Seeing everyone's shocked and bewildered expressions, Ming Dai was calmer than any of them.

To be honest, she didn't feel that the questions about Shen Qinghe were unanswerable.

Previously, such problems were strictly prevented, and the reporters thought that Ming Dai and Shen Qinghe must have something tricky.

In fact, the truth is much simpler than they thought——

It is not Ming Dai, but Su Fangyun and the others who are strictly guarding against such problems.

Everyone around Ming Dai can't wait to protect her like a glass doll, as if Ming Dai could break at the touch of a finger.

In fact, after going through countless ups and downs, Ming Dai's heart has long been unmatched, so why would she care about reporters' innocuous questions?
But when she saw that the people around her were worried and exhausted, she didn't want to bother them too much, so she simply obeyed.

Anyway, it makes no difference to her whether she answers or not.

But since the reporter blocked the door today, then answer it.

When they asked, she answered honestly.

The tone is polite and polite, completely from the perspective of a colleague from the crew and a junior in the entertainment industry.

It was all her thoughts from the bottom of her heart, and even when she said it, her emotions did not fluctuate.

The reporters were a little disappointed to see the big news they had expected fell through.

Fortunately, the purpose of coming here today was not to ask Shen Qinghe. Ming Dai's news value has already surpassed Shen Qinghe.

As the well-deserved No. [-] and rising superstar among the young generation of actors, Ming Dai's brilliance has already overwhelmed everyone around her.

Even Shen Qinghe at his peak could not compare to her.

Currently, Ming Dai's only shortcoming is probably that she has no awards.

But in the same way, there is a good saying that gold cups and silver cups are not as good as the audience's reputation.

The two movies within a year were big hits, and Ming Dai's unprecedented performance has left a deep impression on the audience. The importance of awards here will take a backseat.

Of course, this is not to say that awards do not matter.

It is because the three most important film awards in China, the Vientiane Award, which emphasizes commerciality, and the Golden Crow Award, the highest academic honor known as the Huaguo Oscar, are all in April. The rewarding Huajing Award will be held in December at the end of the year.

Ming Dai's two films released this year, "Twin Lotus" was released in May, and "Omen" was released in August, both of which were just after the three major awards.

In other words, depending on Ming Dai's performance in the awards, at least until the end of the year, about three months later.

Judging from the current trend of domestic film critics, Ming Dai is not guaranteed to win an award, but a nomination is definitely guaranteed.

On the whole, Ming Dai has crushed Shen Qinghe in all aspects, no matter in terms of performance in the same period or future potential.

Therefore, after a short period of disappointment, the reporters quickly let go of this small insistence, and continued to bring the question back to Ming Dai herself and the start of school today.

Look at how relaxed Ming Dai is today!Maybe I can ask some more personal matters!
As for Shen Qing and others, let's stand aside!


Not all journalists think so.

At least the male reporter who asked the question in the first place, who had a bad intention, was quite upset, thinking that Ming Dai was just acting.

In order to catch up with the timeliness of the news, he simply sneaked out of the crowd of onlookers, ran back to the car parked on the nearby roadside, turned on his laptop, and started typing. He typed out a press release as quickly as possible, and after simply correcting the typos, the Post the news online.

The title is very eye-catching "Shock!Ming Dai expresses regret for Shen Qinghe's retirement!I sincerely hope to cooperate again! "

Immediately afterwards, a long-winded press release with a donkey's head and a horse's mouth was followed, and by the way, entries such as #明泰沉清和# and #明泰旧情不忍# were used to attract traffic.

At first, the effect was very good. The press release immediately gained a lot of attention, and the number of readings increased rapidly. The account of the male reporter attracted a lot of traffic.

The male reporter was complacent. When he opened the background, he found that many private messages were to scold him.

The male reporter didn't take it seriously, the traffic is small, there are so many fans rushing into the battle, it's normal to scold and scold in private messages, just treat him as a big-hearted man and forgive them.

Soon, when he opened the comment on the news, his smile gradually froze.

[What bullshit news!The word-of-mouth of reporters these days has been ruined by rubbish like you! 】

The 16.8k likes are actually higher than the 4.4k likes of his news itself!
The buildings in the buildings that followed were all echoing and scolding the reporters.

Scrolling down, I couldn't see the comments about eating melons, and they were basically fighting for Ming Dai.

[? ? ?After watching the live video posted by other reporters, Ming Dai replied very decently, what are you guiding? 】

[If you don't bring Ming Dai and Shen Qinghe together, you will die, right?So free, go into the factory to screw the screws! 】

[I'm annoyed that some people think I'm a brainless fool these days. /dog head/]

[Reported, thank you. 】

After flipping through thousands of comments, his hands were almost softened, only to find a few sporadic ones that echoed his point of view.

The male reporter was very dissatisfied, so he thought about it:

'If I earn money, I'll be promoted and raise my salary. If you want to scold me, just scold me! '

He decided not to read the reviews and just count the money.

The mentality switch takes less than 2 minutes.

The editor-in-chief from the boss above him called in, and he opened his mouth to scold:

"What kind of news are you posting! Netizens' complaints almost overwhelm our inbox!"

The male reporter tried to argue with reason, saying that although his news was a bit embellished, it was not completely fake news, and there was nothing wrong with attracting attention.

"Getting attention? I think you are going to get into a lawsuit! Don't expect the company to wipe your ass, solve it yourself! You are fired!"

The male reporter was about to explode, and just about to refute, the boss hung up the phone.

Going back is a busy line, probably blocked him.

"Wait for me to get up! Don't even think about coming back and begging me!"

The male reporter growled loudly, in impotent rage.

Obviously, he didn't have this chance.

When the company behind him issued a statement to draw a clear line with him, the unjust netizens turned around and scolded his blog tens of thousands of times, and his reputation almost stinks.

The paparazzi that the male reporter managed to raise was about to be scrapped, and the male reporter was bleeding from distress.


Star River Entertainment, where Ming Dai's agency belongs, sent a lawyer's letter, not only asking him to clarify the false news, but also suing him for defamation and demanding compensation.

This compensation figure is not a symbolic one dollar, but the economic loss caused to Ming Dai after the male reporter spread rumors, accurate to two decimal places.

Compared with Ming Dai's net worth, it is not much, but for a male reporter, it will undoubtedly make him bankrupt.

A long time later, a male reporter without the support of the company got caught in a lawsuit and lost a lot of money, all his extravagant hopes fell through, and he deserved what he deserved.

It is still necessary to explain why the recent updates are a bit less:
After the operation last month, the doctor told me that the postoperative recovery would take about 2-4 weeks. I was confident that I would be able to recover in 2 weeks, but I was beaten in the face. Now it has been a month since my right eye has not fully recovered.

Fortunately, after taking OCT, the doctor said that my hole has initially healed, and it is possible to restore the vision of the right eye in the future. It depends on the extent of the recovery.

But I didn't expect that last Thursday, I went to the doctor for a follow-up and said that I was recovering well. Except for strenuous exercise, I was no different from a normal person. I asked him if I could wear invisible, and he said yes, so I didn't wear invisible for a month. I wore it excitedly for two days (three or four hours a day, not a long time), and then yesterday my eyes started to get inflamed...I wanted to cry but felt tired.

At present, I am dripping medicine to reduce inflammation. The update mainly depends on the recovery situation. If there is nothing to do tomorrow, I will work hard for two updates. I hope that I can achieve the goal of three updates within this month!

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