Chapter 322 What are you looking at?
Why did Ning Xu scold Gu Lingsi?
Without him, if you are in a bad mood, you can scold if you want.

Half an hour ago, he asked the driver to drive to the vicinity of Ming Dai's house, hoping to find a chance to meet her by chance.

This is not the first time Ning Xu has done such a thing, wanting to meet her by chance, wanting to see her, wanting to get closer to her... He tried to take this step, but he didn't dare to take it.

The final result is often that Ning Xu sat in the car for several hours, and then let the driver drive away in despair.

He is also struggling with this emotion today.

Caught off guard, he saw Ming Dai!
Even though she was tightly wrapped, wearing a hat and a mask, hiding every piece of exposed skin... But Ning Xu still recognized her at a glance!
He thought it was an opportunity given by God, so he was overjoyed and wanted to push the door and get out of the car.

Then I saw Ming Dai walking to a car by the side of the road and jumping into it briskly, the only eyes that were exposed were smiling crookedly, like two new moons, full of joy.

Ning Xu opened his eyes wide, and immediately looked at the license was the license plate belonging to He Mu.

And Mu!It's He Mu again!
Ning Xu stared at the car, watched it start and leave, and couldn't help clasping the barbs of his fingers until his fingers were dripping with blood, and the driver in the front seat exclaimed.

"Turn around."

Ning Xu said darkly.

The driver didn't dare to breathe, and quickly avoided his sight.

This exclusive driver who used to be Ning Shu's eyeliner has already been recovered by Ning Xu as his person. He respects Ning Xu, but most of the time, he is more afraid than respectful.

The driver is the person who has the most contact with Ning Xu and has seen his real face the most, and he understands the uncertainty of the Sixth Young Master. Seeing Ning Xu's change of face now, how dare he touch him?
But there are still people who don't have eyesight to call at this time.

The driver knew he was going to suffer when he heard the particularly harsh bell in the silent car.

Sure enough, after picking up the phone and listening for two seconds, Ning Xu used the phone as a punching bag, and asked the driver to drive home without letting go after scolding for a long time.

Seeing Ning Xu stepping into the gate of Ning's house with a gloomy face, the driver sighed and prayed silently for the people in the house.

Turning his head, he saw another car in the garage - it was Ning Shu's exclusive car.

So the Fourth Young Master is also at home?
The driver didn't know that Ning Xu found out that Ning Shu was at home through the locator installed on his mobile phone, so he chose to come back specially.

Ning Xu strode forward, the corners of his clothes were windy, and there was a biting evil spirit all over his body.

He has always been used to disguising this gloomy side, even in front of the servants at home.

But today he couldn't help it anymore, he was gloomily like black air, and the servants in Ning's house who bumped into him along the road all lowered their heads hastily, always feeling that Liu Shao was in a bad mood and that the visitor was not kind.

The servants didn't dare to go up to stop them, and even forgot to inform Ning Shu about it.

As a result, Ning Shu's expression on the sofa in the living room appeared in front of Ning Xu without any concealment——

Ning Shu was processing the company documents, and the secretary at the side was going to project the PPT to the TV, which would be more convenient for Ning Shu to watch.

Unexpectedly, when the TV was turned on, it was Ming Dai who appeared.

That was the latest advertisement she shot for C Jewelry. After the production was completed, it was posted on stores, major websites, and TVs as quickly as possible.

The picture starts from the turquoise water, Ming Dai sleeping at the bottom of the water, wrapped in a white gauze, her hair loose like floating water plants, and the gloomy shadow covers her.

Fragmentary light suddenly flashed across the water surface, reflecting her brows and eyes that were as clear as ink, and awakened her to open her eyes slowly, raised her head and walked towards the water surface, like a sharp fish breaking through the barrier of boiling water, appearing on the water surface.

Small streams of water slid down her hair and cheeks, her expression was indifferent, the sun reflected her indifferent pupils like ice, like a water elf outside the common world, ignorant of emotions, looking down on mortals.

She stepped out of the water waves, very much like the scene of the birth of Venus described by Botticelli. Her long hair floated around her like mist, her eyes were confused and curious, and her glass-like eyeballs were more like washing with water. As clean and clear.

She stepped on the lotus step by step from the water, and finally stepped on the shore. The wonderful touch made her look surprised, like a forest deer seeing the world for the first time.

Flowers and tender grass wrapped around her ankles, climbed up, and turned into a part of her skirt embellishment. Her long hair was coiled up automatically, revealing her smooth and plump face without reservation. Dewdrops sprinkled on her neck and hair, Turned into bright jewelry embellishment.

She walked step by step on the petals, her hair was perfect from her hair to her toes, and her expression changed from confusion, to curiosity, to joy, to joy.

When she was surrounded by flowers and sunshine and became the center of the world, she turned her head and looked at the camera, her lips parted slightly:

"Everything precious in the world is given to you."


Ning Shu's heart was clenched tightly.

Adam's apple rolls.

The body is numb and numb like an electric shock.

What it feels like to be top-heavy and have backflow of blood, he experienced it all in an instant.

The only thought that popped up in the momentary blank mind was——

When she was filming in the water, was it cold?

"What are you looking at."

The deep voice shattered all of Ning Shu's throbbing.

Ning Shu tensed all his muscles, then forced himself to relax, and turned his head nonchalantly:

"Xiao Xu, you are back."

After finishing speaking lightly, he ordered the secretary to continue.

The secretary was like an enemy, probably because he saw Ning Shu's infatuated love when his eyes stayed on the advertisement screen, and he also knew that the girl in the screen was what Liu Shao wanted.

Seeing the gossip of the wealthy brothers, he didn't feel the joy of watching the show at all. On the contrary, he was terrified. He tried to calm down and wanted to continue the procedure just now and open the PPT...

"I ask you, what are you looking at!"

Ning Xu's hoarse voice sounded again.

Ning Shu knew that Ning Xu was suspicious, so he could only explain:
"The group's overseas business will overlap with the parent company of Jewelry C, and the effect of their new commercials will determine our attitude."

Ning Shu's tone was completely businesslike, as if he saw Ming Dai's jewelry advertisement without any selfish motives.

But can this deceive Ning Xu?

Ning Xu sneered directly, "When I was a three-year-old child? Stupid enough not to have eyes?"

Ning Shu was a little irritable, but he had to suppress his emotions and lower his voice: "Xiaoxu, don't think too much."

"I think too much?" Ning Xu laughed hoarsely, "Why don't you ask yourself first, what kind of dirty and ugly thoughts do you have to covet the girl your brother likes!"

Besides the secretary, there were two servants in the living room. Hearing Ning Xu's words, he hurriedly lowered his head.

Ning Shu noticed it, stood up suddenly, and shouted sharply: "Ning Xu!"

"Don't call me!" Ning Xu's eyes turned red, and he shouted uncontrollably, "Don't call me by my name! I feel sick!"

He stared at Ning Shu with hatred in his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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