Chapter 466 Help
In the blink of an eye, Zhou Hui Xiaoai stepped into the room.

Ming Dai hurriedly made room to help them take off their wet raincoats.

Zhou Hui dodged embarrassingly, but she didn't dodge, so she could only let Ming Dai go.

The producer was overjoyed: "You guys are back? How's the situation outside!"

Zhou Hui walked into the room, met the curious and worried eyes of many people, and shook her head heavily: "The situation is not very good."

In an instant, everyone's attention was attracted, and everyone was worried.

Zhou Hui frowned: "It rained too much last night. Some villagers' houses were too old and their roofs were broken. The whole village was busy moving and saving people. The village chief asked us if we could spare some time to help. They were short of manpower. not enough."

Villages in remote mountains like this, even if there are matsutake as income, but after all, it depends on the sky, and the overall economy is still backward.

Young people with a little idea, either go out to study in the mountains, or go to work in big cities, and those who stay are basically the elderly, women and left-behind children, which are really no different from the young guys in the show.

The village chief probably had no choice but to turn to them for help.

The producer, who thought he could get help from the village, sighed: "It's true that we can't stand by and watch, or we can see if we can help and do something."

This was echoed by many people.

Yesterday I was filming in the village for a whole day, and I had contact and friendship with the villagers. Even those who are a little soft-hearted can't stand by in front of this kind of natural disaster.

Everyone planned to go out to help immediately after taking a short rest.

But it's not a problem to always be drenched in the rain.

The big guy is frowning.

Zhou Hui said in a deep voice: "I asked just now, and said that there are raincoats in the village committee's warehouse. Although they are a bit old, they are wearable. You can make do with them."

Everyone was stunned by these words. They didn't even use an umbrella just now, and they moved for almost an hour in the heavy rain!
...I have no choice but to admit it.

But a raincoat is better than nothing.

Taking advantage of the rest time, everyone simply went back to the room and changed into dry clothes.

In fact, it is best to take a hot bath at this time, but with this kind of rain, where can they get solar energy to boil water?

I can only endure it and drink some freshly brewed ginger tea to drive away the cold.

Ming Dai also took a bowl, she frowned at the bitterness, but she could bear it.

"Cough." Someone suddenly walked up to her.

Ming Dai turned her head and found that it was the impatient senior actress.

Ming Dai greeted him respectfully, but the other side looked embarrassed.

"I'm really... sorry for yesterday."


"I'm also impatient. I want to go back to help my little grandson celebrate his birthday, so I want to shoot as soon as possible. Thanks for not listening to me, otherwise the big guy will suffer a lot today!"

The senior is apologizing for the cold face towards Ming Dai yesterday.

Ming Dai: "It's okay."

It is already very good to be able to apologize, most of the older people have difficulty pulling their faces to apologize to the younger ones, Ming Dai is also a little surprised at this moment.

The senior smiled embarrassedly, and quietly gave Ming Dai two packs of dispelling cold granules: "This is what I brought myself, there are not many, I will share it with you, please don't let others know! This rain is so big, ginger tea It probably won’t work, you have to drink medicine, remember to drink a pack at night, and then soak your feet!”

The senior was rambling on, talking a lot without knowing it.

Finally reacted.

"Am I nagging too much? My daughter always complains about me."

She was afraid that Ming Dai would be annoyed.

In fact, Ming Dai didn't feel it at all, but felt ironic.

"No, thank you senior for your concern."

Ming Dai's words came from the bottom of her heart.

The senior suddenly remembered the gossip about Ming Dai's life experience that had been raging a while ago, and felt more pity for Ming Dai for a while, and regretted the behavior towards Ming Dai yesterday.

But Ming Dai really didn't take it to heart.

What's more, with the current level of rain, even if it was agreed to continue shooting yesterday, it would probably be forced to stop.

Ming Dai didn't say too much at this juncture, after thanking her senior again, she rolled up her sleeves and was ready to go.

Su Fangyun saw it and was stunned: "Are you still going?"

Ming Dai: "Otherwise?"


"One more person is one person."

Ming Dai has already used a coquettish tone, what can Su Fangyun do?I had no choice but to go with her.

But before setting off, Zhou Hui was specially told to follow Ming Dai closely, protect her, and not leave her alone.

Zhou Hui nodded solemnly in response.

This will make everyone gear up and get ready to go, basically everyone is there, even those old seniors are no exception.

The producer uttered a voice to stop it. If they were the same as Ming Dai, if there was one more person, it would be one person.

No one can refute this panacea statement.

Director Qian Chuan looked at this inexplicably passionate scene and asked the cameraman, "Can I take the camera out?"

If such a good material is not shot, even Qian Chuan himself would think it would be wasteful.

It's a pity that the photographer shook his head: "I'm afraid not, the rain is too heavy, even if it is wrapped in plastic sheeting, I still worry about water entering."

The camera lens is a precision device, and it will be affected by a little dust, not to mention water.

The photographer said again: "It is estimated that GoPro can do it, but the shooting effect will not be very good."

Qian Chuan pondered for a moment: "That's okay, it's better to have something than nothing."

I didn’t forget to tell you to bring more GoPros when it was over.

Before departure, Qian Chuan asked everyone to wear the GoPro on their bodies, so that the shooting effect is the best.

No one refused, or felt that Qian Chuan was busy.

First, they were already filming a variety show;

The second thing is that I want to be able to photograph the situation of the mountain village, so that the outside world can bring a little help to this small village through public opinion. This is the best.

Ming Dai also brought a camera with her, and someone specially set up a GoPro to shoot at her.

The filming process, which was originally suspended, seemed to continue in a different way.

But this time everyone went out, not to shoot, but to help others.

It was already almost nine o'clock in the morning, and the sky was not as dark as it was after seven o'clock, but overall, there was little improvement. The storm still swept through this small village, making those old houses crumbling. in.

Dozens of people in the program group were deliberately divided into several groups and headed in different directions. When they saw someone in need of help, they went to help. Soon, dozens of people disappeared like water into the sea.

Ming Dai is in a group with Su Fangyun, Zhou Hui, and Xiao Ai, and also accompanied by a director and cameraman. The cameraman straps the camera to his body, which is convenient for shooting and can free his hands to do other things at any time.

Ming Dai was amazed by this professionalism.

They walked a long way, and Ming Dai stopped suddenly.

Su Fangyun asked with difficulty: "What's wrong?"

Ming Dai pointed to the side of the road: "Is there someone there?"

(End of this chapter)

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