Chapter 425
The graduation trip has already been decided, but for Ming Dai, the itinerary is not as simple as just leaving.

She was too busy, and she piled up a lot of things for half a month of review and exam time.

Endorsement material shooting, new movie promotion preparation, brand activities...

In order to free up vacation time, Ming Dai had to compress the schedule and finish everything ahead of time.

This day, she had just participated in the opening of C's Jewelry's new store in a popular location in Yanjing. She had been busy in front of the camera for a long time, and it was finally over. After removing her makeup, Mingdai was wearily nestled on the sofa in the rest room, waiting for the assistant to come tell her to leave.

The sofa was so soft that Ming Dai was about to fall asleep when the phone vibrated and woke her up.

Mingdai picked up the phone in a daze: "Hello?"

There was no sound from the other end of the phone.

Mingdai yelled twice more and there was still no response, thinking it was a call from a scammer, she didn't even bother to open her eyes, and planned to hang up directly.

"It's me, Ning Shu."

Ming Dai then opened her eyes, completely relieved of sleepiness.

Ning Shu...

This name has been a long time ago for Ming Dai, if she hadn't heard it today, Ming Dai might have forgotten this name and everything behind it.

However, Ming Dai didn't intend to say more to him, and hung up without thinking.

The assistant came in, it was Xiao Ai, the new life assistant who came to her.

Xiao Ai: "Dai Dai, the car is here."

Ming Dai responded, put on her mobile phone and followed Xiao Ai out.

Wearing a black fisherman hat and a mask, Ming Dai came to the VIP garage of the shopping mall in a low-key manner.

When she got out of the elevator, Xiao Ai was talking to Ming Dai about her upcoming itinerary.

Ming Dai listened carefully, counting the steps with her head down, but she didn't notice anyone approaching——

"Ming Dai."

The urgent and deep voice seemed to be covered with thin ice, suppressing all the urgent desires under the ice.

Ming Dai raised her head suddenly, and saw Ning Shu standing not far away, wearing a dark black suit, she looked a little tired, her hair, which was always well-groomed, fell down weakly today, covering her sleek and handsome eyebrows.

Ming Dai frowned, walked around him and planned to leave quickly.

"and many more!"

Ning Shu, who wanted to say hello naturally and used the excuse that he met by chance, saw Ming Dai's backing away, and immediately reached out to stop her.

Ming Dai quickly turned around to avoid it, and Xiao Ai also bravely protected Ming Dai at the first time.

Xiao Ai scolded: "What are you doing! If you get close to us, call the police!"

Ning Shu seemed to have become a gangster with evil intentions, this kind of cognition made him more and more tired after insomnia for days.

Ning Shu pinched the bridge of his nose, and explained in a deep voice: "I just have something to say to Ming Dai."

Ming Dai stood behind Xiao Ai, comfortingly patted her trembling shoulders due to nervousness and fear.

Then she said to Ning Shu: "Mr. Ning, there should be nothing to talk about between us."

Ning Shu stared blankly at the cold and alienated eyebrows under the brim of her hat, her heart throbbing.

He didn't understand what was wrong with him, he only knew that as the engagement date approached, he couldn't sleep well all day long and always dreamed of Ming Dai.

Sometimes, it was Ming Dai who lay intimately in his arms and smiled brightly at him;

Sometimes, it was Ming Dai standing three meters away from him, staring at him indifferently and mockingly;
Sometimes, Ming Dai, covered in blood, frowned and covered the wound on her waist, begging him for help;

Ning Shu's mood bounced back and forth between joy, loss, and pain in these dreams.

This made him restless almost every night, and his mental state was so bad that his assistant suggested that he could see a psychiatrist.

The doctor said that the imminent marriage brought great pressure to him, and he subconsciously resisted this, so he manifested it in dreams. If he wants to solve the problem of insomnia, he still needs to find the person in the dream.

So Ning Shu came to see Ming Dai.

Before coming, he was full of absurdity.

But after coming, just seeing Ming Dai, his restless soul calmed down.

The wonderful change between these made Ning Shu feel unbelievable, and the way he looks at Ming Dai now is even more complicated.

"I'm about to get engaged."

Ning Shu said.

Ming Dai thought to herself, is this something worth mentioning?
"I know, so what?"

Ming Dai was indifferent, even a little impatient.

Ning Shu laughed lightly.

He asked, "Will you come to the engagement ceremony the day after tomorrow?"

Ming Dai didn't answer, just looked at him with speechless eyes, and laid out all the answers.

Ning Shu's voice was tense: "So, you really don't care?"

Ming Dai's tone was cold: "Mr. Ning, maybe you should go see a doctor. We have nothing to do with each other, don't talk to me in such a tone that you think you are familiar with."

Just when Ming Dai's car arrived, Zhou Hui jumped out of the driver's seat, recognized Ning Shu who had met before, and approached with vigilance.

Xiao Ai breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Zhou Hui for help: "Sister Hui, this person rushed out suddenly, and I don't know what his intentions are!"

Zhou Hui approached with a cold face: "Mr. Ning, please leave."

Ming Dai crossed her arms and looked at Ning Shu.

Ning Shu had a splitting headache.

His eyes were blurry, and his throat was as thirsty as a traveler who had been walking in the desert for too long.

He unconsciously murmured: "Dai Dai..."

"Ning Shu?"

A surprised voice suddenly sounded not far away.

Ning Shu's thoughts were interrupted, but he regained his composure. He squinted his head and looked:
"...Gu Changming?"

That's right, the person who just came out of the elevator was Gu Changming. He took his secretary with him, as if he had just come to do some business, and he was dressed in dusty clothes, but he stopped when he saw Ming Dai, Ning Shu and the others confronting each other.

Gu Changming originally planned to leave in a hurry, but the atmosphere in front of him was really not right, making people suspicious.

Let him decisively stop the idea of ​​leaving quickly and come over.

Gu Changming didn't recognize Ming Dai who was wearing a fisherman's hat and a mask, and he glanced at it lightly, as if he saw something insignificant, and didn't bother to stay too long.

He didn't ask Ning Shu Mingdai's identity or what relationship he had with him, but smiled and said slowly and calmly:
"Ning Shu, why are you here? The engagement ceremony is the day after tomorrow. I thought you would be very busy these two days."

Some words are enough to stop.

This is a reminder to Ming Dai, a strange girl, and also a reminder to Ning Shu.

Ning Shu pressed his restless eyebrows, and said angrily, "You don't need to remind me about this!"

Gu Changming's face immediately became ugly.

"Ning Shu, you promised to be engaged to my sister yourself, what's going on now? Are you impatient?"

Gu Changming is still different from his parents.

In the entire Gu family, the only person who really planned for Gu Lingsi was him.

He was also worried about whether Gu Lingsi would be happy marrying Ning Shu.

He is a good brother.

But he's just Gu Lingsi's good brother.

Ming Dai pursed her lips, ignoring the insignificant emotion lingering in her heart.

"You talk, I'll go first."

(End of this chapter)

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