Chapter 412
Ming Dai:? ?

Ming Dai didn't even know why she, who was sitting quietly next to her, was suddenly dragged into this conversation.

She blinked, just about to say something.

Guo Xiling didn't know if she could see it.

"are you free?"

This is what Mr. President said.

It seems to be tactful, but it is actually asking the other party to leave.

Mr. President has no reason to delay, he quickly turned around and went to other positions.

He didn't dare to occupy Guo Xiling's original position, but asked his subordinates to vacate other positions for him.

What if Ms. Guo changes her mind and wants to sit back?

Ming Dai stared blankly at this series of movements.

More and more people were looking at them, and the seniors at the same table had a particularly strong inquiring gaze. If it wasn't for that Ms. Guo was there, I'm afraid they would have come directly to inquire about the news.

Rao Mingdai is used to the feeling of being watched by everyone, so she is also a little uncomfortable at the moment.

On the contrary, Guo Xiling accepted it calmly, and didn't care about other people's attention at all, just like a natural habit.

Guo Xiling casually flipped through the jewelry brochure on the table——

Tonight's jewelry dinner is regarded as a high-end press conference, and the main character is the gorgeous jewelry worth millions, and it is for this reason that many big benefactors are invited here.

Therefore, there is a special brochure in front of everyone, which prints high-definition photos and introductions of each exhibit.

Guo Xiling glanced around, lost interest: "The C family's styles have become more and more ineffective in the past two years."

Ming Dai, as the brand spokesperson, of course cannot agree with this statement.

It just so happened that when she just sat down and was bored, she read through the entire booklet and had a general impression of the jewelry inside.

Maybe this Ms. Guo was just talking to herself, but Ming Dai thought about the pleading look in the CEO's eyes before he left just now... He didn't say anything, but he seemed to have said everything.

Thinking of the responsibilities she should shoulder as a spokesperson, Ming Dai pointed to a photo on one of the pages:

"I think this one is good, very spiritual."

The words are from Ming Dai's heart.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Ms. Guo went directly to Ming Dai's side, breaking the social distance, and in the eyes of others, she was a close elder and younger generation.

Guo Xiling: "Which one?"

Her attitude was so natural that even Ming Dai didn't feel uncomfortable.

"..." Ming Dai quickly continued, "This 'Bamboo Rhythm' is introduced as a creation that incorporates oriental imagery. I think it is very interesting."

Guo Xiling raised her eyebrows: "Oh? Why do I feel that this style is blended in so shallowly? It is more suitable to use jade or emerald to show the style of bamboo. Emerald... is a little inferior."

Ming Dai was not easily led away by Guo Xiling's ideas, but insisted on her point of view: "But C's jewelry is best at using various colored gemstones in the design. Although the emerald design is not as full of oriental charm as jade and jade, But it is very novel and interesting. Especially its shape, it is very similar to a collection of the Forbidden City..."

"Official Ru kiln bamboo rhyme vase made in Song Dynasty!"

" official Ru kiln bamboo rhyme vase made in the Song Dynasty."

Guo Xiling and Ming Dai said one word in unison.

Ming Dai showed surprise, while Guo Xiling just smiled.

Guo Xiling looked at Ming Dai appreciatively: "You are look like you are in high school, how do you know this?"

Ming Dai didn't notice the little twist when Guo Xiling spoke, but was thinking about how to explain it.

It certainly cannot be said that she specially learned the materials in her previous life to play the role of a jewelry designer... Although it was not useful at all when it came to filming.

Ming Dai simply explained: "I'm more interested in this aspect."

Guo Xiling had no doubts at all: "I'm also interested in jewelry collection! I didn't expect that we would have common hobbies!"

All of her children followed their father's example.

After all, the youngest one is keen on collecting, but he is not interested in the field of jewelry.

In case the youngest daughter-in-law has a common language in the future, it won't be too difficult to get along with each other... Stop it!stop!What is she thinking!Where is this!
Guo Xiling did not forget today's business.

The reason why she came was also because of the sudden return of her youngest son He Mu.

He Mu hid the news so well that Guo Xiling only learned that his youngest son had arrived in China two days ago.

While complaining about his unfilial young son, Guo Xiling also pondered the reason for He Mu's sudden return.

Of course Guo Xiling knew that He Mu's departure two months ago was influenced by what she said, and he had to avoid going abroad under the shock of his mind.

This shocked Guo Xiling, because He Mu has been a person with firm goals and perseverance since he was a child. Whether it is choosing a school or starting a business, he never listens to his parents' opinions and only follows what he wants.

shake?weak?escape?This kind of thing will never happen to him!

It appeared now, but for a girl.

Guo Xiling was surprised and distressed, so why wasn't she shaken?
Especially after two months of going abroad with Mu Bi, even if Guo Xiling spoke with him, the tone of her voice couldn't be more normal, but she is a mother after all, and she can understand the undercurrent and turbulence under the surface calm of her youngest son, the hesitation and swaying , into the mental torture of internal friction.

This made Guo Xiling, who had been accusing her youngest son before, shaken instead——

What about being talked about by others?My son likes it!Don't people just want to be happy when they live in this world?

If this relationship doesn't end well...everything will not be completely perfect!


Before Guo Xiling was almost defeated and took the initiative to persuade He Mu, He Mu returned home first.

Not only did she come back, but she even deliberately kept the news from her. If it wasn't for chance, Guo Xiling would have been kept in the dark until today.

All kinds of behaviors are making Guo Xiling curious about Ming Dai.

Perhaps it is also Guo Xiling's re-examination of the possibility of the relationship between Ming Dai and Mu.

How can you make a judgment easily if you have never had contact with Ming Dai?

Then Guo Xiling came and sat here.

Of course, this does not mean that Guo Xiling is examining Ming Dai as a mother-in-law.

Guo Xiling's thinking changed after He Mu's actions, trying to use a more gentle way to help maintain the relationship between Ming Dai and Mu Jian, so that it can last longer, until this seed can bloom beautiful flowers...

If not, then Guo Xiling also hoped that Ming Dai would not be hurt because of her youngest son.

Therefore, when Guo Xiling realized that her thinking was out of line, she quickly dispelled these inappropriate thoughts, adjusted her attitude towards Ming Dai, and treated Ming Dai purely from the perspective of an elder.

Ming Dai didn't know about this.

In Ming Dai's eyes, Guo Xiling seemed to have thought of something suddenly, with a dazed expression.

Ming Dai didn't bother, and waited quietly.

The stage lights ahead flickered.

The dinner has begun.

(End of this chapter)

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