Chapter 261 Dinner
When he was about to reach the reserved box, a group of people suddenly walked towards him in the corridor.

The young man in the lead had an indifferent expression, deep and handsome browbones, and sharp jawline that concealed a sense of coldness. He was as handsome as a perfect statue under the hands of the master, and even the aura around him carried an extraordinary coldness.

He was wearing a black three-piece custom-made suit. The jadeite cuffs showed his extraordinary taste. The Jaeger-LeCoultre antique watch on his wrist was low-key and restrained. The word "expensive" was written from the hair to the sole of the shoes.

Among the people behind him, there were older and younger ones, all of whom were well-dressed and accomplished extraordinary things, but they all held him up and respected him, their expressions were flattering, and they centered on him.

And the young man is obviously accustomed to the attitude of these people, his eyes glanced faintly, cold and arrogant.

The investor here, Wang Lei, originally brought a mighty entourage, and was surrounded by stars, and it seemed that the scene was very grand.

But when he saw the person coming from more than ten meters away, his eyes burst into surprise, and he didn't care about the seven attendants who favored him. Wenwan put a walnut in his pocket and strode towards him:

"Fourth Young Master! But I haven't seen you for a long time!"

That passionate voice, accompanied by the old god who was on the set, is like a world.

The people in the crew behind were stunned, and some of them recognized the leading man on the opposite side, because many of them were former members of "Shining", participated in the celebration banquet, and met each other.

At that time, the celebration banquet was...

Ming Dai sensed that other people were looking at her curiously, she didn't care, and talked to Chu Yunping in a low voice.

As for Ning Shu, who was walking across the street, he paused for a moment, raised his eyes slightly, and as expected, he spotted Ming Dai's half-blocked figure behind the crowd.

He glanced casually, indifferently.

Then his eyes stayed on Wang Lei who was trotting up, and he raised his eyelids: "Who are you?"

Wang Lei's face was full of smiles, and he didn't dare to feel unhappy: "I'm Wang Lei! We met at Mr. Zhao's party last month!"

Ning Shu nodded, not intending to communicate with Wang Lei, and continued to whisper to the people around him, passing Wang Lei into the box.

Wang Lei couldn't see the embarrassment of being left out in the slightest. He put his hands in front of him, and watched Ning Shu and his party enter the box respectfully. It wasn't until the box door was closed that the enthusiastic smile faded away, and he walked slowly back to the set In front of everyone.

Out of curiosity, he asked, "Is that Mr. Ning Shuning?"

Wang Lei glanced at the other party coldly, and said in a neutral tone, "Oh? Do you know him?"

"We all know each other! When filming "Shining" before, that Mr. Ning was invited by the platform executives to come to our celebration party!"

"Oh, then you are very powerful." Wang Lei cheered up a little, and explained, "That person is a big shot!"

Everyone in the production crew looked at each other, thinking of the relationship between Ming Dai and that person again.

But they all know what to say and what not to say, so no one mentions Ming Dai indifferently at this moment.

The matter of meeting Ning Shu was temporarily exposed, and no one mentioned it again.

Wang Lei led the crowd into the box, and of course took the main seat.

His seven attendants finally stopped following him, and they each found a place to sit.

The private box was originally two rooms, but when the sliding door in the middle was opened, the two private rooms were connected to become a larger private room, with two large round tables enough to accommodate three NO.40 people.

Everyone found their own seats, and Ming Dai was dragged by Chu Yunping to sit in a remote place near the end.

"Hey!" Wang Lei suddenly said, smiling kindly, "How can the two beauties sit so far away as the protagonists?"

As he spoke, he beckoned for Ming Dai and Chu Yunping to sit beside him.

For a while, the atmosphere in the box was a little stagnant.

Although everyone also felt that the protagonist should take a more important position, but the tone of this investor... I always felt a little uncomfortable.

Those crew members who were so happy that they really thought they were here for dinner finally figured out something was wrong, and the smiles on their faces became much less.

Wang Lei didn't pay attention to the change he had brought to the atmosphere in the box, and said in a subtle way: "What? Could it be that you don't like me, a bad old man, and don't want to come and sit?"

It sounds like a joke at first, but anyone with a little brain knows that this is definitely not a joke.

Chu Yunping stood up with a smile: "Mr. Wang was joking, Ming Dai and I are in poor health and the other is young, and we can't drink, so we decided to sit in the back seat so as not to disturb everyone's interest."

Yan Jiaxue also came out with a smile: "Come on, let me sit next to Mr. Wang! Mr. Wang... Brother Wang! Can I call you Brother Wang? You came from a long way, we will not return today if we are not drunk!"

Wang Lei glanced at Yan Jiaxue, did not stop him from taking a seat, but still said meaningfully to Ming Dai and Chu Yunping: "Let's talk about drinking, but we should sit closer so we can talk about things!"

The word "talking about things" was deliberately emphasized. This fell on Wang Lei who hadn't mentioned the investment money all day. The meaning of the threat was obvious.

In the end, both sides took a step back, and Ming Dai and Chu Yunping stepped forward a few positions, and Yan Jiaxue and Bai Ge were still separated from Wang Lei.

Chu Yunping took the seat first, sitting next to Bai Ge, and then moved Ming Dai to the side to protect her.

While Ming Dai was seated, he gently squeezed her hand.


Completely treat Ming Dai like a little sister.

Wang Lei saw all this series of actions in his eyes, and his smile remained unchanged throughout the whole process, as if he had no other thoughts at all.

In fact, Ming Dai was not as flustered as they thought, but rather calm - she had faced this situation many times, and she always had a way to deal with it.

Finally, everyone took their seats one after another.

Bai Ge, who had been with Wang Lei all day and failed to pry the other party's mouth open, actually took out a heavy bottle of Moutai from his tote bag and put it heavily in front of Wang Lei.

The smile on Baige's face was very light, and he had a bold and chivalrous temperament, and he said: "Mr. Wang, I didn't enjoy drinking in Yanjing last time. This time we come to Sucheng, let's have a good drink again!"

Yan Jiaxue, who was stunned for a while, also quickly realized, and echoed: "Yes! Brother Wang! I just agreed not to get drunk and not to return!"

The seemingly calm Wang Lei finally showed signs of a stiff expression: "Heh, heh."

In fact, Bai Ge didn't mention it to anyone. Just two days ago, in order to discuss the follow-up investment with Wang Lei, she went to Wang Lei's dinner party and drank until she vomited. words.

Instead of showing cowardice, Bai Gefei brought liquor himself this time, ready to turn passive into active!
(End of this chapter)

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