Chapter 504 Kindness
This feeling does not only belong to Assistant Su Fangyun, but belongs to all audiences.

The audience didn't realize until the end of the first episode that the content of this part was left by the director to Xiaoshan Village.

Although the vast majority of people survived, the destruction of the small mountain village meant that it was destroyed. The painstaking efforts of generations, the family business they bought, and the hope for the future... were all buried in this mudslide. under the ruins.

Natural disasters are ruthless because they not only threaten human life, but affect all aspects of human beings.

The 10-minute filming of the post-disaster mountain village was both long and short.

It is long, because every minute and every second of it suffers to be slow;

It is short, because it is not worth mentioning compared with the life length of the villagers.

At the end of this variety show, it was the photographer of the program team who accompanied the old village head back to the village.

This courageous and majestic old cadre when directing the villagers to transfer, did not show a trace of fatigue before, but was growing stronger and more imposing.

But the old village chief in this shot is fragile and confused. His whole energy seems to be exhausted. He stares blankly at the village where he has lived all his life. There are no tears on his face, but he looks worse than crying. be sad.

He stood in front of the ruins of the setting sun, like a dried tree.

The branches are left in vain, but there is no root to support his growth.

Later, this scene was selected as the "Best Variety Moment of the Year" by the highest award in the field of domestic TV drama variety shows. At the same time, the program "Life in Dashan" also won the "Best Variety Show of the Year".

But at the moment, this picture has touched tens of millions of people, and the public opinion has begun to gather. Many people's hearts are affected by this small mountain village, and they want to do their best for the villagers.

Donations, materials, resources... Rescue came from all directions, and many people were calling to ask for support or adoption of Chunni and Yanni sisters, and this small mountain village suddenly became the focus of the whole country.

In the shortest period of time, the resources gathered were enough to rebuild two small mountain villages.

It still hasn't stopped, and there is still a steady stream of kindness coming over.

The local department that received the remittances and materials, after deliberation and inquiries to the donors, felt that it would be difficult and time-consuming to return these donations and materials to the original route, so they decided to donate these overflowing materials to other Villages damaged by mudslides.

After all, natural disasters did not only catch this small mountain village, but many villages along the road were hit by disasters. Some people lost their lives because of this, and some lost the property that they had fought for most of their lives... Although other village chiefs are not as completely destroyed as this small mountain village, they also need it. Help with money and supplies.

For this reason, the local department specially stated that it will announce in detail the whereabouts of each money and material on the official website to ensure that everyone's kindness flows to the right place.

This move was praised by many netizens. By the way, Fukuzawa went to the program "Life in the Mountain", which made everyone full of praise for the program group and guests.


Later, Ming Dai accepted an interview on the official TV station.

This is not an ordinary person interview. There are very few celebrities in the industry who have been on this interview program. Most of the interviewees are celebrities, including writers, businessmen, scientists, athletes, and even diplomats.

Among the interviewees, Ming Dai is the youngest and seems to have the thinnest resume.

The leading actor with a mere box office of 20 billion is nothing among these people.

It can be seen from this that this character interview is regarded as a return of favor from the official TV station to Ming Dai. Compared with the millions of machines lost, it is more important to them that dozens of program crew members survive.

Infinite scenery rushed towards Ming Dai, crowning her the crown and helping her reach the top of the topic rankings again. She has dominated the rankings for several weeks in a row, and there is a meaning to continue to dominate the rankings in the future...

Compared with these auras, Ming Dai, who appeared in front of the interview camera, looked too simple and low-key.

She is wearing a simple white shirt and loose trousers, her hair is pulled into a low ponytail at the back of her head, her face is not made up at first glance, but her eyes are amazingly bright, like the water of the Milky Way flowing slowly.

Facing the series of compliments from the host, Ming Dai was very humble:
"Although I have repeated it many times, I still want to reiterate that everyone's escape from disaster is the result of everyone's hard work, and it is definitely not due to me alone..."

She explained to her a little stubbornly, and anyone could see that she thought so from the bottom of her heart.



Gu Lingsi grabbed the phone tightly, wishing Ming Dai's face would be smashed into pieces on the screen!

But the momentary anger and madness passed, and rationality returned, and Gu Lingsi knew that the current self was already far from Ming Dai, and it was impossible to even look up and look down like in school before.

The current Mingdai is Tianbianxue, the darling of the world, and the absolute focus of thousands of auras.

And she, Gu Lingsi, has become a poor girl no one wants, a bug who deserves to be abandoned...

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

There was a knock on her room door.

Gu Lingsi trembled in shock, and shrank back to the corner of the bed.

She was afraid that the person who came was Gu Qi—that lunatic, because of the embarrassing marriage contract between the Gu family and the Ning family, and the increasingly unclear Ning Shu's attitude, he was ridiculed and ridiculed by his old enemies outside. Everyone was ashamed, so when they got home after drinking, they started throwing things like crazy, and even grabbed Gu Lingsi, who was trying to pretend to be a good daughter to comfort her, and beat her up hard.

Yes, Gu Qi hit Gu Lingsi. Up to now, the slap mark left by Gu Qi still remains on Gu Lingsi's face, which is so deep red that it is almost purple. It is the accumulation of blood on the cheek.

This is not the only injury on Gu Lingsi's body, because Gu Qi hated it for too long, and it was still not satisfying to use his palm to slap Gu Lingsi. Later, he even took the golf club in the living room to hit Gu Lingsi!
In the area covered by the clothes, there were countless bruises, each of which was like a nightmare to Gu Lingsi.

At the beginning, she was afraid that she would lose face if her servants saw her, but later, in order to survive, she desperately hoped that some servants would come over and stop Gu Qi if they saw him.

Unfortunately, the servants are all off work, Wei Yin is out for a party, and Gu Changming has gone on a business trip a few days earlier.

...In the end, Wein, who came back from the party, stopped Gu Qi.

However, Wein's way of handling it was to drag Gu Qi away, and after her husband went back to sleep, he brought the medicine box to Gu Lingsi's room, not to take care of Gu Lingsi, but to say to her:

'Family ugliness should not be publicized, you should know what to say. '

Gu Lingsi knew that Wein was annoyed with her.

It's not that Wein knows the truth about his life experience, but because Gu Lingsi failed the college entrance examination, which made her lose face in front of her friends.

(End of this chapter)

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