Chapter 494 wobbly
Even though it was only a temporary place to stay, the atmosphere in He Mu's room was still the same as his, with a very high sense of presence.

It was a cold aroma, like winter cedar, like eternal glacier, like temple sandalwood.

Mixed, unique and unforgettable.

Ming Dai found that the layout of the room was different from that of the neighbors. Some decorations and supplies were obviously not what a hotel should have. Even the indoor incense had been changed. These should be He Mu's common use.

Ming Dai also changed the layout next door, she thought it was just the intention of the hotel.

He didn't expect that all these came from the meticulousness of the people around He Mu.

The room is very big, the layout is similar to that of the next door, and you can't see the end at a glance.

Ming Dai wanted to resolve the embarrassment caused by the over-intimacy just now, so she thought of walking around the room as a visit.

Before he took two steps, he glanced at the gauze on the living room table, stained with blood.

Thinking of something, Ming Dai immediately turned around.

Sure enough, he saw that He Mu's hands were empty, and the gauze used for bandaging had already been taken off, which was the one left on the coffee table.

Ming Dai asked anxiously: "Why did you take the gauze off? What if the wound gets wet?"

He Mu didn't care much about this, instead he comforted her: "It's just a small injury, don't need to bandage it."

It’s not like he’s talking nonsense. During the most rebellious years when he and Mu were teenagers, he spent two years in the war-torn zone of the Middle East. Indulge in the excitement brought by the front line of life and death.

Later, his father and Jing Qing couldn't stand it anymore, so they forcibly sent someone to bring him back, and invited three psychiatrists to take turns to educate him.

Of course, the psychiatrist didn't play a big role, and after that, relying on He Mu's strong self-control, he got back on the right track and left the days of licking blood behind him.

So much so that when most people see him now, they think that he is a prince and grandson raised in a heap of gold and jade, a banished immortal saint who eats wind and drinks dew... It is totally unexpected, this experience of He Mu.

So He Mu told Ming Dai that it was a minor injury, not simply to comfort him, but to think from the bottom of his heart.

Compared with the time when he was most seriously injured, the dagger cut into his shoulder and almost cut the artery in his neck. Compared with the deep bone wound, this small injury on He Mu's hand is really nothing worth mentioning.

However, how could Ming Dai believe this?
"It's so deep, how can it be called a small injury!"

Ming Dai was a little annoyed, her cheeks were swollen and pink.

In He Muyan's eyes, she is really cute, even the broken hair raised on her forehead has a different kind of cuteness.

He Mu suddenly smiled: "Then what should we do?"

Mingdai couldn't help but dragged him to the sofa: "I'll bandage you!"

He Mu followed suit, letting Ming Dai forcefully push him on the sofa.

"Where's the medicine box?" Ming Dai looked around.

Fortunately, He Ce is a perfect secretary. When arranging people to decorate the room, he also put a medicine box that I don't know if he will use it. It is white, square and small, but the medicines inside are very complete. .

Ming Dai confidently opened the medicine box, and immediately encountered difficulties.

What do these medicines... do?
Looking at the powders or liquids in the small glass bottles, as well as syringes and other things, Mingdai was dazzled and didn't know where to start.

In fact, it's not that Ming Dai doesn't understand, but because many of the things in this medicine box are secret medicines that have not been released to the public by He Mu's laboratory, which can deal with various extreme situations. It is the real life-saving treasure.

Mingdai rummaged around, and finally found a roll of medical gauze in the corner of the box.

But should I take the medicine first?
These bottles are all in English, and Ming Dai's English is average, which is at the level of conversation, but when faced with these medical professional terms, she can only be blind.

In the end, He Mu reminded her: "The ointment on the right side of the second layer, just apply some, it can promote wound healing."

Ming Dai hurriedly found the corresponding ointment. It was a silver tube with a series of English letters printed on it, which was different from any ointment on the market.

Ming Dai didn't think too much about it, she just thought it was imported medicine, according to He Mu's instructions, dipped a medical cotton swab into the ointment, and smeared He Mu's wounds little by little.

He Mu's hands were injured while searching for bricks. They were not small in depth, dense and numerous. Applying the medicine took a lot of energy and required a lot of patience.

It just so happened that Ming Dai was not lacking in patience, so she carefully applied them one by one, reviewing all of He Mu's wounds by the way, as if she could think of his persistent appearance of digging through the piled bricks with both hands to find her.

But he didn't say a word, and omitted all the hardships before finding her in front of her, and only said "it took some time" lightly.

Mingdai's eyes were slightly sour, and she blinked hard again, forcing back the tears.

After applying the medicine, Mingdai wrapped the gauze round and round around He Mu's hands.

He was afraid that it would affect his movements if it was too thick, and that it would not be waterproof if it was too thin, and that it would be tightly wrapped and press the wound.

A skilled person can bandage a wound in 5 minutes. Mingdai spent an hour abruptly adjusting the position of the gauze, just like treating a fragile work of art, with the utmost care and care.

He Mu didn't speak, let her move quietly, his gentle eyes fell on the top of her hair, enjoying the silent warmth and satisfaction, wishing that time would stop at this moment.

"Okay." Ming Dai let out a long sigh of relief, as if she had completed a masterpiece.

Of course, the gauze that bandaged the wound fell into He Mu's eyes, and it was no different from a masterpiece in the world.

He Mu smiled: "At night..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xia Ling called and asked where Ming Dai had gone and why she didn't go back.

Ming Dai: "I've talked about something, I'll come back."

He Mu silently stares at Ming Dai.

Ming Dai could only return with an apologetic smile.

After putting away the phone, Mingdai said, "Shall the three of us have dinner together tonight?"

He Mu is unwilling.

In the past, the three of them often ate together, but at that time, to avoid suspicion, they had to bring Xia Ling together.

Now, Xia Ling's existence is a bit redundant for He Mu.

But He Mu knows that this cannot be said in front of Ming Dai.

"Okay." He should be helpless.

Ming Dai also felt guilty: "When we get back to Yanjing, let's try Mr. Sun's new dishes together!"

He Mu nodded and said yes, and became more magnanimous, making Ming Dai's guilt accumulate even deeper.

After that, He Mu sent Ming Dai to the door of the room, and agreed to knock on the door again after dinner time.

When she opened the door, Ming Dai felt that this scene was really weird.

Can't help muttering: "Why does it feel like I've become a vacillating scumbag..."

When He Mu heard it, his eyes were full of smiles.

Ming Dai looked back and touched her nose: "I'm just talking casually!"

He Mu smiled gently and tolerantly: "Okay."

Ming Dai scratched her head and hurried back to the room.

(End of this chapter)

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