Chapter 54 Do I Have to Accept an Apology?

Realizing why these people were looking at her, Tang Xue's face turned livid.

She really wanted to refuse, but meeting Gu Lingsi's silent gaze, she finally swallowed the words of refusal.

Finally, he stood up slowly from the chair, moved, and moved again, the speed was not much different from that of a snail.

She usually sits next to Gu Lingsi, but today she shrank to the end of the dining table, which hurt her self-esteem. She didn't expect that she still couldn't escape this catastrophe!
Tang Xue didn't dare to complain to Gu Lingsi, so all her anger turned towards Ming Dai, and Ming Dai became a thorn in her flesh and a thorn in her side!

Every step she took seemed to be crushing her self-esteem. After moving for a full 3 minutes, she finally stood in front of Ming Dai. At that moment, her anger almost reached its peak!

"In the end what you want?"

Tang Xue's voice squeezed out bit by bit from between her teeth.

Xia Ling was displeased and was about to speak.

He put a hand on the back of her hand and patted her lightly.

It was Ming Dai, who comforted Xia Ling who was about to help out with her movements, and then met Tang Xue trying to catch her Ling Chi's gaze:
"I didn't want to come to this meal today, but Gu Lingsi said you wanted to apologize to me, didn't you?"

Calm tone, with a touch of regret.

It is conceivable that if Tang Xue dared to nod her head and say "No", Ming Dai would be able to pull Xia Ling to leave in the next second!

Gu Lingsi, who was sitting in the main seat, got up suddenly, patted Tang Xue on the shoulder, and persuaded softly:
"Xuexue, we should admit our mistakes."

Tang Xue's nails dug into her flesh, and she glared at Ming Dai viciously.

She suddenly felt that the hands holding her shoulders were getting stronger gradually, and her heart shuddered.

In the end, he reluctantly lowered his head and said to Ming Dai:

Her words were slurred and her voice was low. The outside of the glass house was precarious. Except for Gu Lingsi, who was close, no one could hear what she was saying clearly.

Ming Dai then said:

"Sorry, I didn't hear you."

Falling into Tang Xue's ears, she decided that she did it on purpose.

Suddenly exploded: "Are you looking for faults?"

Ming Dai leaned against the back of the chair and looked at her innocently.

Gu Lingsi's smile was a little forced, and her exhaustion could be heard in her voice:
"Xuexue, let's apologize to Mingdai properly, can we stop making trouble?"

Tang Xue felt something, turned her head and looked around, only to find that everyone was looking at her with reproachful eyes.

For a while, he was wronged and angry again.

Open your mouth when you are in a tangle——

"Wow, sister Lingsi is so romantic, she actually chooses this dining room on this rainy day! I feel like I can eat two more bowls of rice in a while!"

Everyone present could hear Lu Yu's voice. His appearance undoubtedly heralded Ning Xu's arrival.

And the two just happened to crash into this stalemate atmosphere.

Lu Yu walked in front, Ning Xu was half a step behind him, with one hand in his pocket.

The young man was full of arrogance and dignity, and the shadow of the corridor behind him fell on him, and he couldn't suppress the bright and expressive eyebrows, but instead portrayed his tall and straight figure.

Looking up, there is a style of coquettish and unrestrained, arrogant and uninhibited, which naturally grabs everyone's attention when it first appears, like a natural luminous body.

He didn't have any intentions at all, but every move he made made people take it to heart.

For example, Tang Xue.

Seeing Ning Xu coming, Tang Xue immediately pursed her lips.

If she wanted to apologize to Ming Dai in front of Ning Xu, she might as well die!

Now even Gu Lingsi's persuasion was no longer effective, Tang Xue stood there with her neck straightened, with a face that said I was right!
The scene became more and more embarrassing.

Lu Yu was stunned: "Here, what's the matter?"

Ning Xu looked lazily afterward, his gaze passing over the top of Ming Dai's hair.

