Chapter 482 Signal
"Be stronger! Fan harder!"

The old village head shouted loudly.

In fact, there is no need to urge, the villagers are motivated spontaneously.

They all know whether the smoke can float up, whether it is conspicuous enough, and how long it can last... determines whether rescuers can wait.

The old village head has made it very clear that although they survived by chance, the original downhill road collapsed and the communication signal was cut off. They must find a way to transmit the location information.

Burning wet wood and calling for help with smoke is one of them.

In addition, the old village head organized the villagers and the young and strong people in the program group, and divided them into four teams to try to find the way down the mountain from different directions and try to save themselves.

With Mingdai's frail body, she could only squat next to the fire to help make the wet wood burn more fiercely.

Only limited by the heavy rain and wind, the smoke is either intermittent or flying around.

At the beginning, the smoke didn't come out much, but the people nearby were smoked enough.

It's only getting better now.

Ming Dai coughed twice, rubbed her red eyes, she had already cried for a round, all of them were smoked.

She fanned the wet firewood vigorously with a cardboard, and she was still thinking about Su Fangyun who was still awake in the tent.

The doctor said that Sister Su's injury was not serious, why didn't she wake up?

"Airplane! Airplane!"

The people beside him suddenly jumped up high, and pointed excitedly at the helicopter that broke through the rain on the mountain in the distance.

The producer was well-informed and could see that it was a professional rescue plane.

"That's right! It's rescuers! Everyone hurry up and ask for help!"

Seeing this, the old village chief yelled: "Strength! Harder!"

Everyone tried their best to raise the smoke up, but God always opposed them.

It also made them have to watch those helicopters fly away.

Some people are downcast.

The producer ran over to determine where the helicopter landed.

"Did someone parachute from the sky? Hey everyone, look, is the location where they landed in the direction of the village?"

"It seems so."

"When they find that there is no one in the village, they should find this place soon!"

This sentence undoubtedly comforted many people.

Ming Dai crouched in the corner, propping her chin with her hands, looking at the lightly falling white umbrella flowers, she suddenly thought of He Mu.

Does he know the news now?Are you worried about her?Will... come to her?

Ming Dai wanted to laugh at herself for thinking too much, but there was always a ray of hope in her heart.

Because, He Mu never let her down.

"Dai Dai!" Assistant Xiao Ai ran over suddenly, her eyes were red like rabbits, "Dai Dai! Sister Su woke up!"

Ming Dai was startled when she heard it.

Then he got up decisively and ran towards the tent, leaving behind a group of people who were enthusiastically discussing when they would be able to wait for the rescue.

After entering the tent, Mingdai found that Chunni and Yanni sisters were also guarding here. They probably got the news earlier than Mingdai and rushed over immediately.

The older Chunni leaned on the bed sensiblely, while the younger Yanni didn't know much, and knew how to worry like her sister.

Until Ming Dai walked over, the two sisters unanimously made room for Ming Dai.

"Thank you."

Mingdai touched the tops of their heads respectively.

Then he turned his gaze to Su Fangyun on the bed.

At this time, Su Fangyun had already changed her clothes, her hair and cheeks had been cleaned, so the bruised wounds on her face became more and more visible, not only from avoiding falling rocks, but also from being beaten by the unscrupulous couple.

If it wasn't for the fact that the couple probably lost their lives, Ming Dai would never let them go easily!Make them pay!

Ming Dai, who just had a fierce look in her eyes, immediately restrained herself and leaned over.

"Sister Su? Sister Su? Can you hear me?"

Su Fangyun half-opened his eyes with difficulty, and his pupils were a little dizzy.


"Well, I'm here."

"Injured...are you injured..."

Su Fangyun was only half awake, but the first thing that came to his mind was to ask if Ming Dai was injured!
Mingdai's heart seemed to be hit by something, wrapped in warm current, her eyes reddened by the smoke, filled with tears again.

"Sister Su, you are still worried about me, look at your injury..."

Ming Dai was so choked up that she was almost speechless.

Su Fangyun's light eyes fell on her body, already covered with injuries, and he wanted to show her a comforting smile.

"It's fine...don't cry..."

"Well, I don't cry."

Ming Dai wiped the wet corners of her eyes, raised her hand and pressed the quilt for Su Fangyun.

"Sister Su, you need to get well soon."

Su Fangyun kept smiling on his lips, closed his eyelids heavily, and murmured:

"I always feel... I always feel as if I died once..."

The words behind were already blurred and inaudible.

But Ming Dai was shaken violently, a little unbelievable, but also as expected.

Sister Su, if your feelings are true, then this catastrophe in your life has been completely over for you, and there will only be bright and open days in the future.


Ming Dai couldn't help laughing, and there were tears in her smile.

Chunni and Yanni looked at it, not knowing why, but still laughed foolishly.


Earth-shattering cheers came from outside the tent, mixed with a few screams of joy, as if the crowd in the entire camp were very excited.

Could it be that rescue arrived?
Seeing that Su Fangyun had continued to sleep and was not awakened by the movement outside, Ming Dai calmed down, stood up curiously, opened the curtain of the tent, and walked out.

As she guessed, it was the rescue helicopters that found the smoke they were using as a distress signal and followed the direction to find them. The arrival of several helicopters one after another is undoubtedly the hope of all life on this mountain top.

Including those who went out to find the way, they all rushed over after hearing the news, and the whole camp cheered loudly!

Ming Dai stood in the crowd with a smile on her face, and the heavy haze in her heart completely dissipated.

She looked up at the helicopter—

Suddenly, he was swept into a dark and silent abyss.

Is it... an illusion?

Ming Dai suppressed her smile slightly, staring blankly at the leading helicopter.

The door of the plane opened, and a slender and solemn figure appeared, leaning over to look down, facing Ming Dai through the rain curtain in the wind.

…Ming Dai immediately held her breath!
Surrounded by other people's exclamations:

"Ah! Is that man going to jump off?"

Not really.

Because soon, a length of rope ladder was thrown from the hatch, and that figure, like a vigorous and powerful cheetah, climbed down the rope ladder, and at a position two or three meters away from the ground... jumped!Lightweight and silent landing!A series of actions are flowing like clouds and flowing water!
Everyone looked at him in shock, frightened by his aura, and amazed by his appearance.

But when he passed through the crowd, he could only see Ming Dai.

Ming Dai smiled.

"He Mu..."

(End of this chapter)

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