Chapter 204 Eavesdropping
Su Fangyun pointed to the end of the corridor, but when Ming Dai came over, she didn't find Tan Wenshu or anyone else.

She wandered around twice, only to find that the right side went through the fire door, rounded the corner, and led to a very secret terrace.

Tan Wenshu was standing there.

And standing in front of him was a young girl with her head bowed and her expression couldn't be seen clearly.

Ming Dai retracted her feet in time to hide her body, a little startled: it's her!

The second Ming Dai hid, Tan Wenshu's gaze happened to come over.

Seeing no one, he took it back as if nothing had happened, relaxed a little, and showed a gentle, or hypocritical smile again.

While calling the girl's name "Xiaoxiang", he raised his hand to touch the girl's hair.

With a snap, the girl opened his hand, her body trembling with anger.

"Don't touch me with your dirty hands!" the girl yelled out of control.

Tan Wenshu was not angry, rubbed his hands, and smiled kindly:
"Xiaoxiang, what's wrong with you? Didn't Teacher Tan call me before?"

"Stop talking! I misread you, and I didn't even know that you, Tan Wenshu, are a disgusting and obscene beast!"

The girl clutched the dress at the collar, as if she couldn't breathe, and her mental state was on the verge of collapse.

Tan Wenshu vigilantly looked around with his eyes, and his tone was soft and surprised:

"Why? Xiaoxiang, I thought we were in love with each other, and some things were logical."

The girl looked at him like she was looking at a devil, her voice trembling: "It's obviously's you..."

Tan Wenshu smiled calmly: "But you are the one who drinks, so I didn't force you."

The girl almost gritted her teeth: "Tan Wenshu! You are shameless!"

Tan Wenshu shook his head and sighed: "Xiaoxiang, you are just a rural girl from Beijing. If I hadn't discovered you as an actress, with your high school education, you might still be washing dishes in a restaurant or working as a nanny. I will do it for you." So much, you should be grateful to Dade, how can you scold me in turn?"

Hearing his tone, I didn't know that I thought the girl was an ignorant white-eyed wolf!
"I'd rather wash dishes and be a babysitter!"

"This is too childish. Xiaoxiang, wait two more years and you will know that money is more important than everything else. Why did you go to the city to work before you finished high school? Isn't it because your mother is sick and has no money, which drags you down? Your home. Think about it, if you follow me obediently, will your mother’s illness be treated with money? So, compared with money, other things are nothing, and some things are the shackles that society puts on girls .”

"You talk nonsense! It's clear that you forced me..."

"As I said just now, you are the one who drinks the wine. Besides, you sent the chat records about me on the phone, right? Don't you mean to seduce me at all?"

"I didn't! I just treat you as a teacher and a benefactor!"

"He Xiang, don't pretend to be innocent. You are 20 years old and you have been working for three or four years. Do you know about the relationship between men and women? Believe it or not, even if you break the news to the media, people all over the world will still stand by my side. After all With the difference in our status, everyone is more willing to believe that you are greedy for something."

"You talk talk nonsense..."

The girl was already in a mess, and she was driven to pieces by Tan Wenshu's every word.

Tan Wenshu always had a smile on his face, as if everything was under his control.

Give a final hit:
"Think about your sick mother. If you expose the video, I will be affected for a short time, but in your small county where the news is blocked, this kind of thing will spread in two or three days, right? Wait for everyone They all accused your mother of raising a shameless daughter, so how long can her health last?"

The girl broke down completely, covering her face and crying loudly.

Tan Wenshu was indifferent, his eyes were as cold as ice.

Suddenly, footsteps came.

Tan Wenshu looked nervously at the corridor...and quickly relaxed.


The other party was Tan Wenshu's assistant and nodded: "I didn't see anyone on the way here."

Tan Wenshu: "That's good."

But the girl immersed in despair didn't notice the movements of Tan Wenshu and others at all.

Tan Wenshu glanced at her: "You can take care of yourself, He Xiang, if you dare to threaten me again, this matter will not be left alone."

Then he took his assistant and walked away leisurely, heading back towards the audition room.

Not far away, Ming Dai, who was secretly observing, let out a sigh of relief.

But she came out in no hurry.

In less than 2 minutes, Tan Wenshu and his assistant shot back.

After reconfirming that there is no one around, he felt relieved when he was suspicious: "Let's go."

This time, Ming Dai finally walked out from the dark place, and after 5 minutes, she confirmed that Tan Wenshu hadn't come back, so she quickened her pace towards the secret terrace.

After passing through the fire door and coming to the corner of the corridor, she tiptoed and took out a recording pen from the inside of the top of the fire box hanging on the wall.

The green light of the recorder flashes to indicate that it is recording.

Thinking about it now, Ming Dai is very glad that she was careful——

Tan Wenshu is a thoughtful person, if he dares to talk about private affairs unscrupulously in this kind of place, he must have a backhand.

And Ming Dai had guessed beforehand, so she brought the recording pen along the way.

After eavesdropping for less than 2 minutes, she realized that if someone came from behind, she would have no way to advance or retreat, and would only be caught on the spot.

So with an idea, I hid the recording pen on top of the fire box.

After taking back the recording pen, Ming Dai immediately put it away and walked to the terrace to see how the girl was doing.

The terrace was empty.

"What about people?"

Ming Dai kept observing from a distance, except for Tan Wenshu and his assistant, she didn't see anyone else coming out from there!
Ming Dai turned around quickly, and as expected, she found the fire escape stairs at the other end of the corridor.

Sitting on the stairs was a thin girl, her head buried between her knees, crying silently.

Ming Dai, who overheard a few sporadic sentences and hadn't had time to confirm the recorder, didn't know what happened to the girl, but she could still feel deep despair from her.

Mingdai, who was a little relieved, walked lightly, and handed the tissue:

"Are you ok?"

The girl hurriedly wiped away her tears, not asking for Mingdai's tissue:
"I am fine."

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and got up, purposely avoiding Ming Dai, leaning against the wall and wanting to leave.

Ming Dai said decisively, "Did you meet Tan Wenshu just now?"

The girl froze.

Then, mechanically like a puppet, he shook his head and said, "I don't know Tan Wenshu."

Ming Dai looked at the girl's withered eyes without a gleam of light, and secretly thought that something was wrong.

But now, Ming Dai, who doesn't know exactly what happened to the girl, has no way of finding a breakthrough.

In the end, he watched helplessly as the girl lifted her feet and left.

And she quietly followed behind the girl.

 Three more today.

(End of this chapter)

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