Chapter 18 Brother, Long Time No See

"What are you doing."

Accompanied by this cold voice, a tall and delicate girl walked slowly around the corner.

She was wearing the school uniform of No. [-] Middle School, and the school uniform was covered with a woolen coat with exquisite workmanship. She had a kind of noble air that was pampered and pampered since she was a child, as if the moon was in the cold sky, and the cold air was growing wherever her eyes glanced.

The annoyed Gao Jun cursed dissatisfiedly: "Fuck you..."

"Gao Jun!" The fellow boy stopped him in horror, "She's Xia Ling!"

Gao Jun was silent for a moment, and looked at the girl named Xia Ling in fear.

Xia Ling glanced at them indifferently, and only lingered on the ridiculous looking Gao Jun for two seconds.
Not smiling, as indifferent as ice, he walked up to Ming Dai's side.

But the voice softened: "Are they bullying you?"

Ming Dai thought for a while: "Is it?"

Gao Jun hastily defended: "Don't listen to her! Obviously it's me who is worse off!"

Ming Dai glanced at him: "Didn't you pour milk tea on me first?"

Gao Jun said angrily: "Didn't it be that you first humiliated me in the classroom?"

"Enough." Xia Ling swept over coldly, "Hurry up, don't let me see you again."

Gao Jun wanted to say something else, but the other boys didn't care about his sour body, so they dragged him away quickly.

Seeing this scene, Ming Dai was very curious: "They seem to be very afraid of you?"

Xia Ling didn't take it seriously: "Be afraid of my family."

As he spoke, he handed over a fragrant haze blue handkerchief. The exquisite embroidery in the lower right corner was of great value.

But the owner of the handkerchief didn't care, and Mingdai didn't hold back, she took it generously, and wiped away the milk tea that accidentally splashed on her face.

Xia Ling put his hands in his coat pockets, his dark eyes couldn't see much emotion:
"These little boys are bullying and afraid of being tough. You fought back very well just now..."

Her voice stopped abruptly.

Mingdai took off the glasses that were stained with a few drops of milk tea, and while wiping them, raised her thick eyelashes.

The light butterfly vibrates its wings lightly, the amber eyes are filled with the afterglow of the setting sun, and the lake is full of broken gold.

Like a goddess who raised her eyes inadvertently, not knowing how her beauty shocked the world.

"Thank you."

Ming Dai sincerely thanks.

Xia Ling was the No.1 one who reached out to help her.

"'re welcome."

Xia Ling responded in a low voice, two blushes suddenly appeared on her cheeks.

For Xia Ling, who refused to accept people thousands of miles away, blushing was like the spectacle of the sun coming out from the west.

Xia Ling was embarrassed and annoyed, how could she be so shy just because she just glanced at the girl?

...But it's really beautiful.

"You." Xia Ling gritted her teeth, but couldn't help but said, "You're so pretty, why do you wear glasses to cover it up?"

"Because parents don't like it?"

Ming Dai laughed as she talked, her slightly raised eye tails looked like a mischievous cat.

Xia Ling didn't quite understand.

But out of respect for Ming Dai, she didn't persist in asking.

Ming Dai put on her glasses again, carefully folded the handkerchief and put it away:

"I'll return the handkerchief to you after washing it."

Bending down to pick up the trash can, ready to say goodbye to Xia Ling.

"Wait." Xia Ling called her belatedly, "I forgot to ask your name!"

"Grade [-], Class [-], Mingdai."

Ming Dai waved her hand, turned and left.

Xia Ling rarely showed anxiety, and shouted towards her back:

"My name is Xia Ling, Class [-], Senior Three!"

"I know!"

Ming Dai turned around with a smile and waved her hands slightly.

He trotted again and disappeared from Xia Ling's sight.

Xia Ling was in a daze for a long time and didn't recover.

Suddenly raised her hand to touch her face, remembering that those people loved to praise her for being beautiful since she was a child, she thought so too.

Only when I met Ming Dai did I understand what it means to feel ashamed.

"Hey! Xia Ling!"

The voice of a husky boy who was in the stage of changing his voice floated from the side.

The expression on Xia Ling's face quickly retracted, returning to the indifferent and unkind attitude before.

She looked sideways at the person coming: "I remember, I am two years older than you."

The young man put one hand in his pocket, his posture was wanton and loose, and his peach blossom eyes were slightly raised.

"So? You want me to call you sister?"

Xia Ling glanced at his face.

"Your voice is really ugly now, Ning Xu."

Saying that, before the young man became angry, Xia Ling followed Ming Dai's direction and left without looking back.

"Damn it! Xia Ling, stop!"

The young man jumped out like a nimble cheetah.

The bright sunlight fell on his beautiful and dazzling side face—it was the time when he was in high spirits.

Mingdai went back to the classroom to finish the final tidying up and packed her schoolbag.

The sky outside did not know when it became gloomy, the clouds were dense, and the thunder was ready to go.

It's going to rain.

Mingdai looked through the window, and couldn't help speeding up her pace, trying to get home before the rainstorm.

But the weather changed too fast, and before she even walked out of the teaching building, the heavy rain had already poured down.

The rain thread weaves a huge curtain between the sky and the earth, and the scenery is blurred into a shadow in the curtain.

Ming Dai was trapped.

She didn't have an umbrella, and walked at least 10 minutes from the teaching building to the bus stop outside the school.

This level of rainfall is enough to drench her into a mess.

As for calling Yu Ting to pick her up, don't even think about it.

... Or wait until the rain stops?
"I'll take you to the bus station!"

A hearty female voice sounded not far behind.

Ming Dai turned around following the sound and found that he was not talking to her, but to another girl.

The two seemed to have a good relationship, huddled together in a small umbrella, talked and laughed and left.

Ming Dai was the only one left at the door of the already deserted teaching building.

Her figure was so slender and thin that even a down jacket couldn't hide it, she was as lonely as a grass under the dark rain.

"Do you need help?"

This time it was a man's voice.

Of course Ming Dai didn't feel that this was talking to her, and didn't even turn her head.

Then she was gently patted on the shoulder, and the voice repeated again:

"Do you need help?"

Ming Dai looked back puzzled.

The moment he saw the opponent's company clearly, he was speechless as if struck by lightning!

"Here you are." The man handed her a black umbrella and added, "You don't have to return it."

Ming Dai took over the umbrella almost mechanically.


"Do you need help?"

"Here. You don't have to pay it back."


Exactly the same scene, exactly the same words.

It's a different point in time.

Ming Dai's mind was in such a mess, she stared at the man for a long time unconsciously.

Maybe it's because the emotions in her eyes are too strong, so heavy that it's hard to breathe.

The man couldn't help asking: "Student, do you know me?"

Ming Dai quickly lowered her eyes: "Sorry, you are a bit like someone I know."

No, I know you, and have known you for many years.


"elder brother!"

The crisp girlish voice came from far and near.

Ming Dai's back was stiff, and she clenched the umbrella tightly in her hand, forcing herself not to look back.

But the voices of those two people still floated into her ears uncontrollably——

"Why did you come to pick me up? Aren't you busy recently?"

"No matter how busy you are, you have to make time for our little princess."

"Brother, you are so kind!"

"Let's go, Lingsi."

Gu Changming.

Gu Lingsi.

haven't seen you for a long time.

 Xia Ling: Yan control + brainless mother fan
(End of this chapter)

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