Chapter 320
It is the first time for Ming Dai to shoot such a commercial that pursues the ultimate perfection and focuses on presenting artistic sense.

Ninety percent of the commercials that were filmed in the previous life were Ming Dai holding the endorsement, standing in front of the camera with a silly smile, and then chanting a few crappy commercials, and it ended after a click.

It wasn't until the filming was done that I realized how big the difference was. It wasn't just a matter of the director, what the entire commercial wanted to present, and the professionalism of all the staff were not on the same level.

And this is different from movies and TV shows. Although Ming Dai is an actor, what she wants to convey when acting is emotion, while the commercials show pure and supreme beauty.

And this beauty must be supported by emotions, it cannot be completely empty and without a story, in short, it is very complicated.

Mingdai's hope of getting rid of it was naturally in vain.

Jean felt that Ming Dai's performance was good, but the arch of her feet was not tight enough and not beautiful enough.

Although Jean pursued the excellent light and wanted a faster shooting speed, she was more obsessed with quality, so she took the trouble to tell Ming Dai how to use her strength to make her feet look more beautiful. In this regard, as a director, Jean is very experienced.

Ming Dai was taught, and she was a very smart student. After understanding the difference in shooting that Jean described, she quickly understood the effect that Jean wanted, and by analogy, she quickly entered the state.

After the small twists and turns at the beginning, the next shooting went much smoother.

Ming Dai walked that road for about twenty times, changing the petals on the ground one after another, grinding out perfect shots one by one, and finally achieved the effect Jean wanted.

At this point, Ming Dai was finally able to rest for a while.

It's almost two o'clock in the afternoon, and Ming Dai stopped after eating a little salad to ensure that the next filming would not faint due to hypoglycemia, and drank some health-preserving tea to dispel the chill of early spring.

At this moment, she is already feeling a little tired, but there will be shooting in the water in the afternoon, and she will be even more tired and hard. Mingdai must take the time to take a nap to recharge her energy for the later shooting.

It was too far to go back to the room, so I simply found a lounge nearby.

I didn't dare to lie down directly, for fear of messing up my makeup and hair, but I don't need the skirt for the time being, so I changed into more comfortable and loose clothes and leaned back on the sofa chair.

Ming Dai thought that she slept well yesterday and took a nap before shooting in the morning, so it should be difficult to fall asleep now.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the back of her head touched the pillow of the sofa chair, she fell into a deep sleep uncontrollably.

It is a posture of muscle relaxation, and sleep is very sound and sweet.

When she wakes up, she will continue to shoot and go to her battlefield.

When Ming Dai was exhausted from shooting.

In the box that Ning Xu had reserved, Gu Lingsi pushed the door open and looked at Ning Shu with a smile.

She thought the smile she put on was perfect enough, but Ning Shu seemed to turn a blind eye to it, she looked away lightly, and pulled out the chair: "Please sit down."

Gu Lingsi was overjoyed, thinking that the chair was pulled away for her, and just raised her foot to walk over——

Ning Shu had already sat on it by himself.

The joy lingered on the tip of his eyebrows, before he could take it back, he was overwhelmed by embarrassment.

"What's wrong?" Ning Shu looked indifferently.

Where did Gu Lingsi dare to express her dissatisfaction, she even shook her head and said no, walked to the table, facing Ning Shu, stretched out her hand to open the chair and prepared to sit down.

When her eyes inadvertently glanced out of the window, Gu Lingsi found that the table was very close to the floor-to-ceiling windows, which was the angle from which she could see the scenery outside the window just by turning her head slightly.

It was the first time for Gu Lingsi to come here, so she was inevitably a little curious about the scenery outside the window, so she tried to look out.

"I heard from Ning Xu about the longevity lock."

Ning Shu spoke abruptly, and directly drew Gu Lingsi's attention.

When Gu Lingsi heard that it was serious business, he was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery.

She was a little cautious: "Yes, it was Ning Xu who told me that I knew that you were the one who saved me at random."

There was a little joy in Gu Lingsi's eyes, like the surprise of an old friend reunited.

She had practiced this expression in front of the mirror countless times. She felt exaggerated when she was too happy, and didn't feel like it was too plain. After trying it out, she felt that this expression was just right, so she dared to act in front of Ning Shu.

Ning Shu is indeed not someone who is easily fooled. Although Gu Lingsi had imagined what Ning Shu would ask today, such as the details of the encounter that day, the longevity lock... But she never thought that Ning Shu would ask so directly.

He actually stared at her sharply and sharply: "Ning Xu said this was a surprise for me, but I want to ask you, is this true?"

As the heir carefully cultivated by the Ning family, Ning Shu's aura is extraordinary. Gu Lingsi even felt that compared to the pressure she faced when facing Gu Qi, Ning Shu made people feel more awe and fear.

She almost dropped her shoulders to tell the truth!

At the last moment, the tragic end of being abandoned by the Gu family made Gu Lingsi muster his courage.

She met Ning Shu's gaze without fear: "I am indeed the one who saved you, whether you believe it or not is up to you."

This was quite arrogant, but it was different from the feeling Gu Lingsi gave Ning Shu before.

Ning Shu's expression eased: "Sorry, I just want to confirm."

Gu Lingsi shook her head: "It's okay."

Saying that, he took out the brocade bag containing the longevity lock and pushed it in front of Ning Shu.

Ning Shu's gaze stayed on the embroidery pattern on the brocade bag for a full five seconds before finally raising his hand to pick it up and open it.

The familiar and unfamiliar Longevity Lock was lying in it. Compared with what he remembered, the Longevity Lock in front of him was relatively old and not as bright as that, but there was a shallow pit in the lower right corner, which he accidentally bumped into. .

It's his longevity lock, that's right.

Ning Shu thought about the results of the investigation before he came here - because of the long time, a lot of information is not accurate, but at that time, the Gu family did live nearby, and it is possible that Gu Lingsi would go to play nearby.

Coupled with the longevity lock in front of him, it can basically be confirmed.

But why, he didn't feel happy at all?
Instead, it was very heavy, very...disappointing.

Ning Shu cleared up his mood as soon as possible.

"what do you want?"

Gu Lingsi pursed her lips.

Her plan at the beginning was not like this, but she wanted to use the longevity lock to get closer to Ning Shu, so that he would fall in love with her step by step, and the two would get married naturally, and get the blessings of Ning Gu's family.

Because for Gu Lingsi, the favor of the Gu family is no longer reliable. Only when Ning Shu has feelings for her can her status and interests be guaranteed.

But now it seems that this plan may fail.

Gu Lingsi temporarily changed her mind, with a bit of real embarrassment and shyness in her eyes:
"You should know my dad... So, I've been in a bad situation at home recently, and only you can help me."

 I sent a request for leave yesterday. I don’t know if you have seen it, or it’s too busy on New Year’s Eve, so I can only delay it for a while. Now that most of the things are done, I should be able to update smoothly next time.

  By the way, I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year!Good health and good luck!
(End of this chapter)

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