Chapter 221
Mingdai was wrapped in a down jacket, holding a hot water bottle, with health tea made with red dates and goji berries by her hand, nestled in a rest chair and swiping her phone, exuding a laziness of salted fish, just like a standard example of health preservation for contemporary young people.

What was displayed on the screen of her mobile phone was the content of public opinion related to the Tan Wenshu incident.

Ming Dai knew early on that there would be a police announcement today, so she specially stayed on guard during filming breaks.

As soon as the news was swiped, the last worry disappeared without a trace, and I was in a good mood, with a smile on my lips.

When it was almost finished, Ming Dai wanted to turn off the news, but she seemed to catch a slightly familiar name out of the corner of her eye, and stopped immediately...Chu Yunping divorced?

Isn't Chu Yunping's words the famous actress Su Fangyun worked with before?
Did you get divorced?

Ming Dai clicked on this entry and flipped through it.

The news of Chu Yunping's divorce came from her studio.

In fact, Chu Yunping has held his breath for three years, and the studio is basically in a state of half-use. This time, the copy should be prepared by a professional public relations company. The wording is relatively neutral, and he said without any emotion that Chu Yunping and her husband decided to make peace because their relationship faded. separate.

There is no mutual tearing, no gossip, even Chu Yunping's own blog is quiet, and it still stays on a content sharing life half a year ago.

The sudden news of the divorce, and the impact of Tan Wenshu's turmoil in the entertainment industry, are probably why the news of Chu Yunping's divorce did not attract too many people's attention.

Ming Dai was still a little surprised.

I happened to see Su Fangyun walking beside her, and mentioned Tan Wenshu happily:
"We need to be fully prepared for everything these days. Fortunately, Tan Wenshu's slander and slanderous behaviors were expected in advance. We caught a point that the public likes to see in advance, and the situation turned out as we expected. , now Tan Wenshu has been nailed to death, powerless."

"I saw it." Ming Dai nodded in agreement, then asked again, "By the way, Sister Su, have you seen the news?"

Su Fangyun obviously didn't know: "What news? News about Tan Wenshu?"

Ming Dai shook her head: "No, it's Chu Yunping's. Sister Su, you used to be her manager, right?"

Su Fangyun froze for a moment, then slowly nodded: "Yes, she...what's wrong with her?"

Ming Dai: "She's divorced, and now she's at the bottom of the hot search list."

Su Fangyun was startled, took out his phone and immediately opened a certain blog.

Sure enough, as Ming Dai said, she saw the entry of Chu Yunping's divorce.

Half a minute later, Su Fangyun, who hastily scanned the content, said to Ming Dai:

"Wait, I'm going to make a call."

After talking on the phone for half an hour, Ming Dai nestled on the rest chair and almost fell asleep.

Su Fangyun came back with an anxious expression on his face: "I may have to leave for a while, Dai Dai..."

Ming Dai comforted her intimately: "Don't worry, I can do it by myself."

"But Huang Yuanyuan is sick and asked for leave."

Su Fangyun was obviously worried.

Ming Dai felt that it didn't matter:
"Isn't there still sister Hui? And I'm so familiar with the set of "Shining", so what should I worry about?"

"Today should be the day for you to wrap up..."

"Okay, okay, Sister Su, go get busy if you have something to do! Even if you stay here, you won't feel at ease, will you?"

Ming Dai jumped up from the chair, pushed Su Fangyun's shoulder and walked towards the gate of the crew.

Su Fangyun thought about the phone call just now, and had to admit that Ming Dai was right.

Patting the back of Ming Dai's hand, said: "Well, be careful by yourself, and call me if you need anything."

Ming Dai nodded again and again: "Yeah!"

Su Fangyun hurried away.

Ming Dai just stood there for a while.

Yan Jiaxue's voice came from behind: "Your mother Su is gone?"

"What mother Su?" Ming Dai smiled and cursed and turned around.

"You still don't admit it?" Yan Jiaxue shrugged, and after muttering, he told Ming Dai, "It's your time, come quickly! There are two more scenes to come, and you should wrap it up!"

Hearing the word "finalize", the smile on Ming Dai's face became brighter.

It was as if he was watching his career as an actor, who was as weak as a sapling just unearthed, grow a little bit again.


Ming Dai devoted herself to the next filming——

After weekly popularity votes, the arrogant and bright young lady Chu Jing played by Ming Dai has been promoted from a humble female supporting role to one of the protagonists. Yan Jiaxue specially added a story line for her, telling her childhood stories and the reasons for her personality , so that Chu Jing's character has the label of beauty, strength and misery.

After Chu Jing broke off her marriage contract with the male protagonist, she did not arrange another love line, but engaged in a career throughout the story, resisting the control of her parents and elders, getting rid of the fate of marrying for the family, and officially becoming the future heir of the huge group.

Many viewers who watched the development of the plot laughed and said that the hero and heroine took the script of Qiong Yao, and only Chu Jing took the script of the heroine, and the whole business war plot was in Chu Jing.

This part of the scene was shot very well, and Ming Dai can be considered as addicted.

Now the story belonging to Chu Jing is coming to an end.


"Cut! Chu Jing's last scene is over! Thank you Chu Jing for your hard work!"

Yan Jiaxue got up from the director's chair while applauding, and the set was followed by warm applause one after another, and everyone present was full of smiles.

Probably they also know who is the biggest contributor to the success of this "Shining", so even those who usually have a little rivalry with Ming Dai have let go of those emotions and congratulated Ming Dai wholeheartedly.

Among them, the heroine applauded the most. In the film, they didn't deal with each other until the end. The two ended up bickering. In fact, the relationship between the two is not bad. The heroine was crying while applauding. Don't forget to contact us again in the future.

Ming Dai nodded vigorously.

After wrapping up, the crew also prepared a grand wrapping-up banquet for Ming Dai, arranging cakes and bouquets.

After the wrap-up banquet is over, the busy days of the crew of "Shining" will be truly over.

Ming Dai felt quite emotional.

Before she was about to pack up and leave, Yan Jiaxue stopped her and stuffed a file bag into her hand.

"This is the script of the new movie, please read it carefully and give me an answer after reading it!"

After finishing speaking, Ming Dai didn't give Ming Dai a chance to answer, and ran away in a hurry, busy continuing to film.

"..." Mingdai said to himself, "No, we didn't even sign the contract of intent, so you just gave me the complete script?"

I really don't know whether to say that Yan Jiaxue has a carefree temper, or that he trusts Ming Dai too much.

However, there was a smile on Ming Dai's face at some point.

She was really curious, so she simply sat on the rest chair and read the outline of the new movie first.

(End of this chapter)

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