Chapter 237 I Remember All Those Things

Ning Xu doesn't feel frustrated either, spiritual victory is also a kind of victory.

After coming back after spanning ten years, he has already learned how to adjust his state.

Anyway, with Dai Dai here, everything is fine.

Ning Xu could see it fascinated, wishing to trace Dai Dai's outline little by little with his eyes and put it in his heart, there was a faint whisper behind him:

"It's him again."

"Ning Xu from the first year of high school, right? He's quite famous, half of the girls in the school played basketball before and watched it!"

"Then why did he come here? Looking for someone?"

"Look for Ming Dai, who else can it be?"


The long teasing voice came to an abrupt end when Ning Xu turned his head indifferently.

Those who were whispering nearby didn't expect Ning Xu's ears to be so sharp, they thought they lowered their voices very low.

Facing Ning Xu's gaze, they immediately waved their hands in embarrassment: "Sorry, we didn't mean to say you."

Ning Xu said unexpectedly, "It's fine."

The group of whisperers thought they had heard it wrong.

Ning Xu was calm and calm, and he was not found embarrassed and shy by Xiaosi at all.

For him, there is no such thing as face.

He was even able to nod to the group with a particularly bright smile:

"Because you are right, I came to see Dai Dai! Because I like her! It's a pity that she doesn't like me now, so I can only hide here and watch her secretly... How? I need to tell you something more ?"

Ning Xu's face was full of interest, and he had the intention of pulling this group of people to continue telling his own story.

A group of people looked at Ning Xu as if they were looking at a lunatic.

Ning Xu understood, and grinned even wider.

A group of people quickly ran away.

Ning Xu was satisfied, she turned her eyes away and continued to look at Ming Dai... huh?Where's Dede?

"Ning Xu."

A slightly cold voice approached Ning Xu step by step.

It turned out that Ming Dai came out of the classroom at some point, and frowned at him:
"What are you doing again?"

Ning Xu's heart was pounding, it could be said to be excited or nervous.

It turned out that Dai Dai had already discovered him!

As expected of Dai Dai, she has such a keen sense!

Ning Xu hasn't spoken to Ming Dai for a long, long time, and now she is so nervous that she is almost stuttering:
"I, I came here to..."

Ming Dai suddenly turned her head away, and Ning Xu stopped talking.

But Ming Dai didn't want to listen to Ning Xu's words, but because she found someone in the classroom peeking at the movement in the corridor.

Ever since Ming Dai revealed her identity at school, more and more attention has been paid to her.

Ming Dai didn't want to be someone else's talking point, so she stepped forward:

"follow me."

Ning Xu's eyes gradually opened wide, and the dark eyes were filled with the light of hope.

Leaning on crutches, he followed Ming Dai step by step, as if an invisible tail was swaying wildly.

Ming Dai walked to an empty corner and took a breath.

Turning around to meet Ning Xu's joyful eyes, he said mercilessly:
"Ning Xu, you might not be able to understand what you said so euphemistically. I hope you won't show up to disturb me again."


Ning Xu was caught off guard by the oncoming chill.

He was so at a loss that he didn't even know where to put his hands: "Dai Dai, I'm here to tell you something."

Ming Dai remained expressionless: "We have nothing to talk about."

"No! Listen to me first!"

Ning Xu eagerly handed out the memory card he got from the paparazzi, and handed it to Ming Dai like a treasure, and said,
"Recently, a paparazzi has been following you! Just now he wanted to enter the school to take pictures of you, but I stopped him! Now he has not only found where you live, but also your parents, and is going to use money to bribe them to speak , On the show, say things that are not good for you! These are all true!"

The paparazzi was probably looking at the 10 yuan. Before he left, he told Ning Xu that his company had taken a fancy to the news and was going to spend money to find Ming An Yuting to buy it and then sell it to other people. .

Now there are many companies and artists in the industry who are afraid of Mingdai's menacing rise, fearing that Mingdai will appear too fast and powerful, and will seize their resources, so spending money to buy black materials to prevent explosions is definitely what many people think!

The paparazzi also reminded Ning Xu to stop it quickly with money and morality. It should be a matter of a day or two if he agrees or not!
So Ning Xu came here specially, one is to see Ming Dai, and the other is to tell her about it.

Of course, it would be even better if he could get a little bit of good looks from Ming Dai.

But Mingdai's expression remained unchanged: "Oh."

This unexpected reaction made Ning Xu stunned.

He was depressed for a moment, but soon cheered up again, trying to please Mingdai in different ways, so much so that he said:
"Dedai, are you unhappy? If you want, I can help you solve this trouble!"

"no need."

"Use it! I use it very well! You just need to use me as a tool, tell me any unhappy things, and I will solve it for you! No matter what the cost!"

Ning Xu humbled his posture to the level of a tool, and didn't even ask Ming Dai to pay anything.

It seems that if Mingdai is willing to use him a little bit, he will be very happy.

Ming Dai frowned, and finally asked:
"Ning Xu, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Dedai, I, I..."

Ning Xu's heart was beating so fast that it was about to come out of his throat!
It was as if a voice was saying—it's now... it's now!
The mood instantly became strangely calm, and Ning Xu suddenly said:
"Dedai, I remember all those things."

Ning Xu chose to confess.

They had too many misunderstandings in the previous life, so this time Ning Xu didn't want to hide anything from Ming Dai, including rebirth.

He had a stomach full of words and wanted to tell Ming Dai, but he was so excited that he didn't know where to start and how to explain...

Ming Dai's face was calm, without any disturbance.

"I know."

The last time I was in the hospital was a guess, and the last time I was off the set was a certainty.

But Ning Xu looked at Ming Dai's expression, suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill, and said intermittently and incoherently:

"You know...but you didn't say..."

"What do I want to say? Meet you, and hold hands and look into tears?" Ming Dai sneered with a smile on her lips, "Ning Xu, have you forgotten what you said to me before?"

Ning Xu's face turned pale in an instant.

He wants to explain.

But Ming Dai has already repeated Ning Xu's words word for word:

"'People are not very good, but they think beautifully'."

Ming Dai speaks very slowly.

Every word is like a needle, slowly piercing Ning Xu's heart, every time the pain is only a little bit, it can be piled up, and overwhelming emotions will overwhelm him.

Ning Xu didn't know when, his eyes turned red.

He retorted loudly: "No! I misunderstood you at the beginning! Dai Dai, after the fire broke out that day, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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