Ge Li's eyes were about to bleed with hatred!

She had such a son, and she held her husband in her palm like jewels, wishing to give him all the good things. How could she see her son courting a young girl like a servant?

In the past, Gu Lingsi was brought together with her own son because Gu Lingsi was very popular with famous wives in the circle, and the Gu family was also a good family that the Liu family wanted to marry, including Gu Lingsi herself, who was also one of the best girls in this generation.

... But that was before!

The current Gu Lingsi was abandoned by the Ning family and hated by the Gu family. Looking at the bruised palm marks on her face, one could tell that Gu Lingsi was no longer the same Gu Lingsi as before.

What's more, Ge Li vaguely heard rumors from the circle around her that Gu Lingsi was not a child of the Gu family...

Regardless of whether it is true or not, Ge Li, who is as thoughtful as a human being, cannot allow anything to happen to her son and Gu Lingsi.

I don't mention Gu Lingsi herself, just talk about this behavior - the Gu family and the Ning family haven't really divorced yet, and my son brought the future daughter-in-law of the Ning family to his bachelor's apartment, who knows if he will meet one or two familiar people, If this matter is spread, how will the Liu family explain it in front of Ning Shi?Are the children just covering the quilt for pure chatting?Who would believe it!
Ge Li hated Gu Lingsi, who was pasted on her family like a dog's skin plaster, and even hated his son who couldn't figure it out!
Look at this, and even drive to buy food for Gu Lingsi?Eager to pack and bring it back?
Do you think your love is earth-shattering?nausea!
Ge Li's stomach was full of venom, but she kept her last sanity.

Taking a deep breath, Ge Li called out, "Zhengqing."

Liu Zhengqing obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the current situation, he quickly glanced at Gu Lingsi, and whispered in dissatisfaction, "Mom, why did you come here without saying hello?"

Seeing that his focus had been diverted, Ge Li almost fell down angrily: "If I don't come directly..." In the middle of the sentence, remembering that an outsider like Gu Lingsi was still by her side, Ge Li suppressed her anger and tried to be calm, "I If you don't come, you don't even know that you brought classmate Gu to your house as a guest."

Gu Lingsi noticed the change in Ge Li's address. She used to be called "Baby" when she met her, but just now she was called "Lingsi". Now she doesn't even bother to save face, and just calls her "Classmate Gu".

The implication of drawing a line is obvious.

But Liu Zhengqing, who was throbbing in his head, how could he notice this?
At most, she felt that her mother's attitude was weird, and she was still dissatisfied: "I'm not a guest, Lingsi is going to stay here for a while, I originally tell you tomorrow, who knew you would come to the door suddenly?"

Ge Li pretended to be puzzled: "What's the matter with Lingsi? Why don't you go home?"

"Mom!" Liu Zhengqing wanted to stop Ge Li, with a dark face, "Stop asking!"

As he said that, he stepped over a few steps and stood between Ge Li and Gu Lingsi.

To be precise, it was to protect Gu Lingsi behind him.

Ge Li looked at the unfilial son in front of her with an ugly expression on her face.

But she really didn't want to teach her son a lesson in front of outsiders.

So he raised his chin: "Your child is also reckless in doing things. I don't want to think about whether classmate Gu's family will be worried when she comes here. But everyone has come here. Our family must treat guests well. Let classmate Gu come tonight Stay here and come home with me."

Go home and make a good meal.

Liu Zhengqing opened his mouth to explain Gu Lingsi's situation, but he couldn't come out.

Turning her head to look at Gu Lingsi with questioning eyes, Gu Lingsi returned a gentle smile.

"Go." After a pause, a strong soft light flashed in his eyes, "I can do it by myself."

Ge Li almost rolled her eyes!
What kind of deep mountains and old forests are here?In modern society, what can't be bought with money?Want to pretend to be vulnerable here?

But look at her stupid son, he is so worried that he can hardly move!I really can't see it!
Without further ado, Ge Li stepped forward and tugged at Liu Zhengqing's sleeve: "Let's go, we have something to do at home, let's go back as soon as possible!"

Liu Zhengqing was taken away in a daze: "What happened at home? Didn't I hear from you this afternoon?"

Ge Li was impatient: "Don't worry about it so much! Follow me!"

Gu Lingsi smiled and watched the mother and son leave.

Before going out, Liu Zhengqing tried his best to turn his head to look at Gu Lingsi, and said to her, "Remember to take medicine and eat".

Gu Lingsi nodded obediently, and when the mother and son disappeared, the door was locked, and she was alone in the living room, her complexion quickly darkened, and she already had a bad feeling in her heart.

But Liu Zhengqing was much slower.

I took the elevator with my mother to the underground garage, and I didn't realize that a catastrophe was imminent until I got in the car.

Ge Li's car was parked next to his car, Liu Zhengqing saw the baby car next to him through the car window, and muttered angrily: "I forgot to give Lingsi the car keys!"

Ge Li jumped up angrily, repeating "There is no shortage of time for education", forcefully suppressed her pressure cooker temper, and ordered the driver in the front seat to drive.

The driver stepped on the accelerator silently, and Ge Li in the back seat looked down at her phone. Even her son asked "what's the matter at home" several times, but she didn't respond as if she didn't hear it.

Liu Zhengqing turned his head and saw that his mother was sending messages to someone, thinking about keeping privacy, he quietly looked away, and didn't ask any more questions.

And Ge Li's exquisite extended armor rattled on the screen of the mobile phone, and anger flowed in it, every word was a complaint and accusation against her husband.

Liu Zhengqing's father, Liu Yuanqiang, across the cell phone, also realized the seriousness of the problem, and no longer cared about socializing, he replied to his wife that he would go home immediately.

Therefore, less than 10 minutes after Liu Zhengqing was dragged home by Ge Li, Liu Zhengqing's father, Liu Yuanqiang, arrived home immediately after.

Liu Zhengqing was surprised when he heard the movement of the car, and got up to greet him: "Dad, you came back so early? You don't know, Mom insisted that something happened at home and dragged me back, but when I got home, I didn't say a word..."

The family atmosphere of the Liu family is usually good, and Liu Zhengqing dared to joke a few friends with his father.

This is the capital of his willful behavior.

Liu Yuanqiang used to think that this was a doting for his son, and no matter how much he put his only son in his hands, it was not enough.

But now he regretted it, and found that he had completely raised and disabled his son, and he didn't even realize the most basic danger of the situation.

Looking at the son who was complaining endlessly in front of him, his face was clear and stupid without experience in the world; and then looking at the silent wife with her arms folded on the sofa, her face was almost black with anger.

As for the surroundings, there was no one around at this time, and Ge Li sent them away in advance.

So Liu Yuanqiang couldn't bear it anymore, raised his arms high, and slapped Liu Zhengqing's face forcefully.

Liu Zhengqing, who was caught off guard, was directly slapped to the ground by the force of the slap, and then covered his face in disbelief.

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