When Ming Dai and He Mu stayed on the top of this deep mountain, seeing the stars and mountains and rivers, they lingered forever.

The world of mortals they are far away from has already started to stir up a commotion for the release of "Omen"——

Uncle Feng bought the movie tickets for the first day of "Omen" screening early.

As a million-dollar V blogger who once wrote a classic film review for "Twin Lotus" and made a resounding first shot for the film's early release, Uncle Feng certainly received the invitation to the premiere of "Omen" immediately letter.

Although the wording in the invitation letter was very sincere, and Ming Dai, an actor who had deeply impressed and impressed him in "Twin Lotus", was... Uncle Feng was about to move, but finally politely refused.

After all, he still remembered what he ate, and the rules he set couldn't be easily broken.

In addition to "Omen", Shen Qinghe's "Broken Array" also sent an invitation letter with a bonus fee.

Uncle Feng has heard about this.

It is said that the film crew of "Broken Array" is determined to push this film to the top of the box office charts, and the promotional expenses in the early stage alone cost hundreds of millions.

Some of them are specially handed to film critics like Uncle Feng as a retouching fee, and the way of giving is very flattering. It doesn't mean to force film critics to say good things, just say "make a good relationship".

Look, Shanyuan, how beautifully you put it, at least it made many self-proclaimed film critics feel better on the face, and the inner balance naturally tilted.

Others say that this is because the film crew of "Broken Array" is confident in the quality of its own film, and it is said that it received unanimous praise from industry insiders when it premiered internally.

Uncle Feng didn't care about this, he sent back the embellishment fee from "Broken Array", but he also bought movie tickets, after "Omen".

What is different from him is that in the internal communication group of film critics, at least [-]% of the people that Uncle Feng saw planned to watch "Broken Array" first and then "Omen", and generally arranged "Omen" at the next day.

After all, to write a film review with real content, it is not enough to watch a movie once, and it is normal to watch it three or four times. Such an energy-consuming effort would last more than a day.

Uncle Feng didn't take it seriously, and still followed his own rhythm.

Like thousands of ordinary spectators, he ate lunch leisurely, and then drove to the theater near his home. This is a new theater with one of the best equipment in the country, and the movie ticket price is more than twice that of ordinary theaters.

Uncle Feng is a professional. He knows that different equipment brings different audio-visual effects, so he still has to spend the money that should be spent.

But he didn't expect that after he came to the theater, there were not a few people who bought the same movie with him.

In the auditorium, which is as spacious as a basketball court, a full third of the audience is actually seated!

This is a two o'clock session in the afternoon!
Of course, the theater of "Broken Array" next door is also popular. At first glance, there are more audiences than "Omen". The whole theater is crowded and lively.

Such two blockbuster films can be regarded as heating up the domestic film market that has been cold for a while.

As Uncle Feng walked all the way, he could see the smile on the theater manager's face increased.

"It might be better than I expected."

Although Uncle Feng first chose "Tianmo" to watch out of his selfish affection for Ming Dai, but like most people in the industry, he believed that "Broken Array" was the box office hegemony.

However, Uncle Feng felt that the box office performance of "Omen" would not be too bad. Unlike the 12 billion forecast generally given in the market, he estimated in his heart that it would start at 15 billion.

Seeing the grand occasion in the theater now, Uncle Feng quietly raised the number to 20 billion.

Well, that's right, at the same level as "Twin Lotus".

The theater was plunged into darkness. Uncle Feng was still a little dazed when the title animation started playing. While touching the manual and pen, he was thinking in his heart whether the 20 billion box office was too exaggerated and too partial.

But he soon lost his mind to think so much.

The opening of the movie is a tense war scene, the soundtrack is majestic and majestic, and there is a sense of sadness under the momentum, which quickly brings people's emotions into it, and the eyes seem to be glued to the big screen, unable to move away for a long time .

Moreover, the theater was two stories high, with huge screens and top-notch equipment, which made the effect of this scene the best. Uncle Feng heard exclamations and wows from people around the seats more than once.

Fortunately, Uncle Feng had seen the big scene, and managed to suppress the sound of inhalation in his throat, barely counting it as calm.

But his fingertips were numb, and he couldn't help thinking about the director of the movie.

Shen Nan, female director.

It's not that Uncle Feng has any prejudice against women, but in the film industry, it is normal for men to be more than women, and the few famous female directors are good at projecting delicate and sensitive femininity into their works, so they play well The better ones are usually romance or suspense films.

It's also a stereotype.

But Shen Nan broke this stereotype. Just this classic war scene, such an orderly narrative of the camera, and the majestic way of framing... all of them show that big scenes are not exclusive to male directors!

Uncle Feng couldn't help being even more shocked, he squeezed the pen tightly in his hand, trying to write something, but couldn't start.

His expectations were raised by this scene, and he was afraid that the next scene would disappoint him.

Fortunately, director Shen Nan didn't give him this chance.

Soon the young Bai Shao's perspective made Uncle Feng addicted to it. The compact and solid narrative and just the right highlight scenes made this early stage scene not boring at all, but made the audience enjoy watching it with gusto.

Uncle Feng was also one of them, but he didn't expect Ming Dai to appear in so few scenes.

It's really rare, the whole movie used her as a gimmick, but now it's the young boy who has the upper hand.

But what is the name of the actor playing Bai Shao?

Seems like a pure rookie with no acting experience?
Last time it was Xu Ji, this time a new star came.

How come there are so many surprises when watching Ming Dai's movie?

Not only the actors, but even the director, soundtrack, art... are all refreshing Uncle Feng's cognition.

The plot on the big screen was developing very quickly, and in one go, the young Bai Shao had already slipped into the palace, and had his first face-to-face with the rumored princess of the demon star.


The pen in Uncle Feng's hand fell to the ground.

But he didn't have time to take care of it, but stared blankly at Ming Dai who was leaning over like a monster on the big screen... No, it wasn't Ming Dai, she was Ji Shi, the Ninth Princess of the Demon Star.

She can no longer see the characteristics of Song Tan or Ming Dai in her body, but a completely fresh soul!


This time, Uncle Feng also closed the manual.

The whole movie didn't open after that.

*Previous summary: The film critic Uncle Feng first appeared in Chapter 388, when "Twin Lotus" was released.

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