Chapter 405 An Unfilial Daughter
While the barrage audience was frantically discussing the news, they were far away in a residence in a high-end residential area in Yanjing. It's not the same anymore.

Because as long as the eyes can see, it is full of things, and there is nowhere to go——

Mountains of washed and unwashed clothes on the sofa;
Unfinished food and greasy bowls and chopsticks lay on the marble dining table;
All the porcelain ornaments on the shelf were swept to the corner, and there were all kinds of rare and precious bird's nests with cordyceps, and the plastic outer packaging was not even removed, because there were too many, it looked particularly messy;

All the countertops are covered with dust, the floor is so dirty that the original color cannot be seen, and the spacious and bright balcony is hung with sheets and quilts that have been drying for almost a month.


This is the new home of Ming An Yuting and his wife.

Of course, it was a rented house. The little money Gu Lingsi gave was not enough for them to buy a house in a high-end community where every inch of land was expensive.

The monthly rent must be high, but the couple don't care at all, because the money is too easy to get, and they become more reckless when they squander it.

Anyway, the couple already knew that their biological daughter, Gu Lingsi, was about to marry into the Ning family, one of the most wealthy families in Yanjing, and there would be countless riches and honors waiting for them.

How can a house of only [-] square meters satisfy their appetite?What they want in the future is definitely a luxury car and a big villa!
As a result, the couple's attitude towards Gu Lingsi has skyrocketed recently. Threats and consolations, big sticks and candied dates, the two sets of methods have been played very smoothly without a teacher, and the effect is remarkable. A beautiful and prosperous life in the future is already beckoning to them.

But this does not prevent them from thinking about the other "daughter", a big star who has been in the limelight recently.

A month ago, the couple sat in front of the TV and were still in a strange mood. Ming Dai's new movie hit the street to the center of the earth;
A month later, the couple hated what Ming Dai had achieved.

Seeing that Ming Dai is getting more and more popular, why don't they want a piece of the action?

However, the young man who broke into the house watched them too hard. It didn't matter how the couple tried to blackmail Gu Lingsi, but as long as they kept an eye on Ming Dai and got in touch with Yuji, there would be a warning call immediately.

After a long time, the couple's nerves became numb, it's not that they didn't think about trying.

Then there was an extra cup of hot tea on the table the next day.

Seeing the white smoke curling up, the husband and wife asked each other and found out that it was not the other party who made it.

It is self-evident where the hot tea comes from.

Trembling with fright, the couple stayed up late and changed shifts to stare at her for three days, but they still couldn't find any traces. In the end, they had to return to normal life, and never thought of finding Ming Dai again.

It's just that occasionally she pays attention to Ming Dai's news and grits her teeth with hatred.

Today, the couple are at home.

Ever since Yu Ting was able to get money from Gu Lingsi, she gave up her job.

In the past, in the central area of ​​the city, you could play cards and gossip with neighbors when you were not setting up a stall.

Since moving to this high-end community, the recreational activities of the residents here are tennis, swimming, yoga, and there is not even a square dancer.

Yu Ting couldn't get into the circle of those people, and always felt that they looked at her strangely, so she could only occasionally go back to the old village in the city, showing off her newly bought gold bracelets in front of the neighbors in the past.

However, the distance between the two districts is too far. Yu Ting is distressed about the taxi fare, and she does not want to take the subway and bus because of her status, so she spends most of her time at home, playing with her mobile phone and watching TV.

Today's live interview with the crew of "Twin Lotus" received a lot of attention.

Coupled with Ming Dai's astonishing words, it is the first time to respond to various rumors about family background.

Public opinion fermented rapidly, and the live broadcast was not over yet, and the clips appeared on the trending searches first, and were circulated everywhere in certain music, certain blogs and certain books.

Yu Ting happened to be playing with her mobile phone and saw it immediately.

"No parents?" Yu Ting was so angry that she jumped up from the sofa on the spot, "Then what are we? White-eyed wolf! Little bitch!"

More obscene words came out of Yu Ting's mouth, it was simply unbearable!
Ming An quickly heard the sound and ran out of the room: "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

He was eating melon seeds just now, and there were crumbs and melon seed shells on his white T-shirt. He was a lot fatter than before, his face was greasy, and his eyes were dazed.

Yu Ting rushed to him in a few steps, and raised the phone forward: "Look! Look at what this dead girl said on the show? No parents? And these people! Are they all blind? Said the dead girl What do you believe!"

That's right, it wasn't Ming Dai's remarks that really angered Yu Ting, but the comments she found in the comment section of a certain music.

The matter of "having no parents" will have different effects on different people.

If it were an artist with a bad reputation, most netizens would attack him.

But Ming Dai is a special example——

First, Princess Pearl of "A Generation of Emperors" let everyone know and love her;

Later, Song Tan's stunning reversal in "Twin Lotus" successfully deepened the impression of the powerful faction;
In addition, the first place in the professional course of the art test, the score line of the culture course passed the first line, and the publicity letter of the No. [-] middle school...

Various factors have made the public have a high degree of favorability for Ming Dai. The previous waves of black material have been clarified. Now Ming Dai is regarded by everyone as a talented actress and a future actress with a bright future.

Inevitably, there will be a filter for her, so I will look at the problem more rationally and calmly.

For example, under the video with the highest playback volume of a live clip of a certain sound, the comment style is basically:

【Looking at Ming Dai's attitude, there should be something else hidden about this matter. I suspect that the adoptive parents are not good people. 】

[Trafficking?Is it kidnapping?I was shocked that a big star actually had such a miserable life experience! 】

【Ming Dai is so pitiful!Hug the female goose! 】

There are also those who stand up and question:

[Ming Dai didn't even say that you guys made up her mind first?Couldn't it be that after Ming Dai became famous, she deliberately drew a clear line with her parents?Afraid of being taken advantage of?This kind of unfilial daughter can also brag! 】

Yu Ting applauded this comment at the beginning, especially this comment received a lot of likes.

I don’t know how to click in, the following reply is:
[Everyone, come and watch. 】

[Brain disabled, I'll send you up. 】

【Let me tell you, this question is actually very simple, it depends on whether it is beneficial to Ming Dai.If Ming Dai is really an unfilial white-eyed wolf, will her parents stand up and criticize?Since Ming Dai dared to say this in front of the public, it means that she is morally blameless, otherwise she would be more miserable than anyone else, understand? 】

Seeing these so-called rational speeches, Ming An became very angry and roared loudly:

"Think we don't want to?"

I dare not!

Yu Ting wiped her tears and was filled with righteous indignation: "These people should really see Ming Dai's true face! Those who know will definitely support us!"

(End of this chapter)

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