The fire rested for a while, and Ming Dai ate until her belly rounded.

Her stomach was so full that she couldn't care less about her image in front of He Mu, so she wanted to lie down and sleep in the folding chair.

But the folding chair is designed for convenience, and the comfort level is destined not to be very high. No matter how Ming Dai adjusts her posture, she feels that something is wrong, and she hums subconsciously in her nose.

He Mu pulled the chair closer: "Lie down?"

It is his legs that are indicated.

Ming Dai hesitated for a second, she seemed to feel that it was not good, that she was too intimate.

But after thinking about it, it's not that I haven't tried something more intimate. There is nothing to be shy about, and comfort is more important.

So he stopped coddling and decided to lie down in a comfortable position. He said he was resting on his legs, but he was almost half-embraced by him. Only his feet were resting on his folding chair. The whole posture looked distorted. It's actually very comfortable.

Mingdai felt better, and her stretched stomach also felt better.

He Mu saw Ming Dai's stretched eyebrows.

"You shouldn't eat so much."

"You made it delicious!"

Ming Dai refuted with confidence.

In the charming and angry tone, there was a lot of blame and twilight, it was because he was so good at cooking and the barbecue was so delicious.

Not only did He Mu not feel that Ming Dai's logic was outrageous, but he asked for it sincerely.

"There are too many ingredients prepared."

"That's right!"

The two sang together and settled the matter.

Anyway, it's definitely not Ming Dai's fault!

The drowsiness brought about by a full stomach enveloped Mingdai, resting her head on the Milky Way, listening to the mountain breeze, Mingdai almost fell asleep.

Then the phone dinged.

He Mu's cell phone has already been turned to silent mode, and only Ming Dai's cell phone will ring.

At the first sound, Ming Dai didn't move, too lazy to move.

After the second beep, Ming Dai raised her arm, trying to pick up the phone, but unfortunately ended in failure.

In the end, He Mu held the phone in front of her.

Ming Dai took it, unlocked it, and the lock screen displayed messages from two people respectively.

The first one was from Xia Ling, reminding her to make an appointment for shopping tomorrow.

The second article is from Su Fangyun, and the content is related to today's movie, a simple line:

【Our word of mouth exploded! 】

A burst word and an exclamation point can already explain the problem.

Su Fangyun is not the kind of character who is careless, and what makes her talk about it must be that the result is better than expected.

Ming Dai resolutely clicked into a certain letter, and first sent a message to Xia Ling saying that she would pick her up tomorrow.

Then he opened Su Fangyun's chat box and asked a few more questions with great interest.

Su Fangyun should still be in the office, and the message was replied quickly.

[Better than expected, 95% of professional film critics and journalists received good reviews, and it is said that the rate of positive reviews received by the on-site staff reached 98%! 】

The results are gratifying, and Ming Dai is also happy.

Such a result, even if the final box office is not satisfactory, it is good to earn the audience's reputation.

After all, the life of a film is never limited to the box office.

Ming Dai replied happily.

When he put away his phone, Jian Hemu lowered his eyes, his thick eyelashes revealing thoughtfulness.

Ming Dai didn't even think about it: "What's the matter?"

He Mu: "Your phone screen."

Ming Dai was stunned at first, but soon after realizing it, her cheeks flushed red.

How did she forget this!

"What, what phone screen?"

Ming Dai tightly pressed the phone in her arms, trying to pretend she didn't know, but Nai He and Mu didn't give her this chance.

He Mu decisively: "I saw it, it's our group photo."

After a moment of silence, Ming Dai couldn't hide her surprise: "Aren't your eyes too sharp, can you recognize this?"

Now that they have all been discovered, there is no point in continuing to conceal it.

Ming Dai had no choice but to take the initiative to unlock the phone password, revealing the wallpaper on the main screen——

It was a pair of silhouettes, except for the silhouettes of a man and a woman who could be vaguely discerned, nothing could be seen from the pitch black.

Ming Dai didn't even know how He Mu recognized her.

She looked at He Mu, who was sizing up the home screen wallpaper with her eyes, that kind of eyes... Wait?Why surprised?Seems like it's the first time I've seen it?
"You lied to me!"

Ming Dai reacted quickly.

It's a pity that I haven't played He Mu before, so I was easily cheated out of the truth.

Ming Dai was furious, but He Mu couldn't care less.

"Picture from when? Sorry, I don't recognize it."

With this height difference, He Mu was sure that it was him and Ming Dai, but he couldn't remember the exact time, so he couldn't help feeling annoyed.

Seeing this, Ming Dai felt embarrassed to continue to be angry, and instead comforted him: "I have specially processed this photo, so it's normal that I can't recognize it. In fact, it has the original photo."

The latter sentence was hesitant.

Because Ming Dai didn't know whether to tell He Mu the photos.

——This original photo is exactly the shocking scene that was accidentally captured by Yan Jiaxue when Ming Dai was filming "Twin Flowers", visiting the set with Mu Lai.

At that time, the two of them still adhered to the so-called relationship between the elder and the younger generation, which was a bit more intimate than the relationship, but not many, so the moment of standing side by side was especially precious and rare.

Yan Jiaxue secretly took the photo and sent it to Ming Dai. The picture, composition and atmosphere are really great, and Ming Dai was reluctant to delete it. In the end, she asked Yan Jiaxue to delete the original film, but she kept it here.

Then she locked her in the photo album of her mobile phone by mistake, never seeing the light of day.

The photo was not released until the two officially dated.

Two days ago, Ming Dai had a whim and wanted to set the photo as the wallpaper of her mobile phone.

After setting it up, she felt that it was not right. The high-definition cameras of paparazzi are too powerful these days. She was afraid that someone would take pictures of the wallpaper and post it on the Internet to cause an uproar, so she secretly fiddled with it and turned the photo into a black and white film.

The appearances of the two were then hidden, leaving only two silhouettes in the backlight.

Even if it is photographed, it can be explained by many reasons.

...Unexpectedly, the paparazzi didn't arrive, but He Mu came first.

When it was time to take out the original film, Ming Dai faltered and hesitated.

Probably because the mood of secretly saving the photos at that time was not as pure as she thought, and also had a selfish desire.

Ming Dai is afraid that He Mu will see through.

In fact, she was thinking too much.

How can He Mu still be rational at the moment?All the nerves in his body were overwhelmed by ecstasy!

Like a traveler who has been walking in the desert for too long and suddenly encounters an oasis, he is overwhelmed by the surprise and excitement.

I'm afraid even He Mu didn't expect that one day he would be so happy because of a photo.

"can you give me?"

He Mu's tone was cautious, almost begging.

Ming Dai's originally coy thoughts quickly dissipated: "Here you are!"

Without further ado, he started to send photos, and none of the dozen or so snapped photos were missed.

Then Mingdai saw He Mu set the photo as wallpaper.

He Mujian Mingdai was stunned: "Don't worry, I won't be seen."

Ming Dai: "I just feel that this is not like what you do."

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