Liu Zhengqing was a little dazed at first, but gradually he became happy, thinking that his parents didn't care about him.

That's right, parents who haven't been able to hold back their children, it's just a matter of time.

Parents now feel that the relationship between Lingsi and the Ning family is awkward, and when they deal with it in the future, parents will naturally change their minds, and then let them accept Lingsi slowly!
With an optimistic attitude, Liu Zhengqing did not think long on this matter.

Raising his hand to touch his face, the cheek that was slapped by his father was hot and painful.

"The old man is really strong."

After complaining, Liu Zhengqing decided not to argue with his father!

After that, he didn't dare to go back to the apartment, and decided to show his parents his determination. He went straight to the room on the second floor, washed up hastily, and fell asleep.

During the summer vacation after the college entrance examination, I always oversleep because of relaxation.

Liu Zhengqing fell asleep until ten o'clock in the morning, until he was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

Picking it up in a daze, seeing that it was Gu Lingsi's number, Liu Zhengqing lost sleep immediately, turned over and sat up, cleared his throat, and connected the phone.


Gu Lingsi's call was full of tears, like broken glass.

Liu Zhengqing's heart ached immediately.

"What's the matter, Lingsi? Is something wrong?"

As he said that, he was about to throw the quilt out of bed.

"Where are you? I, I was locked out."

Gu Lingsi's tone sounded extremely helpless, Liu Zhengqing could even imagine her trembling standing in the corridor with her arms folded... Oh, it's summer now.

Liu Zhengqing still didn't realize the seriousness of the situation, so he hurriedly comforted Gu Lingsi: "You wait, I'll come here now!"

I hung up the phone in a hurry, washed up two or three times, and then rushed downstairs... Then I remembered that his car was downstairs in the apartment, so I called the driver at home, but the driver told him in embarrassment that something was going on outside.

Liu Zhengqing didn't think too much, so he had to call a taxi with his mobile phone.

However, his villa was remote, and the surrounding area was not considered prosperous. After a long time, he couldn't get a taxi. In the end, Liu Zhengqing ran to the gate of the community with his legs, and finally got a taxi.

It was more than an hour before the car returned to the apartment downstairs.

Running into the apartment building profusely with sweat, Liu Zhengqing saw Gu Lingsi in pajamas sitting on the sofa in the lobby.

Although there are only a dozen households in the entire building with one elevator and one household in this kind of large flat floor, Gu Lingsi is sitting in the lobby of the apartment in his pajamas, and he still cannot avoid being scrutinized by people passing by.

Gu Lingsi clutched her sleeves tightly, her face was very embarrassed, and she didn't relax until she met Liu Zhengqing.

Liu Zhengqing was surprised: "Why are you here?"

Gu Lingsi lowered her voice: "I can't get in the elevator."

After explaining, Liu Zhengqing found out that Gu Lingsi wanted to eat something when he got up in the morning, but when he found that there was no food at home, he thought about ordering takeaway.

However, this kind of high-end apartment does not allow takeaways to come in at all. Usually, takeaways are delivered to the property, and the property steward personally delivers them to the door of the house.

But Gu Lingsi called the property management, but the property management didn't answer at all, so Gu Lingsi had to go downstairs to get takeaway.

She thought it was just a back and forth, so she put on her pajamas.

Who knew that as soon as he came out, he couldn't go back until Liu Zhengqing came.

After hearing this, Liu Zhengqing was furious: "I have to complain to the property! It's still a high-end property, how do you do it!"

After being angry, he comforted Gu Lingsi in a soft voice, and sincerely explained that it was his fault. He remembered to record Gu Lingsi's fingerprint into the door password of the house, but forgot that the elevator also needed fingerprints or swiped cards.

After apologizing repeatedly, Liu Zhengqing took Gu Lingsi into the elevator, trying to use his fingerprint to swipe the elevator, but the elevator gave an error message.

Gu Lingsi's eyes darkened, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Liu Zhengqing didn't realize it at all, and muttered about the rubbish of the elevator password system. Fortunately, he had a card in his wallet. After swiping the card, the elevator started smoothly and reached the floor where his home was located.

Stepping into the elevator hall, Liu Zhengqing said as he walked, "I will accompany you to the property later and record your fingerprints. Then you don't have to worry about being stopped by the elevator."

As he spoke, Liu Zhengqing casually raised his hand to verify his fingerprints.

Drop drop drop.

The fingerprint lock beeps three times in a row, indicating an error.

At this point, Liu Zhengqing should have noticed no matter how dull he was, his complexion gradually became ugly.

"No way."

He forced a smile and verified his fingerprints again, but it was still an error message.

He turned his head to ask Gu Lingsi to try it too, but Gu Lingsi lowered his head, his long hair fell from his pale cheeks, making his shoulders more frail and fragile.

Liu Zhengqing was speechless. He thought of what his father said last night, 'Nothing in this home belongs to you', and now he fully understands whether it's the property management not answering the phone, or the elevator malfunctioning, or It's the blocking of the gate now... It's all done by his parents.

In an instant, his stomach was full of anger. Liu Zhengqing really wanted to call his parents to question him, but looking at Gu Lingsi beside him, he didn't want her to know his parents' attitude.

After a long silence, Liu Zhengqing pretended to be nonchalant: "It is estimated that there is something wrong with the broken lock, otherwise I will take you to the hotel first, and we will come back after I find someone to open the lock."

Gu Lingsi smiled tolerantly: "Okay."

Liu Zhengqing met, how could he not understand?

Lingsi knew all about it, but just pretended not to know for his sake.

He felt so bitter in his heart, he felt that he was really useless, he couldn't even protect Lingsi, and he complained more and more to his parents, thinking that this matter must not be passed easily.

Then he took Gu Lingsi down to the garage. Fortunately, he remembered to bring the key when he came, so that Gu Lingsi didn't have to take a taxi.

The Porsche galloped all the way and finally arrived at the destination, which is one of the best hotels in Yanjing.

The most expensive suite here costs 10,000+ a night, and Liu Zhengqing couldn't afford it, so he arranged for Gu Lingsi a second-class suite, which cost tens of thousands a night.

When checking in at the front desk, Liu Zhengqing still felt wronged by Gu Lingsi: "It's not as good as your house, so I can only make do with it."

Gu Lingsi smiled and said nothing, just tugged at the pajamas on her body, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Liu Zhengqing was annoyed: "Ah, I forgot to take you to buy clothes first on the way... Your luggage is locked at my house, but don't worry, when I find someone to open the door, I can get your luggage out soon!"

Gu Lingsi still smiled and said yes.

At this time, the front desk smiled and handed back Liu Zhengqing's card.

"Excuse me sir."

"Is it done?"

"No, sir, your card has been frozen and cannot be used."

With the lessons learned from the combination lock, Liu Zhengqing will not be so foolish as to think that this is just an accident.

He took out his wallet with a sullen face, and took out another card: "What about this one?"

The front desk tried: "It doesn't work either."

After that, Liu Zhengqing tried several cards in succession, but none of them worked.

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