Chapter 388 Space Upgrade (Part )

Half an hour ago.

This is how the abalone collected from the rocks and piled as high as the hill are put into the drying room.

Although the small courtyard is still the same small courtyard, her warehouse seems to have become a bottomless pit, and it can't be filled no matter how much it is filled!
No matter how much food and supplies you grow in the future, you won’t have to worry about running out of space to store them!

The couple agreed that the upgrade gift of five thousand kilograms of gold and five boxes of gems was well spent!

Cuihua lay on her back on the grassland with open arms, breathing in the air with the fragrance of green grass, and sighed to Heiwa:
"Husband, our daughter is so lucky! You and I have been doing farm work by hand for decades, and my daughter picked up a ready-made automatic broadcaster when she was born."

Hei Wa, the maniac who dotes on girls, said proudly: "Hahaha, then my daughter is the most blessed baby in the world!"

In order for our Fuwa to keep this big secret, there will be no easy days after her first birthday.

The current Zhongqin Hou Mansion is, as always, favored by those in power.

Although the Marquis does not go to court, nine times out of ten the topics discussed in the court meetings are related to him.

The ministers had been quarreling for many years, yearning for the title of Zezi for the princes. Emperor Tianshun finally agreed happily one day.

That's right, the fiefdom he gave was completely different from the place imagined by the ministers.

Emperor Tianshun enfeoffed the second prince Xia An to Goryeo as King of Han;

The third prince Xia De's fiefdom is in Jiaozhi and he is the king of South Vietnam;
The fourth prince Xia Ming invited himself to North America, hoping to dig gold mines for the Great Xia Dynasty. He was named: King of America!

It is different from the densely populated Korea and Jiaozhi.

Following the King of America to the North American fiefdom, there were also many poor people from the Great Xia Dynasty (who dreamed of going overseas to pan for gold), a small number of them were prisoners on death row, and there were even some criminals and their families.

The migration of hundreds of thousands of people at one time can be regarded as the largest overseas immigration in the history of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Emperor Tianshun also agreed that the princes who were granted the title of queen would take away their respective mothers and concubines.

It is a pity that the wise concubine in the cold palace did not survive the day of leaving the palace and passed away a few years ago.

In the past twenty years or so, several princes have already seen through their father.

The status of Prince Xia Yan, who is both civil and military, cannot be shaken no matter how hard they try.

Instead of staying in the country and being instigated by various forces, it is better to go overseas and give it a try.

The former King of Lu and the former King of Ning, who were defeated at the hands of Emperor Tianshun, are now both in the Kangaroo Kingdom and prospering.

A few years ago, the two princes used a huge ransom to redeem their imprisoned wives, concubines, and children!
The Kangaroo Kingdom and the Great Xia Dynasty signed a hundred-year friendly agreement that would never invade each other.

The navy under Marquis Jinghai now numbers 200,000.

The overseas wealth brought back to the Great Xia Dynasty by traveling back and forth once every two to three years is obvious to everyone.

In their twenties, who among the princes doesn’t want to make a difference?
In the words of my father, there is a vast world overseas, and there is a lot to do!
Let’s talk about the current expansion speed of Daxia Dynasty.

Even the expeditionary force of the Great Food Empire is ashamed!
Not to mention the Western countries that have already established ties with them.

Today, many independent small country lords have appeared within the sphere of influence of the Roman Empire.

The lords worked on their own affairs. While developing their own power in private, they were passive and sabotaged in dealing with others.

The imperial king gradually lost jurisdiction over the feudal princes outside the territory under his direct jurisdiction.

The lords of the great civilizations from the east and small countries are rushing to establish diplomatic relations.

Sending princesses to the Great Xia Dynasty for marriage has become a mainstream trend. No matter how much Emperor Tianshun refused, princesses from small countries continued to come to the Great Xia Dynasty.

As long as the princesses are not too demanding, they can find a good home in Daxia.

The royal family members of Daxia sighed: After all, we royal family members can still be of some use!
As long as they are beautiful foreign princesses who come with generous dowries, we dare to marry as many as they come!

In the twenty-first year of Tianshun, it was the tenth day of winter.

Led by the fifth prince Xia En, the eighth Great Xia Dynasty ocean trade team returned safely.

Before the large army arrived at Gu Port, the news was spread back to the capital early.

The common people talked about it: "Oh, hey, have you heard? We, the noble ladies in the capital, most want to marry one less young man! What do you think these foreign princesses are good at marrying?"

The person who said this was very proud. Big gossip news is the best way to pique the curiosity of others.

"Tell me, tell me! Who married the princess of Fanbang this time?" The man gossiped, no less than the woman.

He raised his ears as he asked, eager to squeeze in front of him.

"Hey! In addition to the Tian family, isn't it the young master of the Marquis Zhongqin who is the most popular among the noble ladies in the capital? The news that came back is about the old son of the Marquis, the sixth master of the Yuan Mansion. What did he marry? The princess of the Roman Empire as my wife!”

Those who can get this kind of inside information are either members of the family who are on the ship, or noble children with high-level connections in the capital.

Everyone had to look high at him, and there were a few more people praising him.

"Brother, you really have great powers. You can know everything about the world without leaving home!"

"Where, wherever, just talk about it casually, just talk about it."

"It's a pity, it's a pity that Yuan Liuye, one of the most beautiful women in the same family, can be married to both the princess and the county owner!"

"It's too late! It's too late! The prince consort of the Princess of Qin is the brother of Mr. Yuan Liu!"

"Hey, don't you forget this?"

"You said that such a handsome Tanhua Lang is not willing to be an official! Three years ago, he went to sea with the fifth prince, but he rarely does business as a merchant!"

"What's wrong with you, merchant? Aren't we merchants the ones who pay the most taxes to the court?"

The idler who was gagged by the merchant quickly changed the topic.

The businessmen of the Great Xia Dynasty now have a high status, and he does not dare to be tough with them.

"I don't know what rare things the sailors have brought back this year. Not to mention, the fruits from Fanbang are sweet!"

"There is also good news. It is said that there are hundreds of foreign countries who are coming to the capital to celebrate the longevity of our emperor! Our expeditionary army of the Great Xia Dynasty is mighty. Long live my emperor! Long live my emperor!"

A group of people, talking and talking, even shouted long live three times, feeling very proud of the great Xia Dynasty.

Someone was both proud and troubled: "When the time comes, I will go to Kugang in advance to watch the excitement. I just hate those black-hearted merchants. The current teahouse in Kugang is hard to find every time the navy returns to the court. You can't book it for a hundred taels of silver." Get to the window seat."

There are many wealthy and idle people who agree with him: "No matter how expensive you are, we still have to join in the fun that happens every two years!"

Emperor Tianshun, who was hailed long live by the people, knew his destiny but refused to obey his old age, was currently hunting in the suburbs of Beijing with a group of old ministers.

The big horse under his crotch makes him look good, and it's another day for him to kill all the ministers instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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