Chapter 524 Heavenly Demon One
The boy's name is Bai Shao, and he lives at the bottom of the secular world with his sister Bai Yao who depends on each other.

There are many children like them. The cannibalistic war has displaced countless families and separated their wives. The parents of brothers and sisters like Bai Shao and Bai Yao died in the war, and they are the only two left in the family.

It stands to reason that children who grow up in such an environment will be like stagnant water with no hope for the future. After all, no one knows whether they can grow up, and when they grow up, they will be arrested and dragged to war.

In the face of an invisible future, hope is the most elusive thing for ordinary people.

But Bai Shao is different, he is a vigorous weed, inexplicably believes that one day he can change his destiny.

Therefore, he is full of expectations for the future, and he does not want to build a hut like others and use it as a residence at will. Instead, he saves up all the money he earns and plans to rent a hut in the city, which is enough for him and his sister to live in. , It is good to have a tile to cover the body.

Bai Shao put in a lot of hard work for this, wasting most of his youth time on this, his younger sister Bai Yao was also sensible early on, a three or four year old child already knew how to take care of himself, protect himself, and not let his brother worry about him.

Thanks to the concerted efforts of the two brothers and sisters, it seems that they are still one step away from earning enough money to rent a house. After renting a house, they will have an identity, be able to do regular work, earn more money, and settle down in this city completely.

Three days, three more days.

In a boring and difficult life, every night, the small stall on the corner of the street is the only joy for Bai Shao and Bai Yao. The only way to look to the sky.

The two brothers and sisters were shy in their pockets, so naturally they couldn't use the precious money to reward the storyteller, so they huddled in the corner secretly, hiding behind the back basket, listening to the storyteller's voice from afar.

Today, the brothers and sisters found the old location with ease. This place will not be discovered by the storyteller, and he can clearly hear what he said.

What the storyteller is talking about today is nothing but the secrets of the royal family in this city——

It is said that the Seven Kingdoms are now in a melee, and you are fighting for it, and the flames of war almost never stop.

Only on that night 18 years ago, when the dark clouds were thick and the catastrophe approached, the Seven Kingdoms stopped their spearheads by coincidence, and the truce lasted for three full months.

The storyteller patted the gavel: "You guys know, what day is this night?"

The people sitting on the long benches listening intently shook their heads and said they didn't know.

The storyteller looked around mysteriously and lowered his voice:

"That day was...the day the Ninth Princess was born!"

There were repeated exclamations from below.

"Princess Nine? Is that the demon star princess?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't die!"

Everyone knows that Princess Yaoxing is the secret of the royal family, and the Tian family ordered the people not to talk about it, so everyone only knows a little bit about it. I didn't expect the storyteller to mention Princess Yaoxing, and everyone's faces showed excitement.

The brothers and sisters Bai Shao and Bai Yao who were hiding in the corner also showed curiosity.

Mr. Storyteller didn’t hold back, and continued to talk:

"It is said that before the birth of the Ninth Princess, there were many strange things in the palace. Her mother even died of a bloody collapse on the day she was born, which aroused His Majesty's disgust."

Someone couldn't help answering: "But childbirth is extremely dangerous for women, and the death of Ninth Princess' mother can't be entirely blamed on her."

"Of course!" The storyteller stroked his beard, "But what if the day when Princess Nine was born was at noon, but there was a heavenly dog ​​eclipsing the sun, and Jiuxing Lianzhu? Tiangou eclipsing the sun is already rare, and Jiuxing Lianzhu is a great disaster. The frightening thing is that on the day the nine princesses were born, disasters continued in the world, not only our country, but even the other six countries were not spared!

So today I invited a foreign teacher to give orders for the nine princesses, and only then did I learn that the nine princesses were born from a demon star. If she was alive, one day there would be a war in this world, and the world would perish! "

Listening to Mr. Storyteller's words, everyone breathed in continuously.

"Really? Then, why didn't His Majesty kill Princess Nine?"

It is cruel to say that the father killed the daughter, but in the eyes of the common people, it is common for the royal family to kill each other. It is not unusual for the father to kill the son and the son to kill the father. How can the nine princesses be allowed to live today?
Mr. Storyteller: "It is said that the Ninth Princess has suffered a few times, but whenever the Ninth Princess is in danger, she will be born with a strange appearance. There are even rumors that the Ninth Princess is closely related to the fate of the present. If the Ninth Princess dies, then the present You must die from the backlash! Therefore, the Ninth Princess has survived until now, and she has been raised."

The people who listened to the book were still curious, you questioned me sentence by sentence, and the storyteller knew everything and talked endlessly until late at night and the exhaustion dissipated.

Bai Shao in the corner still had bright eyes, but his sister had been sleeping in his arms for a long time.

Seeing that everyone else was about to leave, Mr. Storyteller was also packing his things and preparing to leave.

Bai Shao got up secretly, wanting to sneak away with his sister in his arms.

"Wait!" Younger sister Bai Yao woke up at some point, and called out in a childish voice.

Then he jumped out of his brother's arms, holding the apple that had been hidden in his arms for a long time, trotted to the storyteller, and handed the apple over.

The little girl was as nimble as a fish, and Bai Shao couldn't stop her in time, watching the stupid younger sister run over and expose himself.

"I'll eat it for you." Bai Yao held the apple in both hands, her eyes sparkled, "We don't have any money, so we can only give you fruit to eat, thank you Grandpa."

The storyteller took it with a smile, and was neither angry nor surprised at the sudden appearance of the brothers and sisters.

Rubbing the little girl's head: "Uncle."

Bai Yao blinked her eyes.

Bai Shao saw that Mr. Storyteller's attitude was not right, and walked over with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

"Sorry, sir, we didn't mean to eavesdrop..."

There was barely a little red on the boy's dirty face.

is ashamed.

The storyteller didn't care, he wiped the apple and took a bite.

It turned out that he had known about the existence of the two brothers and sisters for a long time, and occasionally deliberately raised the volume, just to let the two brothers and sisters hear.

"One's life is to live a life of knowledge. If you want to be a person who understands troubled times, there is nothing wrong with it."

The ashamed boy barely raised his head after hearing what the storyteller said.

At the same time, he asked the doubts that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time:
"The Ninth Princess, the demon star... so is the fate one true? Will she really destroy this world?"

The storyteller raised his eyebrows and asked:
"What do you think?"

In fact, the young man already had the answer in his heart.

Bai Shao shook his head slowly: "I don't think...not."

The storyteller patted Bai Shao on the shoulder with a smile.

"Shall I tell you the second half of this prophecy?"

(End of this chapter)

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