Chapter 474
With the shivering Chunni and Yanni sisters hiding behind them, Su Fangyun couldn't back away no matter what.

The heavy rain drenched her hair, and the water flowed down her cheeks, but her eyes were as firm as torches.

Time seemed to go back many years ago, she was helpless in the face of her parents who were as powerful as the sky.

It is different now.

"Okay, I don't care, let the police take care of it! When the rain stops and go down the mountain to the police station, I want to see if you can still say such things!"

Su Fangyun's loud words frightened Chunni's parents after all.

This couple is bad, not stupid.

Even if you don't know the law, but you have watched TV, you know that if you really beat a child to death, you will be sentenced.

Seeing Su Fangyun's eyes full of anger, Chunni's parents subconsciously took two steps back and protected their son.

Seeing this, the little fat man holding an umbrella yelled, "Should I go or not! I don't want to stay here!"

The harsh noise of the little boy gave Su Fangyun a headache.

The couple quickly showed what could be called a loving expression.

"Walk, walk, we agreed to go down the mountain."

"Yes, Dad will take you home right away."

The little fat soldier didn't appreciate it, and yelled violently: "Hurry up! Hurry up! I'm going to be angry!"

The couple agreed repeatedly, and in front of their own son, they obeyed like grandsons.

Su Fangyun frowned upon hearing this: "Are you going to go down the mountain? You didn't make enough noise in the afternoon, and now you have to go down the mountain? Do you want to die? Forgot what the old village chief told you, is it dangerous to stay in the village?"

In fact, the couple had already had a fight this afternoon.

Because their delicate son quarreled about being bitten by bugs, and said that there were no cartoons on the mountain to watch or mobile phones to play with, so he cried and wanted to go home.

The couple who had never been ambiguous about their two daughters, faced their son but lost their minds. They went to the old village head on the spot and said that their family was going down the mountain to go home, and they would be responsible if something happened!

How could the old village chief agree?

Not just out of responsibility as the village head.

It is also because he has been in the village for so many years and has a deep understanding of the nature of these people!
If something goes wrong, I will be responsible for it. If something goes wrong, this couple will blow the sky away!
In order to prevent troubles in the future, the old village head could only forcefully ask the couple to stay.

And the restless hearts of those onlookers who were eager to move had to be suppressed.

Su Fangyun witnessed this scene with her own eyes, but she never expected that the couple would choose to sneak away by themselves at night!
Even if Su Fangyun couldn't get used to the couple, he didn't want to see something happen to the family, so he immediately wanted to persuade them.

Chunni's mother immediately choked: "It's none of your business! Who cares whether we go down the mountain or not! We've said it all! What happened when we went down the mountain is our own business, and it's not up to you, an outsider, to intervene!"

Chunni's father spoke gloomily, "That's right, you're an outsider, so why don't you go to the police just because our family went down the mountain?"

Su Fangyun was speechless.

Chunni's father glanced at the two daughters behind Su Fangyun: "Come out!"

Chunni and Yanni stayed still.

The man rushed over in a few steps, and grabbed it with his hand!

Su Fangyun raised his hand to block it: "What are you doing!"

"I took my daughter away and didn't beat her. Is this also against the law?"

Su Fangyun's arm was weak.


She has no position and qualifications to prevent a father from taking his daughter.

Su Fangyun turned his head and looked at the dark mountain road, unable to speak, he could only hold Chunni's hand and not let go.

The man scolded: "Let go!"

Su Fangyun didn't let go.

"I'll sue you for kidnapping and selling children!"

Su Fangyun still did not let go.

It was Chunni who let go first.

The little girl is not very old, but she is very smart. She is afraid of causing trouble to her sister because of her persistence.

With tears in her eyes, Chunni let go, and slowly stood beside her parents.

Su Fangyun silently looked at the two sisters.

Chunni's father warned her daughter: "I repeat, if you don't come with us today, you will never go home!"

The ruthless light in those eyes, both Su Fangyun and Chunni and Yanni believe that he can do it!
The little insistence in Chunni's heart dissipated immediately.

No child can afford the fear of losing the protection of home.

Chunni could only hold her sister and follow behind her parents step by step.

Seeing the back of their family is about to disappear on the mountain road.

After hesitating, Su Fangyun still chased after her: "Chunni!"

Chunni and Yanni turned their heads immediately.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Chunni's father, who was stimulated by anger, turned around and slapped Su Fangyun!

Su Fangyun hid in time, but his nails also ran across Su Fangyun's cheek, leaving a red streak!

Chunni's father didn't speak, but Chunni's mother rushed out to pull Su Fangyun's hair.

Su Fangyun hadn't fought with anyone like this for many years, he was a little rusty at first, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

In addition, Chunni's father joined in the atrocities against Su Fangyun, and soon her stomach, shoulders and head were hit several times, the pain was so painful that Su Fangyun had no choice but to give up resistance and hug her head!

"Don't hit my sister! Don't hit my sister!"

Chunni screamed and rushed forward.

So her parents simply beat her together!

But after all, because of Su Fangyun's threat, he didn't dare to hit him too hard.

When the couple stopped, Su Fangyun bit his lip tightly and stared at the two of them.

The couple, who were angry, seemed to have just remembered that the identity of the woman in front of them was not simple.

Chunni's father gritted his teeth: "So what if you hit me, there is no evidence anyway!"

Chunni's mother nodded: "That's right! That's right!"

Su Fangyun's voice seemed to be squeezed out of his throat: "I will make you pay the price!"

This threat made the couple fearful, and fled with their son, even the daughters were forgotten.

Chunni and Yanni cried and threw themselves on Su Fangyun, asking how she was doing and saying that they were useless.

Su Fangyun smiled and reassured them in turn: "I'm fine, don't worry..." Heart.

Before he finished speaking, the soil under his feet trembled!
There was a thunderous boom not far away!

Su Fangyun had goosebumps all over his body, and he sensed the imminent crisis!


Su Fangyun didn't care about the pain in his body, and dragged Chunni and Yanni sisters to run up the mountain.

This mountain road is not a serious road, but a road that is convenient for people to walk on. It is narrow and rough, and it is basically built on the mountain... built on the mountain!That couple!
Su Fangyun stopped, turned his head quickly, and looked at the dark mountain road where Chunni's parents were running away with their son. At this moment, they looked like a giant beast with its mouth open, about to devour people's lives!


It's a pity that Su Fangyun can't care so much now.

The roar has not stopped, and no one knows if a sudden disaster will hit them!
They could only grab the stunned Chunni and Yanni sisters and run out again!

Thunder exploded in my ears!

Su Fangyun turned his head, as if seeing the doomsday!

(End of this chapter)

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