Before coming to Mingdai Villa, Su Fangyun knew that she went to a party with Mu's friends last night and came home late.

So, she purposely squeezed the time and arrived at Ming Dai's house at about 10:30 in the morning.

Ming Dai should get up at this point.Su Fangyun thought to himself.

Immediately afterwards, she habitually didn't press the password, but rang the doorbell.

After waiting for about a minute, someone opened the door.

"Dai Dai, share your..."

The next words were forced to stop in strong surprise.

Su Fangyun looked at the man in front of him dumbfounded, almost thinking that she was wrong——

Top-quality linen shirts are delicate and difficult to take care of. They must be carefully ironed to keep them wrinkle-free. However, the shirt on the man in front of him obviously does not meet the standard after care, but is rather wrinkled.

Even the man's hair is not as neatly combed as usual, but scattered on his forehead, softening his cold and indifferent eyebrows and eyes, less the distant and alienation that he dare not approach, and more the lazy and casual nature of being at home.

Su Fangyun opened his mouth slightly, and remained silent for a long time.



He Muchao Su Fangyun nodded, his expression calm and calm.

Su Fangyun felt a strange feeling in his heart, a little annoyed, a little irritable, and even hostile to the man in front of him.

That's right, hostility.

Although Su Fangyun is not considered a herbivore, he is still far behind a top predator like He Mu who is prone to changing colors in mountains and rivers.

But the hostility she unreservedly releases now goes straight to He Mu, as if a weak animal is provoking a giant, which is an absolute taboo for the animal kingdom in the food chain.

Even Su Fangyun knew it in her heart, but she still chose to do it.

This is probably due to the instinct of motherhood to protect cubs.

Su Fangyun's face was not very good-looking, and He Mu observed carefully.

He also understood why Su Fangyun stared at him unhappily.

Normally, he wouldn't allow others to look at him like this.

But today is different.

He Mu thought of Ming Dai who hadn't gotten up on the second floor, and said to Su Fangyun:

"She was a little drunk last night and is sleeping now. You can go up and see her."

Su Fangyun raised his eyebrows high, feeling something was wrong.

If the two of them really... Cough, Mr. He shouldn't be so generous as to let her set foot in their bedroom, right?
The dubious Su Fangyun responded with a half-hearted smile.

Step into the house and skillfully change into slippers.

Before taking two steps, Su Fangyun could smell the faint fragrance of rice in the air.

Are you... making porridge with your husband?
Su Fangyun's expression became more and more strange.

On the contrary, He Mu himself was very calm, nodded to Su Fangyun, and continued to go into the kitchen to guard his casserole.

Su Fangyun stared at Mu's back for a while, then quickly stepped up to the second floor, and stepped cautiously into Mingdai's bedroom area——

Ming Dai was still sleeping, the clothes on her body were probably worn when she went out last night, rubbing against the quilt, it was even more exaggerated than Mr. He's linen shirt, wrinkled and sticking to her body like sour pickles.

Even Ming Dai's hair fell out of the quilt in a mess, and her sleeping posture was extremely distorted.

Seeing this scene, Su Fangyun immediately understood why Mr. He let her go upstairs.

Probably because she was worried that she might misunderstand, so she was specially asked to come up to check.

This thought is really...

Su Fangyun's heart dropped, and he couldn't help but leaned forward to look at Ming Dai.

The little face is clean, yo ho, it looks like you took off your makeup with Mr.
"Dedai, wake up."

In fact, it was almost time for Ming Dai to wake up.

So when Su Fangyun yelled, Ming Dai quickly opened her eyes in a daze.

Suddenly seeing Sister Su appearing in front of her eyes, Ming Dai was startled and sat up abruptly.

"Su, Miss Su?"

Ming Dai stuttered when she spoke, her head was still in a daze when she just woke up, and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

"We made an appointment to talk about things today."

Su Fangyun had no choice but to remind her.

This sentence finally reminded Ming Dai of what she had agreed with Sister Su on the phone before going out yesterday.

Ming Dai was startled: "What time is it?"

Su Fangyun replied: "Ten thirty-six."

Ming Dai lowered her head and found the clothes she hadn't changed, and the memory of last night gradually emerged.

By the way, it was He Mu who sent her back, and she was still pulling He Mu, almost telling the story of her previous life.

What about He Mu?Should have left?
Ming Dai thought about it.

But Su Fangyun overturned Ming Dai's conjecture in due course.

"I'm cooking porridge in the kitchen downstairs with my husband."

Listen, what a few words that don't match.

and mr.

Cook porridge.

While Su Fangyun sighed, he also felt that this matter should be the case for Ming Dai.

My own cub, no matter how you look at it, it is good, and it is worthy of the most beautiful things in the world!
Ming Dai was also shocked by this sentence.

"He's still downstairs? Didn't he come home last night?"

"That's right. So you know now how frightened I was when I knocked on the door?"

Su Fangyun said helplessly, but he was thinking about another question in his heart.

Some things should be taught by female elders, but the so-called mother who raised Ming Dai from a young age can tell at a glance that she is definitely not the character to patiently explain these issues to Ming Dai.

There are some things that only she can do.

Su Fangyun took a deep breath.

And Ming Dai was thinking about what happened after she fell asleep last night, and was startled by Su Fangyun's serious expression.

Ming Dai immediately thought of other things: "Could it be that what I said yesterday was lost?"

Su Fangyun shook his head seriously: "It's a more important matter. Dai Dai, since you are already 19 years old and have a boyfriend, you must be clear about those things."

Immediately afterwards, Su Fangyun broke down the topic of "how girls should protect themselves" to Ming Dai, and at the same time briefed on the different physiological structures between men and women, as well as some common physiological knowledge.

Ming Dai, who was caught off guard by listening to a physiology class, was dizzy.

"Good! Good! I see!"

Ming Dai blushed, and quickly interrupted Su Fangyun.

Su Fangyun still felt that he had not said enough.

"Did you really understand? Don't need me to repeat? Or explain some places?"

"I understand, I understand!"

Ming Dai's head was biting like a chicken pecking at rice.

Su Fangyun was finally satisfied.

"Are you getting up?"

Ming Dai hummed twice, quickly lifted the quilt, and sneaked into the bathroom.

Su Fangyun looked at Ming Dai's shy back with a smile.

Suddenly, Ming Dai stopped and turned to look at Su Fangyun.

"But... Sister Su." Ming Dai, with red earlobes, showed an extraordinarily bright smile, "Thank you for telling me this like a mother."

Su Fangyun smiled accordingly.

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