This time, Ming Dai's movie promotional activities were not arranged in Yanjing, but in the capital of Province Z.

The event was arranged for three days. In addition to the movie promotion, there were also activities for new jewelry products, etc., and they were so busy that they did not touch the ground.

Coincidentally, He Mu had an economic forum meeting in Province Z these few days, and he attended as a special guest in a low-key manner, which overlapped with Ming Dai's itinerary.

Both of them felt that they couldn't miss this great opportunity to take a break from their busy schedules, so they deliberately set aside the next few days and arranged a two-day, one-night vacation itinerary.

It takes an hour and a half to drive from the capital of Province Z to Zhuquan Mountain, which is often not too far away.

And Zhuquan Mountain is a well-known resort in the affluent province Z, famous for its "forest oxygen bar" and "cool summer resort".

But on weekends, people in the provincial capital like to drive to the mountains for outdoor vacations, so Mingdai and Mu came all the way by car. They can see that there is not a lot of traffic on the road. Pedestrians are walking.

As a holiday resort, Zhuquan Mountain has quite a few rich people. He Mu's Maybach looks restrained and low-key.

In addition, the anti-peeping effect of the window film is good, and Mingdai sitting in the car can look around unscrupulously and enjoy the scenery along the road.

"Are we going to the B&B?"

He Mu is in charge of arranging this itinerary, Ming Dai knows nothing except the destination.

Ming Dai has also heard of the name of Zhuquan Mountain, and she came here once in her previous life, but unfortunately she only stayed for two days, did not appreciate the beautiful scenery here, so she left in a hurry.

She took it for granted, thinking that He Mu would choose to live in a certain homestay, and with He Mu's thoughtful personality, it was very likely that he would book the entire homestay.

Results and Mu shook their heads at her: "It's going to the house."


Ming Dai's surprise was quickly answered.

The "home" mentioned by He Mu is a mountain villa in Zhuquan Mountain that his father gifted him 20 years ago.

Although the villa is old, it has been refurbished and expanded three times in the next 20 years. The latest construction started three years ago and was just completed at the end of last year. If the secretary hadn't reminded him, even He Mu would have almost forgotten his holiday villa in Zhuquan Mountain.

In fact, He Mu rarely came here, no more than five times in total, perhaps not even a month in total.

Most of the time this villa is lent to friends or relatives, but because of He Mu's indifferent personality, very few people dare to talk to him.

Therefore, this time, for the sake of his vacation, He Mu specially arranged for a housekeeper to come over to take care of it in advance, and sent two servants and aunts to come over, which was very troublesome.

It's just that He Mu wouldn't mention more than half a word to Ming Dai, and just casually mentioned that the villa was a gift from his father.

Ming Dai opened her eyes wide: "This is the first time I've heard that there are private villas in Zhuquan Mountain!"

This Zhuquan Mountain is a protected area, and all development must be restricted...Ming Dai remembered this. In her previous life, she had heard complaints from the owner of the homestay, saying that they had to report layer by layer if they wanted to renovate the interior, which was very troublesome.

He Mu: "In recent years, it has indeed become stricter. This villa has been around for some time."

Naturally, being able to purchase villas in Zhuquan Mountain many years ago is a symbol of status.

Ming Dai didn't think about it that much.

She just heard He Mu say that the villa was old, and she thought of the old, mysterious or damp red brick villa in the story, maybe the walls were covered with ivy, quiet and unique.

When the Maybach left the main road driven by other traffic, passed through two checkpoints, and circled to the other side of the ridge, the front suddenly opened up, and buildings of various shapes scattered in the forest could be vaguely seen.

The trees are soaring into the clouds, the branches and leaves almost cover the sky, the silver-gray road is scattered with fine sunlight, and at the corner of the road, the emerald-studded lake appears like a surprise...

The environment on the back side is much quieter than the bustling front mountain, more like a place to cultivate your body and mind.

The nearby supporting facilities are well repaired. You can see trails, seats and other convenient facilities along the road, but you can hardly see people. Even so, all the facilities are still kept brand new, which shows that the management has put a lot of effort behind it.

The Maybach drove all the way, and saw two houses that were far apart on the way, which were all in line with Ming Dai's vision.

When she actually arrived at her destination, Ming Dai realized that she was still thinking about it.

This is not called a holiday villa, it should be called a work of art——

The house is built on the mountain, and the entrance is a black-roofed bamboo corridor. Entering along the corridor, the streamlined houses with gray stone and bamboo as the main body crawl, sometimes dotted with black tiles and white walls of traditional buildings Elements, the overall feeling is quiet, pure, and reveals a primitive and simple beauty.

Only on the side facing the mountains, an eight-meter-high floor-to-ceiling glass curtain wall is built to hide all the beautiful mountain scenery, which is very magnificent.

Afterwards, Ming Dai heard from He Mu's butler that the architect who was in charge of designing this house won the Pritzker Prize, the highest honor in the architecture industry, with this work. One of the most perfect works of my career.

It's no wonder that when Mingdai saw this house for the first time, her eyes burst out with strong surprise, like a child seeing a treasure, lying on the lowered car window, pure joy.

"It's so beautiful, I really want to live here forever..."

Ming Dai didn't think too much, and just said what was in her heart.

He Mu from the side hesitated to talk——

Almost impulsively said the words "then this house will be given to you", but afraid of shocking Mingdai, she suppressed this impulse with reason...

"You can come anytime you like."

He Mu thought that this house might not be able to be rented out in the future.

Ming Dai doesn't know about He Mu's mental activities, so she nods happily.

Then the two got out of the car one after another, and the butler He Mu who arrived at the villa ahead of schedule also greeted them.

When Xia Ling and Xia Ling went to He Mu's private island for vacation, Ming Dai met Lao Liu, the housekeeper who was in charge of taking care of the island.

But that old Liu can't be regarded as He Mu's real housekeeper, he can only be said to be the person in charge of the island.

The person in front of him at this moment is the butler who has been with He Mu since he was a child and watched him grow up with his own eyes.

"Ms. Ming, hello, my surname is Meng, just call me Lao Meng."

How could Ming Dai really be called Lao Meng?

Naturally, she called obediently: "Hello, Uncle Meng."

The housekeeper, Lao Meng, looks young, but according to He Mu, he is over sixty years old, and He Mu's father He Jing Qing assigned him to be by his side when he was in his early 40s.

Before that, Lao Meng was He Jingqing's most trusted person around him, and the three generations of Lao Meng's family were all working with the family, and they were inseparable.

It can also be seen from this that He Jingqing cares deeply for this youngest son.

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