Chapter 569 The ending of the chapter

Shen Qinghe sat in the nanny's car, and Yi Li was in charge of driving.

But instead of leaving, they were blocked in the driveway in front of the hotel.

The car was packed with people, including reporters and fans, who rushed over after receiving the news.

The reporters bared their fangs one by one, wanting to bite Shen Qinghe and squeeze out the last news value from him:
"Can Shen Qinghe come out and answer our questions!"

"What's the real reason for retiring? Is it just because of the news about your biological father?"

"Does it mean that you have a guilty conscience by retiring like this? Did the things in your childhood make you look bad?"

And the fans are pure distressed, with eagerness and concern on every face:
"Brother Shen, come out and say something! Tell us this is fake!"

"Don't retreat, don't worry about those people outside, we can't do without you!"

"Don't blame yourself! It's not your fault! Brother Shen! Come back! We're all waiting for you!"

The atmosphere between the two groups is simply extreme and extremely different.

So coldness meets heat, indifference meets concern, and friction inevitably arises.

It was Shen Qing and the fans who were the first to hold back their anger at the reporter:
"Can you guys be a little bit human! My elder brother Chen is already like this, and I still want to come and surround him!"

"Exactly! If he quits the entertainment industry, he will be forced by you reporters!"

"This entertainment industry really sucks! Even you paparazzi are impersonal!"

Of course, these reporters would not let the fans point their noses and scold them, and immediately refuted unwillingly.

Rebutting and refuting, it became a quarrel, scolding each other, and the anger became more and more intense. The contradiction between the two groups rose to the extreme, and it almost turned into a fist fight on the spot.

The hotel's security guards rushed over after receiving the news. They also brought protective gear such as anti-riot shields along the way, and forcibly inserted themselves between the two confronting groups, stopping the chaos in time.

And Shen Qinghe's nanny car did not stop from the beginning to the end, but took this opportunity to leave.

In the end, both the reporters and the fans looked at the back of the car where Shen Qinghe left in disappointment.

The reporter missed the big news opportunity because of annoyance, and if he missed today, it would be very difficult to stop Shen Qinghe.

The fans were saddened by Shen Qinghe's indifference, and at the same time they had a real premonition——

Shen Qinghe's determination to leave the entertainment circle is true.

This time he will never come back.


Inside the car, Yi Li didn't dare to breathe.

He secretly looked at Shen Qinghe's expression from the rearview mirror, and saw him staring at the passing scenery outside the window without emotion, as if the sudden incident just now hadn't affected him too much.

Yi Li was worried that Shen Qinghe was in a bad mood, so he didn't dare to speak, the carriage was quiet and the atmosphere was very oppressive.

But he didn't know that Shen Qinghe's mood was actually not bad.

There was no turning back when he opened the bow, Shen Qinghe knew that the moment he made his decision in front of the public, it would be irreversible.

He thought he would regret, regret, feel sad and heavy.

Unexpectedly, he only had a wonderful sense of relief.

During this time, the guilt that weighed heavily on his body almost overwhelmed him.

It was the weight of Ming Dai's life on his soul in the previous life, and it was the lingering sin on his shoulders, like a big mountain, making him breathless.

But now, there seemed to be a gap in the mountain, and he finally had room to breathe.

Ming Dai doesn't need his remorse.

But he needs it himself.

So after careful consideration, he made this decision and decided to use the rest of his life to atone for his sins.

Shen Qinghe closed his eyes, and silently said to the window:
'Dedai, this time...forgive me. '

He knew that Ming Dai would not listen to him again.

But this sentence of apology will go where it should go with the wind.

——The nanny car carrying Shen Qinghe drifted away.

In the following years, Shen Qinghe, as he promised, did not appear on any public platform again.

Fans did not hesitate to write a joint book signed by thousands of people, praying for his return...

He didn't come back.

The audience began to think of his goodness and miss those classic roles...

He didn't come back.

The capital in the circle scrambled to be the first to win the name of inviting Shen Qinghe out of the mountain, and promised a lot of money for this...

He didn't come back.

Some people say that Shen Qinghe went to the island to live in seclusion and lived a carefree life ever since;

Some people also said that seeing Shen Qinghe devoted himself to charity and walking in the war-torn third world countries;
Others said that they once saw him in an unknown town in China. He was wearing an ordinary T-shirt and trousers, and went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.


There are many rumors about Shen Qinghe, but none of them are definite.

Or maybe these rumors are true.

At this point, the wonderful chapter about Shen Qinghe in the entertainment industry has finally come to an end.

Some people may be reluctant, some people miss it, but the only constant is time, it is like a torrential river, it will only follow the established direction and move forward without turning back, turning people's thoughts into tiny invisible dust, Become a small part of the universe.

History has turned a new page, and the entertainment industry is also the same. There are endless newcomers, endless competition, and fresh topics...

Slowly, the name Shen Qinghe was swept into the corner of memory, not to mention the audience, even the fans slowly began to get out of their reluctance to meet a new wall, or simply end their star chasing career.

And in this summer vacation, it has dominated all the topic charts and attracted countless people to talk about it. There is no doubt that it is the box office competition of this summer vacation!

Now that the war is over, "Broken Array", which was thought to be the biggest winner, has suffered a crushing defeat. The only thing that caused some trouble in the process was when Shen Qinghe retired from the circle, but this can't affect the real situation of the battle.

I heard that Han Dafeng, the director of "Broken Array", was seriously injured, and he might not be able to receive the movie for several years, or he would accept the fact that his right to speak as a director was greatly weakened.

As for the behind-the-scenes production company, it's not much better. Because of the large investment in "Broken Array", the company's bad debts cannot be recovered. The huge debts may drag down the huge production company, and bankruptcy is imminent.

On the other hand, "Omen", which broke through the siege all the way, not only won word-of-mouth and audience love, but also won the box office!
As of the end of August, its movie box office has reached 34 billion!
This far exceeds the 28 billion that is the first in history!
And now "Omen" has been allowed to extend the key. In September, it will continue to screen for half a month. The final box office is very likely to reach 36 billion, which will add a lot of color to the box office history of Huaguo movies, and increase the number one on the list. A full 8 million!
In anyone's eyes, this is a miracle, a miracle created by "Omen"!

At the same time, it is also a miracle belonging to Ming Dai!

(End of this chapter)

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