Chapter 552 is so cute
He Mu brought Mingdai to the mountains for vacation, firstly out of selfishness, he wanted to take her out to play for two days while taking a break from his busy schedule.

Secondly, it was also because he had spoken with Ming Dai in the past few days, and he could hear that Ming Dai was extremely nervous, probably because her heart was affected by the movie's box office results, and her whole body was in a tense state. .

Fortunately, his decision was correct.

After entering the mountain and living in this secluded mountain villa, Mingdai slept very well at night.

Those disturbances at work are all far away from her, leaving her at leisure.

But He Mu didn't plan to stay in the villa for two days and one night.

Early the next morning after arriving at Zhuquan Mountain, He Mu asked Ming Dai if she wanted to visit nearby attractions.

"What are the attractions here?"

After Ming Dai excitedly asked, thinking of the lively scene in front of Zhuquan Mountain, she couldn't help hesitating,
"There should be a lot of people."

Ming Dai still has a clear understanding of her current popularity.

"Omen" is currently in theaters, and the box office is rising steadily, so that the number of people who know her is also rising.

A few days ago, Ming Dai flew to the capital of Province Z, but she neglected her self-awareness. Without any preparations, she was caught off guard by the fans who came to pick her up, and the airport was completely blocked. As a result, more than 20 security guards were deployed at the airport to maintain order, and there were barely any accidents.

After this, Ming Dai, who was already cautious, became even more cautious. Even when she went to this mountain for vacation, she had already made plans to stay in the villa for two days and one night without going out.

Who knew that He Mu said he was going to visit scenic spots?
Ming Dai was expecting vaguely, but wanted to restrain this expectation.

He Mu couldn't bear being looked at by her like this, as if the little happiness she had hoped for, the only glimmer of hope, was pinned on him.

"It's okay." He Mu said in a firm tone.

But he didn't act recklessly, knowing Ming Dai's current popularity, he didn't want Ming Dai's schedule to be disturbed.

So when Ming Dai arrived in front of this scenic spot by car——


When Ming Dai saw the plaque above, her memory emerged.

She has been here.

It's just a previous life.

That time when she came to Zhuquan Mountain for vacation, the owner of the homestay recommended that Feiyun Temple on the mountain was very effective, and asked her to come and pay her respects.

Ever since Mingdai stepped into the entertainment industry, her life has not been smooth. She has worked very hard, but she couldn't find what went wrong. help her.

Too bad it didn't work.


Maybe useful.

Looking at the three characters "Feiyun Temple" written in cursive on the plaque, the emotions in Mingdai's eyes were complicated and hard to distinguish, but they quickly returned to calm.

"There are a lot of people."

Through the car window, Mingdai could see the endless stream of tourists walking towards the temple, it was very lively.

Ming Dai thought they were going to get off here and enter the temple with other tourists.

As a result, the car did not stop, but drove into a side road.

When you reach the end of the path, there will be a checkpoint in front of you, with a sign saying "Tourists stop".

Ming Dai looked around curiously, but she wasn't surprised.

She knew that since He Mu brought her here, there must be a way to get in.

Sure enough, the sentry box quickly checked their license plates and identities, raised the railing, and let them pass.

The Maybach finally arrived at a parking lot along a winding and narrow path.

On the opposite side of the parking lot is another gate, but it is a side gate, and the neighborhood is quiet, only a young monk is cleaning the fallen leaves on the stone steps.

He Mu took Ming Dai out of the car and walked over, and greeted him:
"Little master, we meet again."

Ming Dai heard the words, and looked at the young monk curiously.

Looking at the young monk who looked twelve or thirteen years old, he looked childish, but his demeanor was calm and mature, so he bowed to him.

"And the benefactor."

Did you recognize it?
It seems that He Mu is very familiar with the people in Feiyun Temple.

Ming Dai thought endlessly, and suddenly met the eyes of the little monk.

She didn't wear a mask, but only a fisherman's hat. Her long hair hung behind her head, revealing a beautiful yet beautiful face, and subconsciously smiled at the little monk.

The little monk's cheeks were slightly red, but he was barely calm, and he also bowed to Ming Dai.

From the looks of it, she probably doesn't know Ming Dai.

Or maybe he knew him, but he was just an outsider, and he didn't care about star actors in the secular world.

Ming Dai exhaled quietly, smiled and turned to look at He Mu.

He Mu gave her comforting eyes and wanted to shake her hand by the way.

As a result, the little master turned his head suddenly.

Ming Dai inexplicably felt embarrassed to be caught by the teacher, and quickly avoided He Mu's extended hand, stroked the hem of her skirt, and stood upright again.

He Mu withdrew his hand helplessly and pamperingly.

The little master put away the big broom, and led Ming Dai and Mu into the room.

He Mu whispered in Mingdai's ear, saying that this is the backyard of Feiyun Temple, the residence of the abbot and other monks, and it is usually not open to the public, but he has an aunt who believes in Buddhism and knows the abbot here. He took him here several times, and He Mu became friends with the abbot of Feiyun Temple because of this.

The Zhuquan Mountain Villa was bought for Feiyun Temple.

"Ah." Ming Dai exclaimed, remembering what Xia Ling said before, "So when you were young, were you told by an eminent monk that you have roots of wisdom and are suitable for entering Buddhism?"

Her thoughts diverged, and she couldn't help thinking wildly - if the difference between Mu Yi Nian and Mu Yi Nian really escaped into Buddhism, then wouldn't their encounter be...

The gentle smile on Hemu's lips froze slightly, he couldn't help wrapping Mingdai's little hand, exerting force gently, pinching her palm, with a meaningful tone:

"It seems that your relationship with Xia Ling is really good, she will tell you everything."

Ming Dai looked embarrassed, feeling guilty for accidentally betraying her friend.

There is no way, He Mu is really too smart, Ming Dai said a word, and he accurately found the culprit, there is no possibility of wronging others.

"It's not what she said."

Ming Dai's words are without confidence, trying to cover up.

He Mu smiled slightly, but did not respond.

In fact, he didn't intend to really care about Xia Ling.

On the contrary, he would also like to thank Xia Ling for whispering about him in Ming Dai's ear.

The fate between him and Ming Dai is inextricably linked, even if Xia Ling only helped to pick up one of them, which increased the possibility of their future by one percent, he would be sincerely grateful to this niece.

It's just seeing Ming Dai's guilty conscience and wanting to defend herself forcefully, it's really lively and cute.

So, let's not say this for now.

——Ming Dai, who didn't know about this, was afraid of misunderstanding with Mu, so she explained in a low voice:

"I'm just talking casually, and I don't think about it wildly. How interesting is this kind of childhood story!"

"Oh? What are you thinking about?"

As expected of He Mu, the ability to capture the key is always excellent.

Ming Dai was speechless for a moment.

In the end, he had no choice but to stare at He Mu angrily.

The little guide who was almost ignored finally couldn't help interrupting them:
"Two benefactors, here we are."

(End of this chapter)

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