Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Ming Dai still has a busy schedule ahead, and it is already the limit to squeeze out two days of rest.

Therefore, no matter how reluctant she was about leaving Zhuquan Mountain, she still had to leave.

He Mu saw her reluctance, so why not in his heart?
But compared to being reluctant to part with the Zhuquan Mountain Villa, what he was more reluctant about was the time spent together under the same roof with Ming Dai, the distance between the two of them was infinitely shortened, even if they were separated into two rooms, he still felt satisfied.

On the way back to the provincial capital, He Mu thought over and over again, and almost wanted to ask Ming Dai if she wanted to continue living together after returning to Yanjing... The words reached the point of her mouth, but she restrained herself.

Ming Dai has just entered college and is young. It is presumptuous for him to pull her into a relationship with him early on, so how can he go so far?
The tumbling and restless thoughts were repressed, all the way to the provincial capital, Ming Dai didn't notice that He Mu was hesitating to speak.

It was already night when they arrived in the provincial capital, and it was basically tantamount to facing parting, and they would not be able to see each other for a long time.

The two talked for a long time in the car, and Ming Dai couldn't remember what they said in detail afterwards.

I remember that she was very happy to be coaxed. When she got out of the car and saw Huang Yuanyuan, they all said that her face was full of red.

The next day, I flew to other cities to run the announcement, and it was a week before I returned to Yanjing.

This time Mingdai learned the lesson from Province Z, deliberately concealing the itinerary.

There were no fans at Yanjing Airport, and Mingdai went through the VIP channel again, and everything was safe until she reached the garage.

Just when Ming Dai was about to board the nanny's car, a person suddenly rushed out from the shadow of the pillar behind her!Come straight to Ming Dai!

Staying with Mingdai were Huang Yuanyuan and Xiao Ai. Huang Yuanyuan had just stepped into the car, and Xiao Ai followed Ming Dai. It was the first time for them to deal with such a situation, and they were a little frightened.

However, they all screamed in surprise and rushed towards Ming Dai, trying to protect Ming Dai behind her——

Fortunately, that person rushed to a position two or three steps away from Ming Dai, and didn't go any further.

It's just that he was born tall and tall, with a haggard complexion, and he didn't look like a serious person.

Even if he stopped, Huang Yuanyuan and Xiao Ai were still terrified and worried.

Sister Hui in the driver's seat reacted in time, opened the door, jumped out of the car, and walked over quickly.

Seeing her, Huang Yuanyuan and Xiao Ai were relieved.

Huang Yuanyuan scolded: "Who are you! Get closer and be careful, we will call the police!"

She looked at him suspiciously, always feeling that this person looked familiar.

"It's okay." It was Ming Dai who spoke.

She looked at the person with complicated eyes, and comforted Huang Yuanyuan and Xiao Ai, telling them not to worry.

"This is Shen Qinghe's assistant, Yi Li."

Because of her past life dealings, Mingdai's memory of Yi Li is deeper than that of Huang Yuanyuan who also met him. When he rushed over, Mingdai had already recognized him, so she was relatively calm throughout the whole process.

Yi Li knew that his behavior could easily cause misunderstanding, so he apologized repeatedly, and his attitude couldn't be lower:
"I'm sorry, Teacher Ming, I really have no choice, because I can't contact you, so I have to wait for you at the airport."

He bent his body, crossed his hands cautiously in front of him, as if he knew that he had made a mistake, even his eyes were evasive, not daring to meet Ming Dai's gaze.

Ming Dai raised her hand to caress the prayer beads on her left wrist.

"How long have you been waiting?"

"Three days... sorry."

Yi Li apologized again.

Huang Yuanyuan, Xiaoai and the others had strange expressions.

Squatting for three consecutive days?Paparazzi are not so diligent!
It's no wonder that he made himself into such a scruffy bearded look. Those who didn't know thought he was an illegitimate fan, a stalker or something.

However, the identities of Shen Qing and his assistant didn't sound like they were any better than illegitimate fans and stalkers.

Thinking of Huang Yuanyuan who made the phone call a week ago, she immediately frowned:

"Why are you still looking for our Dai Dai? Could it be that our Dai Dai can still help him?"

Shen Qinghe's matter was actually coming to an end.

A week before the most intense public opinion, Shen Qinghe did not stand up.

There was no explanation, no response, no misfortune, and the whole person seemed to disappear anyway.

Naturally, public opinion is in a state of savage growth, lacking guidance, and there are those who sympathize with him and those who are malicious towards him.

A large number of his fans ran away, but Shen Qinghe still didn't show up, and he didn't even participate in the promotional activities of "Broken Array", which made the fans wonder if he was overwhelmed.

However, any hotspot is limited in time.

No matter how amazing the news is, once there is no follow-up, the enthusiasm can last at most three days, and it will gradually decline until no one discusses it and is forgotten.

Shen Qinghe's news is in this state. It is now a week later, and the discussions about him on the Internet have gradually subsided. Everyone has shifted the focus and gradually left him behind.

Therefore, Huang Yuanyuan explained that there was a reason why Dai could not help Shen Qinghe.

After hearing this, Ke Yili shook his head.

"No, Teacher Ming is different! So can I beg you, go see Brother Shen?"

Yi Li begged and looked at Ming Dai earnestly, and with his haggard appearance, he looked a little pitiful.

Huang Yuanyuan, who was tightly protecting Ming Dai, showed no mercy for this, and angrily scolded:
"I haven't said everything, Shen Qinghe's matter has nothing to do with us!"

Ming Dai who was standing behind her didn't speak.

It is basically equivalent to echoing this sentence by default.

Yi Li was almost desperate.

Thinking of Shen Qinghe, he gritted his teeth, and in the end he didn't say a word - thumped and fell to his knees.

"Teacher Ming! Please!"

Don't explain Dai, even Sister Hui, who has always been calm and paralyzed, was stunned by Yi Li's actions.

Kneeling down is rare these days.

Huang Yuanyuan couldn't help complaining: "This Shen Qinghe saved your life."

Yi Li heard it, and answered honestly: "Almost."

Huang Yuanyuan suddenly became quiet.

Ming Dai said abruptly: "What is the relationship between you and Shen Qinghe?"

Yi Li didn't want to deceive Ming Dai, so he gritted his teeth and told a secret that he had never told anyone:

"I used to be brother Shen's neighbor. At that time, I was not clear-headed. I was hanging out with people all day long. I was set up to owe hundreds of thousands of dollars. My mother couldn't afford the money for heart surgery. Finally, I begged in front of Brother Shen. , It was he who helped my mother pay for the surgery, paid back the bill, and gave me a job."

No wonder Yi Li was so loyal to Shen Qinghe, this kind of kindness, it is not an exaggeration to say that he can make a benefactor again, Huang Yuanyuan's remark can be considered to be on point.

Yi Li looked sad: "Brother Shen's situation is really bad now, I think he will...cannot survive, if possible, I really don't want to bother Teacher Ming, but I don't want to see him go on like this, Please go and see him, just one look! Will you?"

Ming Dai's eyes were calm: "Okay."

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