepared by their mother.

Cai Jijiu also received other tributes from students:

There are two Khoisan handmade ostrich egg paintings;
Two pots from the remote Falklands contain blooming and fragrant bluegrass;

a pair of rhino horns that can be used medicinally;

two python skins for leather boots;

There are also two strings of old sandalwood beads in excellent condition.

Don't mention it's valuable, the gift given should be in line with the intention of the person keeping the gift.

Cai Jijiu took the two students with him and listened to them talk about first-hand news of their overseas travels for a whole day.

No matter how much I listen, I can’t get enough.

Before letting them leave, Cai Jijiu had not forgotten his husband's identity.

They were asked about their homework, and finally asked whether they would participate in the children's examination this year.

"Sir, both of us brothers have to participate. After studying for so many years, we always want to verify how well we have learned." Yuan Wenjie was confident.

If they can't even pass the children's examination, are they not blind to the teachings of so many teachers?

Cai Jijiu nodded. The Yuan brothers have become much calmer in the past few years, and they have not forgotten their book knowledge.

It seems that he is much better than his grandson who is studying in the palace. He has traveled thousands of miles and is really capable!
Two boxes of incense and Buddhist beads were confiscated by Mrs. Cai.

Each bead of the old sandalwood Buddha beads is polished very smooth, and its unique aroma makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Accompanying a group of several people, what they brought back from this trip were mainly gold and various gemstones, supplemented by some rare medicinal materials and spices.

Cai Hanwen also received a lot, and all the elders and female relatives in the mansion received his filial piety.

Cai Jijiu looked at the two pots of orchids again and again.

Their house didn't have a greenhouse, but he was so worried. Where could he keep him?

In addition to Cai Ji Restaurant, the other Confucian gentlemen and the two brothers also gave generous gifts one by one.

The great Confucians made a lot of contributions to their manuscripts of the Four Books and Five Classics.

They can't just eat meat, right?

The two brothers were also warmly entertained by the gentlemen, and they didn't stop talking until the 26th of the twelfth lunar month.

With the spread of the news by a few brothers and the teachers and students of the Imperial College who returned home.

Ostrich meat became the most desired game among the powerful people of the Xia Dynasty.

"Ah! Mother, if you keep talking, your second brother will become a storyteller!" Yuan Wenwu slumped on Cuihua's recliner, hugging his two younger brothers and not letting go.

They were exhausted from giving out this new year’s gift!

It’s not the New Year yet. Wouldn’t it be even worse during the New Year?

It only took less than ten days for Cuihua to go from the freshness and rareness of the brothers when they first came back, being served all kinds of delicious food and drinks, to the disgust at this meeting.

"Don't just talk about it. Isn't this your best travelogue? If it were to be written into a book, there would definitely be a lot of young people who would love to read it."

"Mom, the children's examination is about to take place in February. You have to finish the examination before you can write your travel notes. My sons' days of relaxation are numbered."

Of course Cuihua will not stop her sons from making progress.

I have been studying for so many years. If I don’t get a diploma, who knows what my real level is?

Although her family is already considered wealthy!

However, some wealthy families also despise chains.

A dandy with no knowledge and skills and a young man with diplomas who are capable in literature, martial arts, and diplomas are at odds with each other. At the beginning of spring, not only the two brothers will participate, but Xiaoshan and Xiaochuan will also participate.

There were four candidates in the house at once, which made Cuihua feel the tense atmosphere of the college entrance examination.

No one is idle.

Even if the Chinese New Year is about to come, even if it is Marquis Zhongqin who has just returned from a long trip of several years.

Hei Wa meets with Tu Sinong every day.

These planting plans of coarse grains, fruits and vegetables, cotton, pepper, and rubber trees were led by him and coordinated by Tu Sinong.

Site selection is also very particular, as the first batch of seeds has a limited number.

Tu Sinong was heartbroken!
Marquis Zhongqin treated him to a meal, which was all made from these grains.

Even if Marquis Zhongqin repeatedly assured him how high the yield of these grains would be, he was still heartbroken!
If you eat one sweet potato, how many fewer seedlings can you plant?
If it weren't for the fact that Marquis Zhongqin and the others hadn't been home for several years, and the Chinese New Year was coming soon, Tu Sinong would have wanted to start working right away.

You said it's cold in the North?

Then our Lingnan is getting warmer!
They can go to Lingnan to plant dozens of acres before returning to the capital.

He has already torn through Huang Shangshu's planting observation diary.

Thinking of the yield of more than 4,000 kilograms per mu, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep well.

In the past few years, he has finally turned the barren land into sorghum fields.

Before he could feel proud of this little achievement, he didn't expect that Marquis Zhongqin and the others were back with so many surprises.

Taro bigger than a human head, pumpkin the size of a millstone, corn that can be used as a staple food, potatoes and sweet potatoes that can be used as vegetables or rice.
How come this overseas country is so lucky?

Next time the sailors are going to sea again, should he apply to follow them?

And these planting areas must indeed be opened from Yazhou Prefecture and Lingnan.

They will not be able to stay in the capital for at least a year in the future.

Finally, on the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, the day the emperor sealed his pen, Marquis Zhongqin took his belated annual leave.

On the first day of his vacation, Marquis Jinghai, who had been impatient for a long time, invited the matchmaker Huang Shangshu.

Huniu and Yuan Wenyuan's baby marriage was officially settled between the two families.

Geng Tie was exchanged and engagement tokens were given to each other.

From then on, Yuan Wenyuan needed to go to his future father-in-law's house to pay New Year's greetings every year.

The child is at the age where he admires heroes, and he only feels that his future father-in-law looks extremely majestic in armor.

As for his multiple fat wives, Yuan Wenyuan said that he will earn more gold than his brothers when he grows up.

It’s safe to feed my fat wife!
After Cuihua was busy with Yuan Wenyuan's engagement ceremony, she still had to worry about preparing the New Year supplies in her house.

Check the results of the three nieces' workshops this year, and also arrange meals for the candidates who are about to take the children's examination.

In such a busy day, their house also invited Zhao Leiting to his wedding a year ago.

In mid-autumn next year, the harvest season, Zhao Leiting will be able to marry the little girl of the Mou family.

Nannan was very happy.

She has met her future sister-in-law several times in the past two years or so.

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law can talk to each other very well, and the future sister-in-law will like to hear her talk about the embarrassing things about her brother.

Finally getting the exact date when her sister-in-law came in, this silly girl gave Cuihua her monthly savings.

He wanted Aunt Cui to help prepare more betrothal gifts for his brother.

Cuihua lit her up and said with a smile:
"Your brother is like this too. He gave all his monthly money to Aunt Cui, saying that half of it would be left for you as a dowry and half for his betrothal gift.

Could it be that since my aunt and uncle are the elders, I can still let you two juniors spend your own money to organize your own wedding? "

(End of this chapter)

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