A few months earlier, the news that Ming Dai would enroll in the school had spread widely.

Among the students, some are excited and happy, and some are worried and dissatisfied.

There is no way, there are too many celebrities who like to play big names these days, and there are not a few who take privileges as nature and treat the people around them as maids.

Although in the rumors about Ming Dai, it is basically said that Dai has a good temper, no airs, and a cheerful personality to get along with, but who knows if a good temper in the circle is the same as a good temper in real life?

As netizens who eat melons, they may not care about it, but as students from the same school, no one would want to have a classmate who engages in exclusive privileges around everything.

What if their rights are violated?

It is now confirmed that their worries were purely overthinking.

From the first day of school, Ming Dai refreshed the understanding of Yandian students——

On the first day of school, if you say that cars are not allowed to enter the school gate, you will not enter the school gate;

Reporting and decorating the dormitory, I didn't follow a lot of bodyguard assistants or anything, just followed one assistant, and she also pulled the suitcase herself. When she arrived in the dormitory, she began to make the bed and tidy the table. jointly;
When it was time to eat, I didn't see her go to any expensive star-rated restaurant, so she and her assistant sister followed the crowd into the school cafeteria, at most they went to the second floor where the unit price was slightly more expensive. The two ordered two dishes and one Soup, eat clean while talking;

The performance department notified the opening meeting that Mingdai's assistant sister had already left her alone in the dormitory, and asked her roommate where the classroom was in a soft voice, then packed up her things and went there. Low-key, the bag is even an ordinary canvas bag;
When the mandatory military training session in colleges and universities across the country came, she still didn't find any excuse to escape the military training, but chose to participate without thinking about it, at most it was because she was wearing sunscreen frequently?Some classmates took a few more glances, and she explained with a smile, saying that it was because she had a skin care product endorsement on her body, she couldn't tan casually, she had to work hard;

The military training time is really hard. No matter how the intensity is reduced to a level acceptable to ordinary students, it is still a difficult hurdle for the pampered students these days. It takes persistence and perseverance to survive.

Up to this point, the students felt that even if Mingdai asked for leave for a special reason, they would not complain, because even they couldn't persist, so why would they ask Mingdai?The truth is, Ming Dai not only persevered, she was also praised by the instructor for her focus and seriousness, and by the way, motivated other students to train, which directly allowed her to win the honor of military training pacesetter in the end;

Finally, until the end of the military training, "Omen" in the movie theater outside extended the key release. The final box office hit 36 billion as everyone expected, and it became the top domestic box office history champion with the overlord. The film crew, from the director to the actors, all She has become a favorite, but Ming Dai, who is the biggest hero, is still keeping a low profile in school.

She still hasn't moved out of the school dormitory. Every day is a simple three-point line, dormitory, classroom and cafeteria. She spends most of her time in the dormitory reading or watching videos. She faces the sky all day long. Of course, she is still beautiful. Others live or die.

But she doesn't have the arrogance that she doesn't want to talk to people. When someone came up to ask for an autograph and a group photo, she nodded in agreement. When someone approached her under the name of a classmate, she also patiently dealt with it. When girls came to ask for skin care secrets, she shared them generously. There is absolutely no intention of keeping secrets.

So much so that later, the three roommates in the same dormitory with Ming Dai couldn't stand it any longer, and quietly reminded Ming Dai:
"That girl who often comes to you, don't look at her giving you gifts. A month ago, she was still posting about you on the school forum. Now she must be approaching you on purpose because of your good temper. I heard that she wants to be popular. I'm going crazy, I didn't even take the acting class for two days, I wanted to go to pick up the show, and I was almost cheated! So she must have bad intentions, maybe she just wants to use you as a springboard!"

It was Xiaoqian who spoke these heart-to-heart words.

Today, she has been in daily contact with Ming Dai, and gradually develops in the direction of her own mother.

And as a fan, it's inevitable that I have a bit of a fan mentality towards Ming Dai. I'm afraid that Ming Dai is too innocent and will be deceived without knowing it. I don't care whether these words are appropriate or not, so I decided to say it directly.

After Xiaoqian finished speaking, the other two roommates nodded along, testifying to the authenticity of Xiaoqian's words, and the post on the forum is absolutely true!

Ming Dai was stunned at first.

I probably didn't expect that the roommates who didn't have much contact with her in the past half month would be so concerned about her.

She didn't hide anything at all, she put her chin in her hand and looked at her roommates with a smile:
"Don't worry, I know everything."

Xiaoqian and other roommates: What?
Ming Dai winked at them intentionally: "Aren't actors best at observing micro-expressions and understanding characters' psychology?"

Xiaoqian and other roommates: I am not.I don't.Don't talk nonsense.

Ming Dai tilted her head: "I have a sense of proportion."

Xiaoqian and other roommates suddenly realized that Mingdai was not really as innocent as they thought, so innocent that she didn't know anything.

She knew that she could even see clearly, but she was only tolerant of these with the width of her perspective.

... This is the legendary white cut black?
What to do, it's even more exciting!

Not long after, an epic hot post appeared on the Yandian campus forum:

[Title: What to do, my girl, I'm about to fall in love with md!How could there be such a perfect person in the world! 】

The main building of the post is based on the perspective of Ming Dai's classmate, and tells about her cognition and understanding of Ming Dai during the half month of getting along with her. When writing prose, it is called hype.

What's even more miraculous is that almost none of the students who followed the thread refuted it, and they all recognized the author, at most, the degree of recognition was different.

【Yesterday, I had an elective class with Ming Dai. She came from behind me, picked up the pencil case I dropped, and a unique fragrance came to my nostrils... Who knows if it's really an idol drama?I almost fell in love with her at that moment!How could there be such a natural beauty!She is literally glowing! 】

[Can the landlord be less yy?My wife got angry when she saw it, and she is coaxing me! 】

【Heh, let me wake him up! 】

[Ming Dai is really a nice person. Last time we were rehearsing a play, we were short of someone to hold props. My classmate suddenly lost his mind. He stopped her passing by and asked if he could help, but she actually agreed!Then I stood holding the props for 10 minutes!I'm about to refresh my understanding of entertainment stars! 】

【Wake up upstairs, there is only one Mingdai! 】

【I'm so envious of Ming Dai's roommate, I'm so jealous that I'm biting my handkerchief! 】

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