However, Ming Dai's back was facing them, she still didn't turn her head after hearing the news, she just stared at Tang Xue, as if Ning Xu's arrival didn't matter to him.

In Ning Xu's eyes, this scene felt rather unpleasant.

He roughly guessed the reason behind this occasion, deliberately mixed in, and said in a casual tone:

"I heard that you will apologize to Ming Dai today?"

When he spoke, everyone present showed surprise, including Gu Lingsi.

Last time at that French restaurant, whether it was Tang Xue mocking Ming Dai, Ming Dai slapping her face lightly, or Xia Ling berating Tang Xue... Ning Xu didn't say a single word from the beginning to the end.

He was nestled in the chair as if he had no bones, lazily playing games, without raising his eyes, and always staying out of things.

But today, he spoke up and got involved.

Who is this for?

Tang Xue?
Impossible, it's no secret that Tang Xue likes Ning Xu, after chasing her for several years, Ning Xu didn't respond, let alone defend her.

Besides Tang Xue, that is...

Several eyes fell on Ming Dai, curious or probing, secretly guessing the relationship between Ming Dai and Ning Xu.

This is not a novel about campus love or an ugly duckling turning into a swan. Even if Ming Dai is lucky enough to have a relationship with Xia Ling, she won't be caught by Ning Xu again, right?

Rationality is denying, but the eager atmosphere in front of them gave birth to their infinite gossip, especially the famous suitor Tang Xue and the legendary Bai Yue patronizing Gu Lingsi standing here... really exciting!

Gu Lingsi looked very calm, but Tang Xue was not. Her eyes had gradually become unbelievable, and she went back and forth between Ning Xu and Ming Dai, trying to see the tricks between them.

Still not believing it in my heart, I asked Ning Xu with my last hope:

"Are you helping Ming Dai, do you want me to apologize to her?"

"Apology didn't you promise yourself?"

Ning Xu asked back, leaving Tang Xue speechless.

Tears welled up in his eyes, and he bit his lip, as if he had been let down by a scumbag.

Crying: "Okay! I just apologize!"

Staring at Ming Dai again:


Ming Dai didn't answer, but leaned there quietly, her clear and dull black-rimmed glasses made her look a bit unfathomable.

Gu Lingsi: "Ming Dai, Tang Xue has already apologized to you this time."

"Well, I see."

Then there is no more then.

Gu Lingsi waited for more than ten seconds, but still did not see Ming Dai's other expressions.

Have to be reminded:
"Then should you forgive her?"

"Forgive? What forgive? Do you have to accept someone else's apology?"

Ming Dai said this so righteously!Make people speechless to refute!
Gu Lingsi's eyes darkened little by little, as if she was re-examining Ming Dai.

And Xia Ling burst out laughing on the spot, she couldn't help but laugh.

Well, she wasn't the only one who was laughing, there were a few people at the scene who vaguely agreed with Ming Dai's words, and they were all laughing along with her, just worried that Tang Xue would get into trouble, and didn't dare to be as unscrupulous as Xia Ling.

Ning Xu was the most straightforward, nodding in a serious manner:

"Yes, this apology doesn't sound very sincere."

This is so disturbing.

Tang Xue was originally full of resentment towards Ming Dai, but she didn't expect to be questioned on the spot by the person she liked, and tears fell down her cheeks.

In the end, he covered his face and ran away. Gu Lingsi yelled a few times but failed to stop.

 Xiao Ning realizes that pretending to be indifferent and waiting for Ming Dai to take the initiative is no longer effective, so she decides to strike out on her own.

  In fact, the four male supporting characters in this article, that is, the ex-boyfriends, should be regarded as the male protagonists of ancient romance novels. Although they love the female protagonist, they will misunderstand, miss, and abuse the female protagonist thousands of times for various reasons. In the end, I found out that the true love is the heroine, so I chased his wife to the crematorium... Our article only goes to the crematorium, and we will never look back. The real hero is eagerly waiting to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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