Chapter 588 Father and Son
Gu Changming pressed the vibrating mobile phone on the table with one hand, thinking silently.

Let the phone continue to ring for a long time before picking it up when he was about to hang up.

The one who greeted him was Gu Qi who lashed out at him and reprimanded him:
"Why did it take so long to answer the phone!"

No matter how gentle and educated he is on the surface, Gu Zinelli is an autocratic and domineering superior, this is true for his subordinates, and especially for his son.

Therefore, Gu Changming, whom he placed high hopes on, was always trembling and afraid of him under the pressure of his father all the year round.

But now that Gu Changming was reborn, everything changed.

He still remembered that in his previous life, Feng Gu went bankrupt and all the properties of the Gu family were liquidated. In order to avoid his own property being implicated, his mother Wei immediately signed a divorce agreement, drew a clear line with the Gu family, and quickly immigrated abroad to escape the domestic disputes.

At that time, Gu Changming wanted his mother to take him away with him, but his mother didn't do this. Her property was limited, and even if she went abroad, she couldn't live a luxurious life. She had to go to her own brother.

Therefore, the reason why mother Wein didn't bring him is very simple - her own brother, his own uncle, might not be happy.

After all, it is okay to raise a younger sister, but it is unlikely to raise a 30-year-old nephew.

Later, after his mother left, there was no further news, and Gu Changming and his collapsed father Gu Qi were left face to face.

Gu Changming once feared, revered, respected, admired his father... and even longed to be like him.

In the short few years when Feng Gu went bankrupt and the Gu family fell into decline, Gu Changming completely dispelled the filter of his father.

Originally, that sum of money was enough for them to buy a small house and settle down in Yanjing, so that they could find a job later and get up again step by step.

However, Gu Qi's eyes were good and his hands were low, so he insisted on using the money to invest in order to make a lot of money. In the end, he kept tossing and tossing, and finally made the father and son's remaining property empty, and owed a lot of foreign debts by the way.

In order to repay the money and return to the most ordinary life, Gu Changming really tasted the taste of poverty.

He worked hard, and the proud son of heaven has since become an ordinary person. It took him a long time to adapt to the huge gap.

And his father, Gu Qi, still had to use his hard-earned rent money to buy wine, play cards, and speculate in stocks... Let the father and son move from a community with a good location to an old community, and later live in a village in the city.

The reality drained the warmth between the father and son and tore away the illusion of father's kindness and filial piety. The two quarreled constantly every day, and even the neighbors knew that the relationship between the Gu family and his son was very bad.

Before Gu Changming was reborn, he had just had a big fight with his father, who was drunk and paralyzed.

Suddenly jumping from the mood of resentment and dissatisfaction to the environment of more than ten years ago, how could Gu Changming seamlessly switch his mood?

Looking at Gu Qi right now, he is still disdainful and contemptuous, as if he peeled off Gu Qi's bluff surface, and saw his cowardly inside.

Gu Changming snorted softly, but didn't answer Gu Qi's question at all.

Gu Qi's voice became deeper and deeper: "Gu Changming?"

There is already a warning here.

Gu Changming couldn't feel any fear at all. Instead, because of his more than ten years of prophetic experience, he placed himself in a high position and examined Gu Qi's ability from top to bottom.

Gu Changming's tone was light and casual: "Dad, what do you want from me?"

Gu Qi felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

And this time there is something to say, Gu Qi didn't care too much about it, and directly scolded:
"I watched the video about Gu Lingsi on the Internet. What do you think? Why did you suddenly target her? Do you know how much this move will cause Fenggu's stock price?"

"Really? But I think if we don't care about it, Feng Gu will be affected even more if this matter is exposed in the future."

Gu Changming is not groundless.

One of the direct triggers of Feng Gu's bankruptcy in the previous life was the real and fake daughter of the Gu family.

At that time, the whole world knew Ming Dai's innocence and innocence, and regretted and repented for her passing. Because of her death, Ming Dai became an insurmountable white moonlight in everyone's hearts. Dai's culprit, cast aside by the whole people.

The public began to spontaneously boycott all related products of Fenggu Group, the stock price of Fenggu plummeted, and the capital crocodiles who had been secretly coveting for a long time took the opportunity to rush out to share Fenggu...

The landslide and tsunami also showed the industry the power of so-called public opinion. It turns out that a dead person can bring such a strong follow-up reaction.

Of course, no one would believe these things before they happened.

Just like Gu Qi, he only felt that this incident affected his reputation as the chairman, and let outsiders point and point at Gu's family affairs, which hurt the shareholders' trust in him... Most importantly, he lost his face!

So Gu Qi couldn't understand Gu Changming's words, instead he reprimanded angrily:

"What you're talking about is just a possibility, and the loss I'm suffering is happening right now! Now the outside world is discussing that my Gu family's family style is not upright, does it sound good? Besides! Even if Gu Lingsi is not the blood of my Gu family, then she is taken by the Gu family. I have raised her for 18 years, and I have spent so much money and effort on her, she deserves to repay me! Look at the good deeds you have done! Now that Gu Lingsi's reputation is rotten, who would want to marry her? "

Gu Changming knew what Gu Qi was planning as soon as he heard it.

"You arranged a marriage for Gu Lingsi?"

Gu Qi hesitated, but said it anyway.

"Well, it's the Kang family."

Gu Changming almost laughed out loud, and by the way admired Gu Qi's cruelty!

Although the Kang family is not as good as the Ning family, they have been rivals with the Ning family for many years. They have feuds and never get in touch with each other.

Gu Lingsi was divorced by Ning Shi, and her reputation in the upper class was greatly reduced. Most families would not choose to marry Gu Lingsi back home, fearing to offend Ning Shi.

The Kang family is different, even if they go to disgust the Ning family, they will most likely accept the marriage with the Gu family and marry Gu Lingsi!
But here comes the problem!
The third generation of the Kang family are all young, and the only adult is the eldest lady of the Kang family, and the oldest male of the three generations of the Kang family is 13 years old this year, exactly the first day of junior high school!

This Young Master Kang will get engaged at least five years later, and Gu Qi will never gamble on an uncertain matter.

Therefore, Gu Lingsi's marriage contract can only be in the adult second generation of the Kang family.

The second generation of the Kang family has three sons, the second son is married, and the youngest son was divorced some time ago, but he is just a waste, holding the family trust to eat and wait to die, Gu Qi probably doesn't like it.

Then the only suitable person is Kang Shaowei, the eldest son of the Kang family, who is now in power of the Kang family, and who lost his wife two years ago.

Kang Shaowei just celebrated his 19th birthday last year. He has two daughters and a son. The [-]-year-old Miss Kang's family is his daughter from his late wife, and she is one year older than Gu Lingsi!
(End of this chapter)

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