Chapter 498 Behind You
Su Fangyun solemnly stared at Ming Dai's side face.

Mingdai's eyes are very clear, like the sky on a plateau, so all kinds of emotions are revealed in them.

Then you can see the heartbeat that is involved with Mu.

Hearing this, Su Fangyun couldn't help being moved.

She took a deep breath: "Okay, I see."

Ming Dai was immersed in emotions, and almost didn't come back to her senses: "What?"

Su Fangyun grinned at Ming Dai: "I respect your choice, Dai Dai, as long as you feel happy."

Mingdai felt warm in her heart, knowing that this time Su Fangyun's blessing was based on the position of her family: "Thank you, Sister Su."

Su Fangyun raised his eyebrows suddenly: "So you have to remember! We are all your solid backing, no matter whether there will be changes in the future, we will always stand behind you!"

Ming Dai smiled brighter and brighter: "Of course I know!"

When she was reborn, the most correct choice for her was to hold the hand that Su Fangyun gave her back then.

After this catastrophe has passed, the two of them will support each other and move forward side by side on this career path, creating a new myth.

Speaking of which, Su Fangyun suddenly thought: "Our new movie will be released next month. Although this variety show has encountered an accident, the so-called misfortune and blessing depend on it. This variety show should bring a small wave of popularity to the movie. Take advantage of this opportunity.”

As he said that, Su Fangyun didn't want to lie down anymore, and wished he could get up and work immediately.

She controlled the remote control to raise the bed: "Dai Dai, have you seen my computer?"

When they fled up the mountain, they carried as few things as possible. Su Fangyun still took the computer with him, humming and humming hard on his back up the mountain. Worried about the heavy rain and moisture, he specially found plastic wrap to wrap it up and put it properly. .

This behavior simply exposed the nature of workaholics!
But also because of this, Su Fangyun's computer was intact throughout the whole process. When he went down the mountain, he was carried on Zhou Hui's back and brought all the way to the provincial hospital, and now he brought it back to Yanjing.

On He Mu's private plane, Su Fangyun accidentally looked at her bag, and only then did he ask.

"Sister Su." Mingdai called her helplessly, "I asked Xiaoai to send the luggage back to your home, and by the way, ask her to call your assistant to pack some clothes."

Su Fangyun didn't even think about it: "Then let them bring the computer along the way..."

"Then continue to work?" Ming Dai got up and tucked the quilt for Su Fangyun, "Okay, you are in the hospital now, don't worry about it, and leave it to others."

"But..." How could Su Fangyun be at ease.

"He Ce has thought of everything you said."

Ming Dai told the whole plan arranged by He Ce.

From a certain point of view, He Ce turned misfortune into blessing. Turning the accident that Mingdai and Su Wangyun encountered into the benefits they can get to the greatest extent is a perfect public relations handwriting .

Now many of He Ce's arrangements are not obvious, and some methods have not been put on the table, but they have been compiled into ten thousand word documents and placed in front of Ming Dai, analyzing the involvement of this matter in the simplest words, and the follow-up The influence of the series naturally includes the side promotion effect on the movie.

Looking at the document that was so precise and clear that even a child could understand it, Ming Dai couldn't help feeling that He Mu's subordinates were really talented.

Now Mingdai picked out some important things from that document and told Su Fangyun.

Su Fangyun was surprised when he heard it.

Subconsciously, she sighed the same as Ming Dai: "As expected of Mr. He."

Ming Dai couldn't help laughing out loud.

Su Fangyun: "What?"

Ming Dai hurriedly said, "Sister Su, why didn't you guard him like a thief?"

Su Fangyun was very calm: "As your natal family, of course you have to criticize him everywhere. But as a collaborator, I also admire Mr. He. These are two different things."

Ming Dai smiled and answered this serious explanation repeatedly, and stopped teasing Su Fangyun.

Su Fangyun didn't care, and controlled the bed to lower: "Then I can feel at ease. By the way, what about the program crew?"

Ming Dai: "When you first underwent surgery, the producers and directors all visited you in the provincial hospital, and the guests also came, but everyone was terribly frightened. Beijing."

Su Fangyun nodded to show that Dai was right.

"The program team is grateful, and said that the variety show broadcast time should be advanced, and the station has paid more attention to it."

"It should be, this is really a catastrophe of life and death for us."

It seems that Su Fangyun's last worry is gone.

Ming Dai looked at the time and felt that it was about the same: "Sister Su, are you hungry? I'm going to buy some food."

Su Fangyun wanted to stop it, but felt that it was inconvenient for Ming Dai to go out.

Ming Dai thought nothing of it, wearing a hat and a mask, how many people would recognize her?
"I'm hungry too, you can't let me have sick meal together."

The patient's meal is light, how can it meet Ming Dai's appetite?

Su Fangyun couldn't say anything now, Ren Mingdai went.

Ming Dai put on her hat and mask, left the ward, and walked through the corridor.

When passing the nurse's station, I suddenly heard a small "Ming Dai" call from Quiet's ear.

Ming Dai turned her head and caught off guard the eyes of the little girl behind the nurse's station.

The young nurse blushed when she was caught playing with her mobile phone.

The VIP ward is usually free and there is not much to do, but this does not mean that it does not matter if the patient's family sees him playing with his mobile phone.

The young nurse stammered and explained: "I'll be off work soon..."

Ming Dai raised the brim of her hat, and bent her eyes towards the other party, expressing that she didn't intend to care about it.

The young nurse breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly said, "Ah! You are Mingdai!"

Ming Dai didn't expect that she would be recognized so tightly wrapped up.

And the young nurse's next sentence was: "Are you okay? Are you injured? I really like your movies, you must be well!"

The appearance of carefully exhorting is completely the attitude of a mother fan.

Being cared by a stranger, but the other party is still a fan, Ming Dai is very heartwarming: "I'm fine."

After the young nurse babbled a few more words, Ming Dai found out that the trailer for their variety show had already been cut.

I have to say, I really admire the program group. After such a big incident, they missed death, lost millions of machines, and then turned around and continued to work!
Mingdai listened to the young nurse and said that the trailer for the variety show had gained unprecedented attention, and now many viewers were waiting for the variety show to start broadcasting, including herself.

When Ming Dai heard this, she felt that the busyness of the program staff was very meaningful.

It’s not that I’m in a hurry to launch the show as soon as possible to catch up with this wave of popularity, but because after the show is broadcast, the small mountain village destroyed by mudslides will get more social attention, and naturally more resources will flock to them to help them rebuild home.

So, this is a good thing and very meaningful.

(End of this chapter)

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