Chapter 202 Tan Wenshu

Tan Wenshu has a gentle and refined face.

Even if there are gray hairs on the temples, it still won't make people feel old, it just adds to his experience.

Some people say that Tan Wenshu is more like a literati with a strong character than a director, with a bookish air.

Ming Dai also thought so before, and even once regarded Tan Wenshu as her mentor.

A young girl who just entered the industry in her previous life and still has immature dreams. She hopes to stand on the golden stage and hold up the acting trophy to attract the attention of the world. She also hopes to leave classic images in the history of film and be talked about by countless people. road.

It's a pity that the idea is good, but the reality is poor.

One wrong step in entering the industry led to wrong steps in the future, and Kang Ren was so full of money that he could only see money, and he wished Ming Dai could run around the clock for 24 hours, making money every minute he opened his eyes.

With such a tight schedule, how could Ming Dai have any time to study acting skills?As a result, she was constantly ridiculed and criticized, and even Ming Dai herself almost lost confidence, thinking that she had no talent for acting... At this time, she met Tan Wenshu.

Mingdai auditioned for Tan Wenshu's movie by herself, and she was lucky enough to play a small supporting role. All the scenes in the scene did not exceed 5 minutes, but Tan Wenshu guided her very carefully.

That was also the first time someone praised Ming Dai as "good, very talented".

Ming Dai, who has almost never received affirmation in her life, feels like a precious treasure for that compliment.

Even gritted his teeth, even if he had a falling out with Kang Ren, he still had to reduce the announcements, sharpen his acting skills, and improve himself.

At that time, she would ask Tan Wenshu about any problems she encountered occasionally, and Tan Wenshu, as a top-level guide, always took time out of his busy schedule to answer again and again tirelessly, just like a kind elder who earnestly teaches.

Ming Dai has never received a father's love since she was a child, and at her most naive, she thought that the gentle, loving, and best father should be like Tan Wenshu.


At a certain industry reception, Ming Dai overheard Tan Wenshu talking to someone——

She had just finished greeting Tan Wenshu respectfully, when someone asked Tan Wenshu:

"Isn't that beautiful woman Ming Dai? I heard that there are quite a few people who have been rumored to have sex with her. Lao Tan, you are very lucky! Why haven't you done it for so long?"

Ming Dai thought that Tan Wenshu would refute, but who knew that his next sentence would be:

"The most beautiful flowers must be picked by those who know flowers. That little girl is a little naive, but it is just right, suitable for slowly digging, and making the flowers the most beautiful. Now is not the best time to pick flowers. Wait for her to pick flowers from the inside. I have completely surrendered to the outside world, from the soul to the body is mine, and then it will be the best."

Those contemptuous words that were almost insulting fell into Ming Dai's ears, like a bolt from the blue.

How much Ming Dai admired Tan Wenshu before, and how much she loathed him after that.

Since then, Ming Dai and Tan Wenshu have completely separated.

Of course, it is impossible for Tan Wenshu to let Ming Dai spend a lot of time and energy.

But at that time, Ming Dai was already dating Ning Shu, and Tan Wenshu was afraid, so he peacefully disappeared into Ming Dai's life.

Speaking of which, Tan Wenshu had a car rollover.

Before Ming Dai found out his true colors, there were outdated actresses who came out and complained about being harassed by Tan Wenshu. Because she refused to accept it, she lost her job and her career plummeted.

At that time, public opinion was generally on the side of Tan Wenshu. With his good reputation over the years and the blessing of audience filters in many works, everyone thought that the outdated actress was crazy and just took the opportunity to gain popularity. .

Even Ming Dai didn't think Tan Wenshu was this kind of person, and wondered if there was some misunderstanding.

It turned out later that...Ming Dai was indeed naive.

In Tan Wenshu's directorial career, the most famous work is "Omen".

Although before "Omen", Tan Wenshu won many awards for his early works and established himself as one of the top five directors in China, but he was at the bottom of these five directors, and there are many younger and more talented directors behind him. Talented directors are waiting to bring him down from the altar.

Before filming "Omen", Tan Wenshu, who had encountered Waterloo one after another, could be said to be in danger.

However, "Omen" directly reversed all his situations. Not only did he not fall out of the top five director positions, but he also sat more firmly. Since then, he has become the No.1 director in China!

The aura of "Omen" being the first in the box office in history is too great!
How many years have been on the throne, and the directors and actors have been enshrined for many years. Even if a new high-grossing work suddenly emerged and won the championship, "Omen" is still full of praise.

Even as time goes by, everyone only has positive impressions in their minds, and all negative ones are forgotten——

Forget the shortcomings of "Omen" in terms of quality;
I forgot the ups and downs of changing directors and actors before filming started;
I forgot that the earliest "Omen" project actually belonged to a female director, but Jiahe picked the peaches;

Forget about the rumored incident of a girl jumping off a building at the audition scene of "Omen" in the early days of filming...


Ming Dai sat on a chair in the corridor, raised her head and looked at the ceiling.

His eyes seemed to penetrate through the floors, and fell to the roof of the building——

Before long, a girl will jump down from the rooftop.

After the girl's death, rumors spread that her death had something to do with Tan Wenshu.

If this is true...

It was also Uncle Ding's matter, which made Mingdai suddenly understand that the rebirth affected not only herself.

Perhaps, she can influence more and change more.

"Dede, what are you looking at?"

Su Fangyun came over and handed the number plate and information to Ming Dai,

"Here, you are ranked No. 16. I heard that there are more than 50 people who auditioned for the second female role today. I'm afraid they will be busy until tomorrow. Fortunately, we are in the front seat."

Ming Dai put away the number plate and got up: "Sister Su, I'm going to the bathroom."

Su Fangyun had no doubts about him: "Do you need me to accompany you?"

"No, I'm not a child."

Ming Dai said, smiled and waved to Su Fangyun, and trotted away.

Of course Ming Dai didn't want to go to the bathroom.

She just made an excuse to leave, and then used her eyes to search around the crowd for possible candidates.

Regarding the specific news about the girl who jumped off the building, Ming Dai didn't know much, so she couldn't pinpoint the candidate. She only knew that the incident happened in the afternoon.

And now it is ten o'clock in the morning, and there is still a little time before the arrival of the afternoon.

Mingdai thought to herself, if she couldn't find her target, she might as well just stay on the rooftop for a whole day.

Even if Tan Wenshu's evidence could not be found through the girl in the end, it would be good to save a life.

…Ming Dai, holding this kind of thought, looked very carefully.

Ming Dai stood in front of the guardrail in the corridor on the second floor, and when she looked into the hall on the first floor, a familiar figure came into view.

The other party was so blessed that he just raised his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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