Because of this sudden mudslide incident, the variety show "Life in the Mountain" has received unprecedented attention, and the popularity is even higher than Ming Dai thought!
In the past, the variety shows produced by national TV stations were old-fashioned and old-fashioned in the eyes of many people. They would watch the documentaries of national TV stations, but they felt that the variety shows produced by the TV stations did not taste right.

Therefore, the national TV station tried to record two variety shows before, but they all ended in failure and there was little popularity.

The recording of "Dashan's Life" this time is an innovative combination of variety shows and documentaries, with the mentality of making a documentary to record variety shows, not for the purpose of pursuing funny, but focusing on slow pace, healing, humanity, and warmth.

Ming Dai's main request to be a flying guest was a surprise. The program crew could imagine the buzz she would bring after her participation, but the final effect still far exceeded their expectations!

Yes, the program group is very clear about their own positioning - even if there is a mudslide in the middle, if there is no Ming Dai, they may receive short-term attention, but the heat will soon dissipate, and the big guys will lament that the program group is really unlucky , but will not continue to watch this variety show after feeling emotional.

But after Ming Dai participated, the degree of attention and topic of this matter was completely different!

Ming Dai is a popular first-line floret, and it has only been two months since "Twin Lotus" hit the box office. Not long ago, everyone was still discussing Ming Dai's college entrance examination results, and fans gathered in piles.

Who knew, in the blink of an eye, Ming Dai went to participate in an unremarkable variety show, and encountered a mudslide halfway through!
More importantly, apart from Ming Dai recording a video letter to report to fans that she is safe, the public has no way of knowing more news.

Among them, the helpless people acted as insiders on the Internet to fuel the flames. For a while, it was explained that Dai’s manager died of injuries, and for a while, it was explained that Dai looked fine in the video. In fact, she suffered a serious foot injury and might become disabled, and she will not be able to film in the future...

Anyway, there are outrageous rumors, and what's even more outrageous is that many people believe them.

Not only fans and sunspots, but the public's eyes are all on the program group, they really want to know the truth of those rumors, and want to see the whole process in detail.

In the end, all this attention translates into business value.

What's more, the word Mingdai was originally a gold-lettered signboard.

You must know that the investment promotion of the program "Life in the Mountain" was very difficult in the early stage. If it were not for the support of the station, I am afraid that the filming would have been tight. Of course, it is not much better now.

Now, variety shows are so hot, it's not the producers begging grandpa to sue grandma to find advertisers, but those advertisers take the initiative to find advertisers!

The most intuitive result is that after the entire investment promotion process, the total naming rights that were auctioned out alone allowed this program to pay back more than half of the cost, and there are also combined benefits from joint sponsorships and interstitial advertisements.

Not to mention that the three major video sites have already bid on this variety show, wanting to win the exclusive rights to broadcast it... In short, this variety show has already started to make money before it started broadcasting!

There are also people in the industry who ridiculed that these advertisers are crazy about bidding. A variety show that has nothing to watch except Ming Dai can be auctioned at this price. When the first phase is over, what will happen after Ming Dai gets off the car as a flying guest?
With envy, controversy and other criticisms, the first episode of "Life in the Mountain" finally started half a month earlier than the original schedule!

From the first second the program was launched, a large number of viewers poured in.

The popularity of variety shows is rising, and the quarrel is not the young master——

[I just explained that Dai is a false ascension, and this kind of unknown garbage show is on, and I don’t pick it. 】

[When did the variety shows on national TV become garbage?Can your master come? 】

[Hehe, go to your fake ascension, isn't Little Lotus's box office enough to wake you up from your dream? 】

【stop fighting!I only care about whether my Dai is injured! 】

[Wow, the scenery is so beautiful. 】

[I heard that the director is Qian Chuan, the director of "Pastoral", he is quite popular, no wonder Ming Dai will come to shoot. 】

[This empty mirror is really amazing, Qian Chuan has always been good at taking pictures of natural scenery. 】

Despite the haste of the show, there was no ambiguity in the editing.

With the double guarantee of a reliable producer and director, the entire program group has achieved the best effect within a limited time.

That's why the mountains and rivers in front attracted the attention of the audience. They didn't even care about the quarrels, and they knew how to appreciate the beautiful natural scenery with all their heart.

Then the screen turned and split into several screens, which were the lives of the six guests before they went to the recording location.

Qian Chuan is very good at photographing these details of daily life, middle-aged couples bickering, musicians' persistence, actors' daily life, etc., all become interesting under his camera.

Following the director's lens, the audience saw familiar old actors and new-generation actors, and naturally noticed the handsome Li Luo.

Li Luo is not the type with stunning eyebrows and eyes, but he has a unique and charming aura. The scene of sitting in front of the window, holding a guitar, writing a song, and stroking the cat is really eye-catching.

The audience couldn't help discussing him, most of them felt that he looked strange, only a few of them recognized Li Luo as a rare treasure singer.

After the screen of the six guests ended, it jumped to a dark screen. The subtitles introduced that the mysterious flying guest was about to appear.

The barrage comments burst into laughter, because they all knew that the flying guest was Ming Dai.

But the next scene still surprised everyone, because Qian Chuan actually took a picture of Ming Dai at work.

Ming Dai went to participate in the commercial event of the endorsement brand, wearing a white suit skirt, her figure is slim and graceful, her long curly hair falls gently behind her shoulders, and she seems to be shining in front of the camera.

There are many road-shooting videos about this event on the Internet, but after all, they are not as clear as professional machines. Besides, the photographer of the variety show followed Ming Dai closely throughout the filming. With the crowd moving, the camera almost hit Ming Dai's face up.

Just like that, Mingdai's skin is still as white as cream, and every time her eyelashes tremble, it's like the rising and falling of stars, so beautiful that it makes people lose their minds.

[It turns out that the camera that almost hit my Dai's face that day belonged to your house. I was at the scene and couldn't help but curse. 】

[Zoom in and listen to the background sound, and there are scolding voices of "will you shoot?", sisters really have you! 】

【Dai Dai from this angle is so beautiful. 】

[Licking face. 】

The camera followed from the front of the stage to behind the scenes.

Ming Dai did not intentionally only show her glamorous side, and the exhaustion and laziness after returning to the stage were all presented to the audience.

Unexpectedly, the audience liked it very much. They felt that the Ming Dai just now was beautiful, but noble and not to be approached. However, the current Ming Dai feels very close, as casual as a friend around her.

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