Chapter 452

There are bright and beautiful flowers on the flower wall, and two half-person-high cartoon dolls stand on both sides.

Looking closely, these two dolls are similar to Mingdai and Xia Ling's eyebrows and eyes, and they have grasped the characteristics. Mingdai is a beautiful doll with wavy pink hair and smiling eyes, and Xia Ling is a tall and cold girl with a black ponytail and raised chin. Missy.

These two dolls have MD and XL printed in silver on their bodies.

And the vertical sign on one side reads in silver characters on a white background:

'Welcome to the school entrance banquet for our daughters Xia Ling and Ming Dai'.

Ming Dai walked in front of the stand and stopped, feeling strange.

"Look, if I hadn't stopped you, my parents would have dragged you into being their daughter!"

Xia Ling approached quietly from behind.

Ming Dai turned around with a smile, looking forward to the scene with a smile:
"What? You don't want to?"

"Of course I don't want to!" Xia Ling said with a smirk, "If we really recognize our god-in-law, there will be a generation gap between you and my little uncle! Are you willing?"

Xia Ling deliberately threw the question back, how should Ming Dai answer it?
I had no choice but to change the subject, pointing at the two little dolls: "Who designed this? It's cute."

Xia Ling saw Ming Dai's shyness, so he didn't have to hold on to his friend, and turned his attention away: "A professional company, I heard that their chief artist is your fan, and they are going to design an image for you, so I'm so excited I'm going to stop taking money, but unfortunately, I was stopped by the damn company's boss... this evil capitalist, tsk."

Ming Dai was amused and laughed straight away: "Are you scolding yourself?"

Xia Ling said awe-inspiringly: "I am different!"

It happened that Su Fangyun walked in from the door at this moment.

"Daddy, where are you?"

Xia Ling raised her hand and said, "Hey, Miss Su!"

Su Fangyun nodded with a smile: "Lingling, long time no see. By the way, Dai Dai and I are thinking about taking a vlog and making it into a video to share with fans. Is it convenient for you to shoot? Of course, we will put the faces of all guests All of them are blurred and omitted, and try not to show your face in the video."

Su Fangyun arranged so thoughtfully, Xia Ling had no reason to refuse.

"Very good! There are professionals doing the surgery, don't forget to send me a copy when the time comes!"

"of course can!"

In Mingdai's connection, Xia Ling and Su Fangyun got along very well with each other, and it was getting better and better.

There is a dedicated photographer in Mingdai's studio, who occasionally helps Mingdai take pictures, or post some tidbits between work. Before Mingdai went to the island for vacation, fans who were starving for food lived on these daily videos.

Ming Dai didn't like to share vlog videos at first, but now she has gradually changed. With the pure purpose of sharing the beauty of life with fans, she shoots more and more videos.

Many times, she would choose to take charge of the camera herself... It's a pity that she has no talent in this area. It's okay to take pictures of beautiful scenery, but she will be blinded when she encounters people. It's better to see a professional.

But the fans are very fond of Mingdai's poor photography skills, in their words - Mingdai is too perfect, with this small flaw, which makes them feel that they are closer to Mingdai, and Mingdai has more life.

It sounds reasonable, and Ming Dai's enthusiasm for shooting videos has greatly increased.

Now after hearing what Su Fangyun said, she wants to use a professional hand-held gimbal to start shooting with her mobile phone.

Xia Ling was the first to be targeted.

"Are you shooting me?"

He waved enthusiastically towards the camera.

Xia Ling had appeared in Ming Dai's camera before, and she didn't object to it, and was even quite enthusiastic about it.

It was probably caused by a little show-off of 'let the whole world see how close Ming Dai and I are'. Ming Dai always liked to satisfy her, so she held the handle of the gimbal and took a 360-degree shot of Xia Ling.

Xia Ling: "Is this angle a bit too deadly? You should take better pictures!"

Ming Dai comforted her: "Don't worry, don't worry, you are a beautiful woman with no dead ends!"

Xia Ling was praised so much that her face was like a peach blossom, and she folded her arms: "Of course! Beautiful women only play with beautiful women!"

Ming Dai laughed: "So I was praised too?"

The camera flickered, and suddenly a head popped out.

"What are you shooting? Let me see!"

Ming Dai looked at this one who appeared out of nowhere.

"Brother Yan, are you here so early?"

Yes, it was Yan Jiaxue who came.

Yan Jiaxue put his hands on his hips: "Of course, as your brother in the circle, how could you miss such an important school entrance banquet? By the way, your gift has been put away, remember to check it!"

Ming Dai raised her eyebrows: "Is it so mysterious?"

"Of course!" Yan Jiaxue's attention quickly fell on the shot, "But what are you shooting? Can't you tell me?"

Of course there is nothing that cannot be said.

It's just that after Ming Dai finished speaking, Yan Jiaxue rolled up his sleeves and was eager to try as if he had been beaten to death.

"Dai Dai, do you plan to enter the world of directing? Come on, let me teach you some tricks!"

As he said that, he kept moving behind Ming Dai and gave Ming Dai instructions on how to shoot.

Ming Dai was helpless: "I really just shoot casually, I don't plan to be a director!"

Yan Jiaxue was extremely regretful: "Really? I think you can try it, such as taking courses in directing at university?"

Ming Dai smirked politely, and found an excuse to slip away.

Yan Jiaxue was very sorry.

However, he was quickly stopped by Su Fangyun, who wanted to talk to him about whether he could arrange two small roles for the company's newcomers in the next work.

As soon as Ming Dai took a few steps, she bumped into someone carrying a huge flower bucket in. In the specially customized super-large flower bucket, pink and white peonies were mainly used, and there were more than a dozen kinds of flower materials. It seemed complicated and cumbersome, but it was actually chaotic. Orderly, it looks like a beautiful work of art in the lobby.

The beauty and vitality of the flowers attracted Ming Dai's attention, and the other party's eyes lit up when he looked at her.

"Miss Ming, someone gave you flowers! Please sign for it!"

Ming Dai had to stop.

The other party said happily: "The guest said that it would be best if you can deliver the flowers to you, and you can give us a bonus alone... Ah, Miss Ming, I didn't mean that."

Ming Dai smiled and shook her head, freeing up one hand to sign: "It's all right."

"Then... Miss Ming, can I have an autograph?"

Ming Dai left autographs for those who came to send flowers, and she had an extra greeting card in her hand.

Opening the greeting card, a line of words was written with a pen inside:

'I wish: academic success, everything worry-free. '

The inscription is S.

Shen Qinghe.


Ming Dai chuckled, without arousing too much emotion, she just asked the hotel staff to move the flowers to the lounge.

I didn't throw it away because the flowers are innocent, and it's good to keep them, it has nothing to do with people.

However, Ming Dai has already made up her mind to cut this segment from her filming content afterwards.

Take the elevator to the glass terrace on the third floor.

The terrace here can open the glass roof when the weather is cool, but now it is hot summer, the glass roof is closed, and the air conditioner makes it cool like spring.

(End of this chapter)

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