Chapter 490 Care
It's only two seconds.

Immediately afterwards, Su Fangyun asked: "What about the company? How is the situation? The news should not be hidden, and the outside world probably already knows it? How is the news handled? What does the program team say?"

After the rapid-fire questioning, there was a violent cough immediately, and his face was flushed.

Mingdai was so anxious that she wanted to ring the bell to call the doctor.

Su Fangyun held the back of Ming Dai's hand to keep her from moving.

After a while, Su Fangyun, who finally came to his senses, said with a hoarse voice, "I'm fine, I'm just a little too anxious, cough."

Ming Dai's high-pitched heart sank again, and she couldn't help complaining: "So, sister Su, what are you in such a hurry for? Right now your top priority is to recuperate from your injuries. I'll transfer you back to the hospital in Yanjing when you feel better in two days."

Su Fangyun murmured twice, not caring about his injuries, but staring at Ming Dai, waiting for the answers to those questions just now.

Ming Dai sighed, but also had nothing to do with Su Fangyun: "The news has indeed been leaked, someone took a picture of me in the hospital, but this matter has been handed over to other people to deal with, you don't have to worry about it later."

Su Fangyun frowned tightly: "Others? Who?"

Seeing that she couldn't hide it, Ming Dai had no choice but to answer: "He Mu, do you remember? She is his secretary, very capable, don't worry."

"It turned out to be him!" Su Fangyun's tone was deeply relieved, just because of the name He Mu, subconsciously has a very high sense of trust in everything related to him!
"Have you seen it?" Ming Dai was curious.

"Because of the investment in "Twin Lotus", we had a face-to-face meeting."

Judging by the tone of voice, Su Fangyun was visibly relaxed.

Ming Dai suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Sister Su doesn't believe me that much?"

Ming Dai puffed up her face, feeling a little upset.

When Su Fangyun heard that she was coming to deal with it, he was full of worry and wished he could get up from the hospital bed.

Hearing and Secretary Mu came to deal with this matter, even the burden on his shoulders was lifted, and he relaxed from the inside out. she is so untrustworthy?

Su Fangyun cleared his throat in embarrassment: "I didn't mean that, you are still young."

As she spoke, she raised her hand to touch Ming Dai's hair, but her hand was forced to stop in mid-air due to the various medical equipment attached to her body.

Ming Dai lowered her head and moved her head closer.

Su Fangyun smiled.

"Dai Dai." Su Fangyun's hands were extraordinarily warm and soft, like a mother or a sister, "Perhaps you don't believe it, this time, I seem to have the illusion that I have died and come back to life."

Ming Dai's body trembled slightly.

Su Fangyun noticed this small detail, thought Ming Dai was surprised, and continued to explain with a smile: "When I passed out, my throat, nose...all breathing organs seemed to be stuffed with cotton, that kind of suffocation I was almost overwhelmed! But then I heard you calling me, calling me back from the river of death."

Ming Dai slowly straightened her upper body, looked at Su Fangyun with complicated eyes, and held her hand tightly.

Su Fangyun: "It sounds exaggerated, but it is true."

"Sister Su..."

"I'm not telling you a fantasy story. The reason why I say this is because I want to tell you, Dedai, I am really grateful to you. Thank you for dragging me back from the darkness of death where no one is there."

Su Fangyun's low gratitude is a solemnity born from the soul!

What's more, it's an oath, it's a declaration, it's her devotion to Ming Dai's career for the next half of her life, her loyalty to open up borders and conquer obstacles!

Ming Dai may not understand the heaviness behind Su Fangyun's words for the time being.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Su Fangyun understands.

Ming Dai, who half understood, tightened her palm.

In fact, she didn't think too much about it, she just saved it because she could, and this person is Sister Su, who deserves her attention.

When she was reborn, her eyes were darkened, and she didn't know what to do.

It was Sister Su who led her on the right path. Sister Su was a guide, a teacher, a friend, and a relative.

Just because of this friendship, it is impossible for Ming Dai to turn a blind eye.

Therefore, the so-called life-saving grace is not important to her.

Ming Dai: "Sister Su, it is a great thing that you are safe and sound."

Su Fangyun agreed with a smile.

Ming Dai didn't stay in the intensive care unit for long.

However, Su Fangyun only needs to live in the intensive care unit today, and can be transferred to the general ward tomorrow, and then wait two days to hand over the transfer procedure with the hospital in Yanjing.

Ming Dai walked out of the intensive care unit, told Zhou Hui and Xiao Ai that everything was safe, and then went to the corridor to answer Huang Yuanyuan's call.

Now Huang Yuanyuan is one of her executive managers, in charge of her business section, because she is busy with work, she is not with her all the time like before, and she did not come to this variety show shoot.

Huang Yuanyuan originally thought that this was an unusual shooting, how could she know that Mingdai Su Fangyun would be so unlucky to encounter a natural disaster?

After losing contact for a few days, Huang Yuanyuan was still worried even if she got news that Ming Dai and the others were safe. She wished she could hear Ming Dai's voice.

As soon as the call was connected, Huang Yuanyuan began to wipe tears without saying a word, and Ming Dai comforted her for a while.

After Huang Yuanyuan finally calmed down, she mentioned He Ce's connection with the team.

Ming Dai made her believe in any strategy.

Huang Yuanyuan: "It's not enough to not trust, those abilities and methods are simply a blow to dimensionality reduction..."

"What?" Ming Dai didn't quite hear Huang Yuanyuan's muttering.

"Nothing." Huang Yuanyuan quickly finished her answer, then said hesitantly, "There is one more thing, I don't know if I should tell you."

Ming Dai laughed: "Sister Yuanyuan, you've already talked about this, can I not listen?"

Huang Yuanyuan hurriedly explained: "I think if I don't tell you, the follow-up may be more troublesome. Let's try not to get involved with him now!"

When Ming Dai heard this, her smile slowly subsided: "Shen Qinghe?"

She guessed so accurately that Huang Yuanyuan fell silent immediately.

"He was inquiring about you, and he found the company today. If I hadn't reacted quickly, I might have been photographed by the paparazzi."

Huang Yuanyuan described in detail how she met Shen Qinghe that day, and she still has lingering fears in her heart.

Shen Qinghe acted like he was going crazy, he didn't care if he would be photographed by reporters, he stubbornly grabbed her and questioned Dai Dai's whereabouts, with that sinister and dazed expression, as if Huang Yuanyuan didn't say that he could stab him with one knife!
"...I can only tell him that you are fine and have arrived at Provincial Hospital Y. Sorry, Dai Dai, I didn't ask you about this in advance."

Huang Yuanyuan felt a little guilty.

Ming Dai doesn't care.

If it hadn't been for Huang Yuanyuan's mention, the past associated with the name "Shen Qinghe" seemed to her as long ago as a matter of her previous life... No, Shen Qinghe was originally a matter of her previous life, and had nothing to do with her in this life.

Ming Dai didn't take it seriously: "Just say it, anyway, if he doesn't know today, he can see the news tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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