Chapter 560 Never Loved

"Shen Qinghe, you have experienced misfortune, so you can take revenge on those who hurt you. But I have never been sorry to you, so why should I bear your harm?"

Ming Dai's tone was calm and flat, without excess emotion, it was not an accusation, but a calm statement.

But its lethality, to Shen Qinghe, far surpassed all scolding and resentment.

Shen Qinghe went blank for a moment, and immediately wanted to refute:

"No, I never wanted to hurt you..."

"is it?"

Ming Dai smiled, as if hearing a big joke, with a sarcastic expression on her face,
"It's not just hurting with a knife. Since we started dating, you have never looked at me squarely. You see me as a gadget to pass the time, and you have never even treated and respected me as a complete person. Your Manager, his name is Xiang Yuan, right? He was afraid that I would affect your career, so he simply ruined my reputation first, led your fans to attack me, and made me the target of thousands of people trampled on... You do you know?"

Shen Qinghe hastily defended: "I don't know, it's because I ignored these, it's because I trust him too much!"

He anxiously wants to prove his sincerity, and wants to clear up Ming Dai's misunderstanding of him.

But Mingdai's light gaze is like a sharp knife, cutting through all his disguises.

Ming Dai said firmly: "Don't beautify your memories anymore. In fact, you know, you have always known. You just don't care, or don't care. Maybe in your heart, you don't look down on me at all, and think that I like you. Not worth it, even my career as an actor is not worth mentioning, even if it is ruined, it doesn't matter."

Shen Qing and the viscera seemed to be tightly held by a big hand, almost unable to breathe.

He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Indeed, he has always been a meticulous and cautious person.

The brokers who first came into contact with in the industry wanted to do tricks behind his back, but he saw through them before they even started. He has always been proud of his ability to read people's hearts.

Would Xiang Yuan really be unaware of what Xiang Yuan did to Ming Dai?
No, he noticed something wrong with Xiang Yuan.

But he was too lazy to care, indifferent, or felt that Xiang Yuan's little tricks would not really hurt people.

The truth is, Ming Dai struggled painfully in the vortex of public opinion, the light that should have bloomed was pushed into the abyss, and even before she died, she was notorious because of him.

And the culprit is him.

half an hour.

Shen Qinghe, who was so desperate that he had resigned himself to his fate, murmured:
"You're right, it's my fault, it's all my fault, so..." He looked at her sadly with red eyes, "Can I pay you back? I'll pay you my life..."

Ming Dai snorted lightly: "Is your life important to me? I only care about my life and the lives of the people I love."

Shen Qinghe knew that even when Ming Dai was most desperate, she never thought of giving up her life——

In her previous life, Ming Dai was suffocated to death by the smoke from the fire. , her body was preserved intact, even the wardrobe she was in was spared.

Therefore, trace experts were able to deduce from the traces in the closet that Ming Dai tried to call for help, climbed out of the closet, and other survival actions before she died.

That document was so impressive to Shen Qinghe, it was right in front of him, easily floating in front of his eyes.

And intertwined with Ming Dai's words, it was a double blow to Shen Qinghe.

He pulled out a pale smile: "Yes, you don't love me anymore."

Even if he sacrificed his life for her, she must be dismissive.

"you are wrong."

Shen Qinghe raised his head in disbelief, the surprise in his eyes hadn't had time to fully burst out.

Then I heard Ming Dai continue to say:
"I never loved you before."

Shen Qinghe choked for breath.

Ming Dai didn't care about his reaction, and continued on her own:
"I have a boyfriend, and I like him very much... No, I love him very much. It is also because of the comparison of his feelings that I know that the feelings I had for you before can't be called liking or love at all. They should be called ...worship? Juniors worship their seniors, fans worship their idols. Fortunately, you broke the illusion with your own hands and woke me up from my dreams."

Ming Dai's expression at this time was rejoicing.

Shen Qinghe's blood froze all over his body.

What is more painful than someone you love not loving you?
It was she who not only denied her previous feelings, but also felt lucky for not loving you.

Shen Qinghe's pride and confidence were crushed to scum, and he couldn't even realize the last trace of fantasy, and couldn't even utter a single word if it was superfluous.

Ming Dai thought she had spoken clearly enough, she stroked the prayer beads on her wrist, and took a deep breath.

"Okay, that's the end of the conversation." She said, and took a deep look at Shen Qinghe, "We will never meet again."

Shen Qinghe stood there stiffly, watching her turn and leave.

This time, it is really never to be seen again.

After Ming Dai and Huang Yuanyuan left, Yi Li cautiously approached Shen Qinghe.

He thought that Shen Qinghe would be in a better mood after seeing Ming Dai.

As a result, Shen Qinghe's appearance looked even worse, his eyes were too dark to see a trace of light.

Yi Li anxiously asked him if he felt uncomfortable.

Shen Qinghe shook his head, wanting to turn around and go back to the room.

After taking two steps, he staggered and nearly fell, but thanks to Yi Li who helped him in time.

"Brother Shen! Do you want me to call the family doctor over..."

"Need not."

Shen Qinghe shook his head, and walked towards the room step by step.

Without any clothes, he lay quietly on the bed, if his chest was not still heaving, Yi Li almost thought he was dead.

But now Yi Li didn't dare to disturb him, and quietly closed the door, leaving Shen Qinghe a space to be alone.

Shen Qinghe never paid attention to Yi Li's series of actions.

His mind is full of what Ming Dai said today, those words are like a heavy hammer, beating his soul repeatedly, making him have to pull out his past life and recall it again——

His father is a terrible alcoholic and gambler. Since he can remember, the man named father has been going back and forth between the gambling table and the wine table, or he is drunk to a mess, and if he is sober, he will put his hands on his hips and curse. , Annoyed that he was too unlucky to succeed.

A man who can't even control his alcohol and gambling addictions, but firmly believes that his failure is not due to incompetence, but due to bad luck?

Thinking about it now, both Shen Qinghe felt it was ridiculous.

His father was addicted to alcohol and complained about the injustice of life. He usually didn't dare to be presumptuous outside, but he loved to vent his anger on the family around him.

In the eyes of the father, his wife and children are his private property, and they are raised by him with money. What's wrong with beating and scolding?
At first, his main object of venting was his mother, until one day, the mother who couldn't stand the beating pushed him out.

After that, being beaten became a routine for Shen Qinghe when he was young.

Occasionally, he would be locked in a small dark room, and starving for a day or two was not uncommon.

(End of this chapter)

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