Seeing that Ming Dai was thinking, Xia Ling said:
"You're also surprised, aren't you? I see that the school group has spread the word, and some people are secretly suspecting that her grades in the past three years of high school are not right. But there is a high probability that she will not do such a shameful thing, probably because someone You should have been jealous of her long ago."

"Indeed, she couldn't do it."

Ming Dai nodded, subconsciously followed.

In her previous life, she had personally seen the scene of Gu Lingsi working hard secretly. It can be said that if Gu Lingsi had a righteous mind and followed a well-behaved path, she might not be unable to become a talent.

It's just that she has seen too many flowers cooked by fire, and she is addicted to the superficial halo of the Gu family, so she no longer wants to go back to the original starting point and work hard to climb up.

But Ming Dai has a different opinion from her.

After all, the high starting point obtained by relying on others is not as stable as the one obtained by working hard with one's own hands.

The former is something that people can take away if they want, while the latter is at least completely their own, and it is a life that is controlled by both hands.

It's a pity that Gu Lingsi didn't think so.

Thinking about it, Ming Dai's expression changed slightly, so Xia Ling took the opportunity to gossip about other people in the school.

They were all classmates they both knew, and the topics were endless.

Before she knew it, Ming Dai's attention was almost all on Xia Ling.

But she didn't completely ignore He Mu, and would occasionally turn around and talk to him.

At this time, the food was served, and Mingdai Xia Ling was forced to stop talking.

He Mu took the serving chopsticks and picked up a chopsticks of beef tenderloin for Ming Dai.

"Eat while it's hot."

"I know, I know, the beef tenderloin is too late."

Mingdai's eyes almost fell on the smooth and tender beef tenderloin.

He Mu smiled and nodded, and then moved the chopsticks, another chopsticks of beef tenderloin - this time it passed Ming Dai and landed in Xia Ling's bowl.

Not to mention that Xia Ling was so stunned that she almost dropped her chopsticks, even Ming Dai looked at He Mu several times with surprise in her eyes.

He Mu was leisurely and calm, and his tone was unhurried, like a qualified elder: "Have you thought about the summer internship?"

Xia Ling's mind went blank, and she subconsciously asked, "What internship?"

He Mu raised his eyebrows: "Didn't your father tell you?"

Xia Ling: "I know that I want to do an internship, but... how does little uncle know?"

When did the little uncle care so much about her?
He Mudan smiled: "It was your father who contacted me and said that he wanted to arrange you to be an intern by my side for a month."


Xia Ling dropped her chopsticks.

He Mu: "I don't want to."

Xia Ling cried and said, "No."

No matter what Xia Ling's expression was, He Mu nodded slightly.

Then he started to scoop out soup for Ming Dai, and looked at the stunned Ming Dai: "What's wrong?"

The slow-witted Ming Dai finally thought about it a little bit, and found that the painting style of the uncle and nephew in front of her was not right——

how to say.

Ming Dai seemed to see a cat and a dog in a hallucination, the dog was tall and majestic and immovable like a mountain, and the cat was weak and small but loved to provoke.

The cat kept throwing punches at the dog, and the dog watched from above with a condescending smile.

When the time comes, one blow - KO!

With the word KO written on his forehead, Xia Ling's enthusiasm for chatting disappeared in an instant. In the end, he simply turned his grief into appetite, and ruthlessly killed three bowls of rice!

Ming Dai smiled helplessly.

When she got back to her room at night, Ming Dai had a meeting with the people from the company over the line to discuss the next itinerary.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Mingdai washes up early and plans to go to bed.

Xia Ling, who shared the room with her, was originally a long-term player who stayed up all night. Today, for some reason, she didn't have the energy to stay up all night.

Ming Dai: "Is it because of the internship? Otherwise, I'll tell him about it."

This "he" is of course He Mu.

Xia Ling believed that as long as Mingdai said hello, her little uncle would definitely treat her with a kind face.

But this was not the original intention of her father to arrange her to practice beside her little uncle, nor was it the responsibility she should have as the heir of the Xia family.

So, Xia Ling resisted being tempted, and slowly pulled down the quilt, and a muffled voice came from under the quilt:
"No, no need, this learning opportunity is so good, no one else wants it."

Ming Dai: If you don't have such a sad tone, I can barely believe it.

After waiting for a while, Ming Dai almost fell asleep.

Xia Ling lifted the quilt abruptly, awakening Ming Dai instantly!

Xia Ling gritted her teeth: "I will not give in!"

Ming Dai was taken aback for a moment, then smiled helplessly, and patted Xia Ling through the quilt: "Okay, okay."

During these two days in Province Y, Ming Dai and He Mu didn't have much time to spend together.

Xia Ling didn't count the reason, she clinged to Ming Dai on the first day, and after the declaration of "I won't give in", she started holding the computer to read documents on the second day, preparing for her next internship at Hemu Company. Prepare, there is not much time at all.

The main reason is that Ming Dai and He Mu are very busy.

Needless to say, Ming Dai, after Su Fangyun was hospitalized, even with the help of the capable secretary sent by He Mu, there were still a lot of things to deal with. He had to find time to record a video to report to fans that he was safe, and he had to go to the hospital to see who was transferred to the ward. Su Fangyun has a full schedule.

And Mu also doesn't give way too much. He is in a high position and he is already busy. This time he came to Province Y to leave a lot of work behind him and rush over. He has an urgent development project at hand, and logically speaking, he should return to Beijing as soon as possible.

Just to go back to Beijing with Ming Dai, he compressed his schedule and could only deal with official business in the air, working day and night upside down, domestic conferences and transnational conferences continuously, staying in his room for more than ten hours a day to work.

Ming Dai found time to visit him twice, he was always sitting in front of the computer, talking seriously with his subordinates.

That tone was not a reprimand, but it was more terrifying than a reprimand, because he spoke few words but was sharp, and he was always able to get to the point, hitting the self-confidence of the opposite elite from a higher dimension.

Ming Dai heard the tone of the computer's voice little by little, from high-pitched and excited, to low-pitched and listless.

And this is the pressure that He Mu has brought to people in just 3 minutes and just a few words.

Seeing this, Ming Dai is even less likely to bother her.

In the end, they spent some time sitting on the terrace during these two days of work.

It still feels good.

After staying in the hotel for two days, Su Fangyun's physical indicators are good, and he has met the standards for hospital transfer. He is well connected with the hospital in Yanjing and is about to be transferred back to the big hospital in Yanjing by plane.

For convenience, Hemu's private jet was used for the plane, and the space was very spacious. For Su Fangyun, a transferred patient after surgery, it was undoubtedly an excellent experience.

But the transfer was also inevitable, and it brought Su Fangyun and He Mu into direct contact.

It's not the first time Su Fangyun and He Mu have met, but she positions He Mu as Ming Dai's elder, a dignitary worthy of wooing.

But this time, it was the first time Su Fangyun met He Mu after Ming Dai's call was wrong, and he felt quite uncomfortable.

This mentality is probably similar to that of Xia Ling, who feels that his little cabbage is a pity.

It's just that Su Fangyun had deep thoughts, but he didn't show it on the surface.

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