Chapter 244 Your own daughter

The couple were taken aback for a moment, thinking they had heard it wrong.

"What, what biological daughter?"

The two of them have been annoyed these days that such a good cash cow of Ming Dai is not their own, completely forgetting that there is also a missing biological daughter.

Now Ning Xu suddenly mentioned it, and almost didn't remember it.

Ning Xu observed the subtle expressions of the two of them with great interest - bewildered, ignorant, and then stunned, panic...

He suddenly burst into laughter, laughing until tears came out:
"I thought I was nothing but a wolf-hearted dog. I didn't expect you two to be as beasts as me! Why, it never occurred to me that I have a biological daughter, right?"

The guilty couple dare not refute.

Ning Xu propped his chin with his hands, and raised his eyelids: "Okay, let me, a kind-hearted person, tell you. Since you remember seeing me at the gate of No. [-] Middle School that day, you should also remember that I stood with you at the beginning. girls together."

Ming An's face was full of bewilderment, obviously he couldn't remember what happened that day.

Yu Ting, on the other hand, answered firmly: "Remember!"

When Yu Ting saw that girl at the time, she felt gentle and beautiful, and her heart was close. Could it be that...

Ning Xu nodded jokingly: "Yes, her name is Gu Lingsi, and she is your biological daughter."

Yu Ting was excited: "It's really her! My daughter! Did she grow up so well?"

The dull Ming An finally remembered Gu Lingsi's appearance, but unlike Yu Ting, he believed it immediately.

"That student seems to have a good family background, how could it be our biological daughter?"

Ming An's words were like pouring a basin of cold water on Ting, making her twist her fingers uneasily.

"No, no way..."

Ning Xu grinned, intending to remind them:

"In the hospital 18 years ago, was there a rich lady who lived in the same ward as you? But she left after a short stay."

Ning Xu's words shook Yu Ting's memory, those fragments hidden in the corner resurfaced, and the memory about that day became clearer little by little——

Yu Ting remembered that it was raining heavily that day, and many people were injured and sent to the hospital because of the rain. Medical resources in remote towns are limited, and the hospital she lived in was the largest hospital nearby.

There were too many patients and limited number of doctors, so that the overall situation was chaotic. The obstetrics and gynecology department was crowded with expectant mothers, and the wailing sounded one after another. This made Yu Ting feel no joy of being a mother at all, but was full of fear in her heart.

In the chaotic obstetrics and gynecology department, there was a noble woman who was dressed completely differently from others. She was also lying on the delivery bed, and a young woman stood beside her. Her voice was very sharp, and she kept yelling:
'I don't want to live here!I don't want to live here! '

The young woman accompanying her could only comfort her in a low voice, saying that the road was too slippery due to the heavy rain, and it was too late to go back. Then she stopped the passing doctor and asked when she could enter the delivery room.

The young woman said angrily: "If something happens to our wife, can you be responsible?" '

The doctor asked the young woman what the relationship was with the mother, and the young woman said it was an assistant.

Yu Ting, who was almost numb from the pain, showed envious eyes. "Madame" and "assistant" were words that would never appear in her world.

But who would have thought that in the end, Yu Ting and the lady would be pushed into the delivery room one after the other, and pushed out at the same time one after another, and sent to the same ward, as if... There was no difference between them.

Yu Ting, who was so painful during childbirth and was asked by her husband not to beat her painlessly, didn't like the crying daughter next to her.

The noble lady was dissatisfied with the environment and complained all the time. She was also too lazy to look at her newborn daughter, but that daughter was obedient.

It wasn't until the next day that the lady was able to get out of bed and walk, and walked around to several nearby beds to look left and right.

Yu Ting knew that she was an extraordinary person, so she deliberately asked her if she wanted to hug the child.

The lady was probably out of curiosity, but she didn't refuse, she picked up Yu Ting's daughter and took a look at her.

At this moment, the young assistant ran up and shouted excitedly:
'lady!The call is through!Sir is already on his way! '

The lady forgot that there was a child in her arms, so she picked it up and ran outside.

Yu Ting was dumbfounded, and she didn't shout out for some reason. What she was thinking in her heart was... If the daughter is gone, can it be logical to have another son that her husband likes?
It's a pity that the lady quickly remembered and asked the assistant to send the child back.

When Yu Ting saw her daughter lying next to her again, she felt that there was something different, as if the child was more beautiful?
But Yu Ting didn't think about it deeply. She hasn't looked at the child carefully since it was born, and she can't remember what it looked like before. She only thinks that this is the change that the child should have after birth.


Yu Ting thought that recalling 18 years ago would be a very difficult thing, but who knew that after she opened her mouth, she was eloquent, telling all the things that happened that day smoothly without any stagnation.

After Ning Xu listened, the smile on her lips froze a little bit.

In his previous life, he learned about Ming Dai and Gu Lingsi's life experiences from Ning Shu.

And what Ning Shu knew was only what the Gu family wanted outsiders to know—that is, the two children were wronged by accident.

Of course Ning Xu knew that Ming An Yu Ting and his wife would not be the ones who made the mistake.

Otherwise, with the Gu family's love of face, they would never allow the couple to survive in peace and stability.

But Ning Xu never expected that the one who made the mistake would be Wein!Ming Dai's own mother!
Would they not know about the previous life?
No, of course they do!

So where did they have the courage to let Ming Dai down?

Ning Xu clenched her molars tightly, her fists creaking loudly, wishing she could rush directly to the Gu family and smash those hypocritical faces!

His terrifying and distorted expression tore apart the beautiful and harmless eyes, like an evil spirit crawling out of hell, making Ming An Yuting and his wife tremble with fear, for fear that if one mistaken, the person in front of him would vent his anger to them.

But Ning Xu quickly suppressed his emotions and returned to normal.

It's okay, take your time.

But his interest was always low, and he didn't want to show off anymore, so he hurriedly said in an irritable tone:

"Yes, you met the wife of the Gu family that day, and your biological daughter is now the daughter of the Gu family!"

Ming An and Yu Ting were stunned by the big news.

"The Gu family? The Gu family of the Fenggu Group?"

Ming An was overjoyed, as if seeing a golden avenue again!

"So that girl is really my daughter? She is the daughter of the Gu family now?"

Yu Ting was so happy that she was on the verge of tears, she was so honored that her biological daughter grew up pampered and pampered!
 Two chapters will be updated first, and there will be another chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)

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